I am a troll


Jun 8, 2000
Not really, but please feel free to blame me for anything and everything. Maybe then y'all will get this out of your systems and we can move on to something more entertaining.

Like my boots. ;)
Shit, I was looking forward to initiating you into the club. (that's my dirty PERV cliche of the week)
and here I thought we were goint to Troll ou tthe barrel.
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a ..... oh hang on, thats not what we are singing here.
Trolling along.


<VIXENSHE'S TROLL>:devil: The Cold,Cruel One.
April said:
Not really, but please feel free to blame me for anything and everything. Maybe then y'all will get this out of your systems and we can move on to something more entertaining.

Like my boots. ;)

First off, if that's you in the AV April, I'll take a troll any day.

Second, thanks for taking the blame... really... great of you. I feel like I owe you a drink now or something.

finally, can we move off the boots....?

Like I said, blame me for everything. Even global warming if it makes you feel better.

Okay, we can move off the boots. Let's talk about coats then. ;)
Not me in the av. Sorry.
i'm a troll hunter.

and i'm sorry, but i'm going to have to hunt you, then. because a troll is a troll. and a roll is a roll. and if we don't hunt no trolls, then we don't get no rolls.

i made that up meself.
April said:
Not really, but please feel free to blame me for anything and everything. Maybe then y'all will get this out of your systems and we can move on to something more entertaining.

Like my boots. ;)
Is there a difference between a troll and a stalker? Why do I keep wanting to look over my shoulder and see if someone's behind me?
Jim_Henson said:
I want a troll!
Are you mature enough to clean up after it? We're not bringing a troll in here until you accept full responsibility, you know? I don't want to hear you whining when the troll needs attention while you were asleep - once it's your troll it's YOUR troll, you understand me? Now, if it's alright with your mother it's alright by me.
Bushie, you really need to show up a little more often.

Good to see ya! :D
LukkyKnight said:
Are you mature enough to clean up after it? We're not bringing a troll in here until you accept full responsibility, you know? I don't want to hear you whining when the troll needs attention while you were asleep - once it's your troll it's YOUR troll, you understand me? Now, if it's alright with your mother it's alright by me.

And don't forget to water it. They dry out, you know. I think they lose a lot of moisture from running their mouths so much.
Thanks April, of course it didn't help that my computer got fried by lightning. (It had her phone number on it.)
And your only the one thousandth person to tell me that!

::::>thwap< smacks the fanny::::