HusseinObama and Michelle Toned Armz tighten their belts


Jan 23, 2011
HusseinObama and Michelle Toned Armz tighten their belts

To hear Obama use the word "we" when describing how "we" are all tightening our belts in our private lives nearly made the top of my head explode. Honestly, these people do not possess the self-awareness that most toddlers exhibit. ~ Diann Russell

“We’ve got a structural problem in this country. ”What you’ve got is middle class and working class Americans who are being squeezed and working longer hours for less pay; it’s harder for them to find jobs that pay a living wage. And it’s those structural long-term issues that I think Democrats are going to be debating on because that points to whether or not my children… are going to have the same standards of living we had growing up.”
Barack Hussein Obama, 2004 (Discussing a jobs report of 300,000 new jobs.)

We are going to have to ask everybody to sacrifice. And if we’re asking community colleges to sacrifice, if we’re asking people who are going to see potentially fewer services in their neighborhoods to make a little sacrifice, then we can ask millionaires and billionaires to make a little sacrifice.
President Barack Obama

We left corporate America, which is a lot of what we're asking young people to do. Don't go into corporate America. You know, become teachers. Work for the community. Be social workers. Be a nurse. Those are the careers that we need, and we're encouraging our young people to do that.
Michelle Obama

I always tell Malia and Sasha, look, you guys, I don't worry about you. I mean, I worry the way parents worry, but they’re on a path that is going to be successful, even if the country as a whole is not successful.”
President Barack Obama, November 2011
Mme. Thenarbama:
I used to dream that I would meet a prince
But God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since?

Master of the house? Isn't worth me spit!
`Comforter, philosopher' and lifelong shit!
Cunning little brain, regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house!​
its good to be the KING

I know!


all why belt tightening lil Johhny by not lettiin him visit
They pay their own way from the salaries they earn.

The rest of the cost is for support from Secret Service, the military and other staff, which is all provided by acts of Congress, not the President.

Not that you would ever care to learn about any of that. You have too much fun making pictures and typing naughty words.
TIGHT BELTS!>>>>>>>>.
Ah, It’s Good To Be King: Obama Begins Vacation

The better question is when has he stopped being on vacation? Obama takes every weekend off to play golf. If you check his schedule, most of the time, he isn’t checking in to “work” until about 11 am, and there are frequently no real work events scheduled. Unlike George W. Bush who used to wake up early, arrive to work at 6:45, have the daily Presidential briefing at 7 am (yes, that’s when the daily briefing was in fact daily) and then work throughout the day.

At a time when he is claiming the evils of sequester, it is just a bit insensitive to jet off to tony Martha’s Vineyard to spend millions of our dollars. Oh, and did I mention that the kids are coming later, therefore, more money to jet them there, as opposed to simply all going together.

Via USA Today:

President Obama and his family are heading to Martha’s Vineyard on Saturday for a week of rest and relaxation, but not before facing the ritual partisan grumblings that presidential vacations are extravagant and waste taxpayer money.

While Congress is in the midst of its own five-week break, Republican officials haven’t missed the opportunity to question the president for heading to the upscale Massachusetts community at a time when automatic cuts to the federal budget have left the Defense Department and other agencies furloughing employees.

Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, said no one begrudges the president taking some time with his family. But Stewart, who earlier this year introduced a resolution calling on Obama to skip vacations until the White House restored public tours — mothballed as a result of across-the-board federal cuts known as sequestration— suggested the president’s trip to the upscale community in Chilmark, Mass., appears “tone deaf.”

“Most of the people in my district could never afford to visit Martha’s Vineyard, and those who could would feel uncomfortable vacationing in a place that has a reputation for being for the elite,” said Stewart in a telephone interview from his district.

No Joke: Obama’s Dog Flies Separately To Family’s Vacation Aboard Military Aircraft…

Our tax dollars hard at work.

Via Telegraph:

When President Barack Obama goes on holiday to the seaside things can get complicated.

Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs, and of course the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.

Arriving in the idyllic coastal retreat of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, Mr Obama left behind him in Washington DC high profile debates over the budget, government surveillance and his health care reforms. Instead, he will spend the next eight days playing golf, going to the beach, and buying books from the Bunch of Grapes bookstore.

In the air he swapped his suit and tie for khakis and a blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves, while Mrs Obama wore a yellow-and-white summer dress.

Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys, a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane.
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Heroes of The Working Class Dine With Fellow Elitists At Expensive Martha’s Vineyard Restaurant…

Must be nice.

Via Keith Koffler:

Dinner can easily run above $200 for two, even if the Obamas stick to the Let’s Move diet plan and share dessert.

Maybe they started with the Menemsha Lobster Soup And Salad, which according tothe menu includes “Lobster crema accompanied by a lobster corn bread panzanella, corn salsa and chervil.” Not sure what some of that stuff is, but I want it.

President Obama proved Sunday night that even as he fights for “the middle class” he prefers to hang out with “the upper class,” indulging in an expensive repast at the overpriced “The Sweet Life Cafe” on Martha’s Vineyard.

ANNALS OF THE .00001 PERCENT: Obama stays at private equity guru’s $7.6 million Martha’s Vineyard house.

Heroes of The Working Class Dine With Fellow Elitists At Expensive Martha’s Vineyard Restaurant…

Must be nice.

Via Keith Koffler:

Dinner can easily run above $200 for two, even if the Obamas stick to the Let’s Move diet plan and share dessert.

Maybe they started with the Menemsha Lobster Soup And Salad, which according tothe menu includes “Lobster crema accompanied by a lobster corn bread panzanella, corn salsa and chervil.” Not sure what some of that stuff is, but I want it.

President Obama proved Sunday night that even as he fights for “the middle class” he prefers to hang out with “the upper class,” indulging in an expensive repast at the overpriced “The Sweet Life Cafe” on Martha’s Vineyard.
I'm not surprised that you read Keith Koffler. Maybe if you paid him for his work, he could afford that meal he's interested in.