I am gonna kick that cat's furry ass


Just a bit tied up...
Nov 27, 2000
if he doesn't leave the damn Christmas decorations alone.

All I want is one more day. Sheesh.
If I didn't have a soft spot for cats myself, I'd have real, unshredded furniture.
Temptress_1960 said:
If I didn't have a soft spot for cats myself, I'd have real, unshredded furniture.

I have 2 of the furry lil pricks running my life so I sympathize.

Where did I lose control of this situation? Where? It seemed so innocent, they these cute little balls of fur, and then it happened.

They grew up and took over the house. I now realize they are under the impresion I am the pet.
I know what you mean.

Four cats.

Count them, 4.

two tiger cats, two black and white.

I have totally lost any semblance of control.
To retain shred free furniture, acquire one large red dog.

To regain control of life, house and furniture....... ah well that's another problem!

I may sit on the couch at some point....... if he let's me!:D
I don't have shredded furniture, but I do have ornaments all over the floor. Especially the satin balls, they drive her crazy.

What? I didn't put them up on the tree for her to swat down and chase across the living room?
I just heard them knock something else down.

It sounded quite destructive.

Soblue said:
I don't have shredded furniture, but I do have ornaments all over the floor. Especially the satin balls, they drive her crazy.

What? I didn't put them up on the tree for her to swat down and chase across the living room?

Sounds like de-clawing is in oreder for the new year! :D
No, I couldn't do that. It's cruel, and they all go outside. We're right beside the National Forest, too, so lots of predators here.

*sighs again*
I understand. My new pup has rendered the Christmas tree
tinseless. :D
I guess you didn't hang all of your ornaments on the top half of the tree? lol

My cats managed to leave mine up all through the Christmas season. The aloe vera plant didn't fair so well. *sniff*