I am somewhat let down (like the markets)...


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
That REDWAVE hasn't popped in to point out the collapse of the free world...

I guess his broker has him on hold.

RED's just got to be tied up selling his stock at a loss in order to strike a blow against evil capitalism!

Why bother?

Why should I bother, SIN, when you're doing it for me? The market's down over a hundred points so far today, back down near 8,000. So far, it's found a "support point" there: whenever it gets down close to 8,000, it rebounds. If it should go below 8,000, then there's no telling how low it can crash.

Remember not too long ago when the stock market touts were predicting Dow 36,000?

On a day to day basis, the stock market fluctuates. It goes up and then down, then up again. (Yeah, sort of like sex.) You can go crazy trying to make sense of the gyrations of the stock market, unless you keep in mind that underlying economic fundamentals dictate the course of all the markets. And those fundamentals are overwhelmingly bad. The collapse of the huge stock market bubble of the 1990's has left massive overcapacity, especially in the key sectors of high tech and telecom. Business investment has collapsed, and has not really been revived by Greenspan's repeated cuts in interest rates. I suggest that the experience of the Japanese economy in the 1990's, which remained mired in recession despite the central bank cutting interest rates at one point to zero and massive public spending, shows where the entire global capitalist economy is at now. We are still near the beginning of a global recession/depression which will last for many years, creating enormous social and political upheaval.

Market's down over a hundred points again this morning-- down near the magic 8,000 mark.