I am a symbolicly motivated type of person... An oppourtunity for you to join....

bad kitty said:
Hey there miss # 5093 ;)

Nice, huh.

Hey, I stole this off the Beastie Boys website.

Don't thank me, thank CJ-TedRiot.
I am too. That's why I put clean underwear on every morning.:D
I like Chineese
I like Chineese
They only come up to your knees
Yet they're always friendly and they're ready to please

I like Chineese
I like Chineese
There is 900 million of them in the world today
You better learn to like them thats what I say

I like Chineese
I like Chineese
They come from a long way overseas
But they're cute and they're cuddley and they're ready to please

Etc Etc Etc

Monty Python
That is sooooo fucking racist SP!

Fuck you! That is soooo fucking wrong.

;) to tortoise
Hey, Pete, I think that they've increased that figure another 200 million since then. Gawd! What a machine.:cool: