I am looking for a woman with the following qualifications/talents....please sign-up


Flirtin' an' stalkin'
Nov 7, 2002
OK, here is the list.....just check off the talents/characteristics that match your own and see if you can be the lucky woman chosen!

1. Tongue must be able to touch the bridge of the nose....

2. Breasts must be large enough, and firm enough, to be able to hold a paperback novel between them while walking around a room without it falling....

3. Nipples must be long enough to test the limits of your typical pool cue chalk.....

4. Must be allergic to wearing panties....

5. Must be multi-orgasmic...

6. Must be loud when multi-orgasmitrating.....(I know it isn't a word...but it should be!)....

7. Must be comfortable in most positions any seasoned yoga expert of 25 years could get into....

8. Must have a love for going down that is only exceeded by a love for staying down.....

9. Must have exceedingly low standards for me, or have incredibly poor eyesight if around me....

OK, that is my list...all women who match my list will be allowed to PM me and ask me out. Thanks for reading....
The PM's are not flying around are they....

...perhaps I was a tad too rigid in my requirements....lol...
Re: The PM's are not flying around are they....

jeff_is_smiling said:
...perhaps I was a tad too rigid in my requirements....lol...

i thinking maybe!

5 out of 9

I'm usually better at tests.

Best wishes in your search, I hope you find exactly what will fulfill you best.
Whoo-hoooo...I made 2 of 9! Of course, I'm a guy, so maybe that's really 2 of 10? *L*
Re: Let's see, I am in but only if

sultryslayer said:
you have an 8 inch cock as thick as a cucumber.

You are able to quickly recharge after cumming. I am talking 5 minutes cause I have an insatiable appetite for fucking.

You are going to tongue my clit as long as I want you to and I don't want to hear any yapping about how your tongue hurts. Just keep licking!

Also it is good to be open to new things...meaning I don't want to stay in every night licking your balls and serving you beer. You have to take me out every once in a while and show the world what a hot chicky you found.


Now wait a minute! What is with this giving YOU some sort of vote...lol....this is my fantasy dammit! And for your information, when it comes to cock size, I have 10 inches...5 on the way up the other 5 on the way down...lol....and if the cucumber is about 2 inches side to side and 6 inches around....I am that thick....

My tongue never tires...never....and I don't drink beer....but I would LOVE to show you around....what's your address again?
Re: Re: lol

cherrypi28 said:
i got 6 out of 9!!!!

i like the being loud part im good that!!!!!

Being good at loud gives extra credit points....of course I would have to judge how loud you really are...when should we start?
I didn't expect much more than 3 out of 9...

Georgia Girl said:

5 out of 9

I'm usually better at tests.

Best wishes in your search, I hope you find exactly what will fulfill you best.

5 of 9 gets you in the running.....maybe for you I'll ask some multiple choice questions and allow some leeway on the answers?
Re: I didn't expect much more than 3 out of 9...

jeff_is_smiling said:
5 of 9 gets you in the running.....maybe for you I'll ask some multiple choice questions and allow some leeway on the answers?

I'll await my questions.
Re: Re: Re: lol

jeff_is_smiling said:
Being good at loud gives extra credit points....of course I would have to judge how loud you really are...when should we start?

im a screamer and a moaner, ialso very verbal!!! do i get the multiple choice questions too?

how sad am i? u got twice as many response as i did on my post..maybe i should be more demanding huh?
Re: Re: Re: Re: lol

cherrypi28 said:
im a screamer and a moaner, ialso very verbal!!! do i get the multiple choice questions too?

how sad am i? u got twice as many response as i did on my post..maybe i should be more demanding huh?

Yes, you can have multiple choice questions as well....and I am sorry about your thread...I was there and answered....and of course noted that we are 2000 miles apart...lol...
Last edited:
6 of 9 is great....

cheesysusie said:
6 of 9! not half bad.

especially if one of the questions you got right was the last one about having poor eyesight or low standards when it comes to me...lol...
Extra credit questions

Special extra questions for georgia Girl and cherrypi (and anyone else who wants to play)

1. When at a movie with a man on a first date, do you:

a. Sit properly and attentively watch the movie. Little contact is expected.
b. Sit comfortably and watch the man for his reactions as well as the movie. You are hoping he'll put his arm around your shoulders or place a hand on your leg.
c. Sit low in the chair for privacy, occasionally whispering comments in a soft voice to the man. You place your hand on his leg...especially at scary or exciting parts and ask him to place his arm around your shoulder.
d. Sit with your thigh on his thigh keeping your hands on his body most of the time. If he places a hand on your leg, you move so that it must touch your thigh and then spread a little bit. You WANT him to touch you freely.

2. When initially chatting with a man on the phone:

a. You are just trying to find out about the man. You try to stay open about things, but not let things get too casual too quickly. The call is a short one.
b. You are hoping that the man will open up some to you and attempt to talk in such a way as to make him feel more comfortable. Besides his chat, you are also listening to his voice because a man's voice can change how you think about him sometimes.
c. You talk fairly openly on the phone. Time length of the call is not an issue and any topic is OK. If the man has interested you enough, you will start using some suggestive statements to see how he will react, hoping he will do the same thing.
d. You are direct on the phone...very friendly, but direct. You would ask what he is wearing straight out...and use the conversation to please yourself...however you neede to be pleased. If he has a good voice, you let him know how it makes you feel.

OK, answer with the appropriate letter that is closest to what you would REALLY do...explaining in detail after each answer is expected.

d and d

i would actually reach out and place my hand on his thigh and start rubbing it, slowly moving my hand back and forth, farther and farther till oops, did i cause that?

i love phone sex...i would say something along the line of....im laying here naked, and very excited....wanna......well you get the picture!:devil:
Re: honestly

cherrypi28 said:
d and d

i would actually reach out and place my hand on his thigh and start rubbing it, slowly moving my hand back and forth, farther and farther till oops, did i cause that?

i love phone sex...i would say something along the line of....im laying here naked, and very excited....wanna......well you get the picture!:devil:

Wanna go to the movies with me? Also, what was your phone number? I think you'd like my voice
Re: Re: honestly

jeff_is_smiling said:
Wanna go to the movies with me? Also, what was your phone number? I think you'd like my voice

be careful what you ask for....you may just get it!:eek:
Re: Re: Re: honestly

cherrypi28 said:
be careful what you ask for....you may just get it!:eek:

By the way, is the AV of the luscious cleavage you by any chance?
Re: Re: Re: Re: honestly

jeff_is_smiling said:
By the way, is the AV of the luscious cleavage you by any chance?

bt of course it is...btw you look alot like my ex...hmmmmmm
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: honestly

cherrypi28 said:
bt of course it is...btw you look alot like my ex...hmmmmmm

Trust me...I am NOT your ex...how can I prove it to you? Hmmm???

make me scream with that tongue....

sent youa couple of surprises...hope i dont scare you away....

btw....in response to the phone question..i have unlimited long distance and unlimited minutes...so time is never an issue....

i must sleep now...kisses and licks lover