Husbands PA Takes Control of the Situation


Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2002
* reserved

6' 2" tall, two hundred and fiften pounds, a former linebacker in high school and college. Handsome in a rugged way. Single at the moment and focused on his career.

My name is Carson Benning and I am a 24 year old graduate of the University of Georgia. I majored in business and played football until a knee injury sidelined me. I was fortunate enough to find a tempory job as a personal assistant for a big fortune 500 firm. If I proved myself I had the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder and get a more permanant position. After a two week orientation, I was assigned to work under Sean Hastings, a senior manager. He was an older man about 45 years old. Mr. Hastings told me I would be training in the office for a couple of moree weeks but eventually I would be working from his home sometimes during the week. I didn't have a problem with that, I was willing to do whatever it took to advance and learn the ropes, if you know what I mean. While he was interviewing me I noticed a photo on his desk of a very pretty woman. Sean was wearing a wedding ring so I assumed that he was married. That must be his wife, I thought, although she looked somewhat younger than him. Lucky guy.

Sean told me that my first assignment for the day was to drive to his home in a gated community and retrieve some important paperwork that he needed to fax by closing. His home fax machine was not functioning at the moment. No problem really, how difficult could that be ? Sean informed me that he would call his wife to let her know I was coming over. He also said he would tell her to give me a tour of their nine bedroom estate since I would be working there. So I got on the elevator and made my way to the parking garage where my pride and joy custom Mustang was. Setting my GPS I set off to the suburds. After showing my pass to the guy at the gate, I drove into a very wealthy neighborhood. These houses had to cost millions of dollars if not more. There was even a golf course and country club. In awe I stopped at the gate , punching in the pass code and entering a circular driveway with a marble fountain in the center. Damn, it made my one room apartment look like I lived in the ghetto.

Adjusting my tie I got out of my car and approached the door and rang the bell. To tell the truth I felt a little nervous, meeting Mrs Hastings for the first time. I brushed my thick brown hair back with my fingers. I last thing I expected was to be greeted by a total goddess. She was even more beautiful in person than her photo suggested.
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Reilly Hastings was getting more and more frustrated. Her offices had been severely damaged by the recent storms and were still being assessed for safety by whatever agency was in charge of approving or denying reentry. So almost all of her people were working from home. Which in and of itself wasn't a major issue, until-in Reilly's case-the combination printer/scanner/fax decided to break down. As the owner and CEO of a very discrete yet very profitable tech company that provided cyber- and physical security for some of the most intimidating of corporations, it was excruciating timing. Worse, she didn't have access to her secretary, which more than tripled her normal work load. She didn't notice the alert on her personal cell phone that her husband was sending someone over, so busy was she with trying to track appointments, paperwork, and myriad issues that was usually handled by others.

Many assumed that Reilly had married Sean for Sean's money. She had grown up lower middle class, but like many of her generation had served her country abroad in the military as an intelligence officer. After getting out though, she had built her company from the ground up-something that several of her fellow officers had done, and with much more flair. Flashiness wasn't part of Reilly's game plan-yes, flamboyancy attracted significant attention from the big companies initially, and many of those security start ups were doing very well. But Reilly's unassuming yet direct style and reserved way of doing things had made strides for her company that others had failed to achieve. Because of that, she was entirely self secured, and really had married Sean for love. However, due to the busy nature of their careers, they were both frustrated. His recent mention of hiring a personal assistant had her on her guard, as she was well aware of the aspirations of many of the young women. Sean, she had little doubts about, but those he might employ...

She was on the phone yet again with the company that had leased the Hastings the all-in-one secure printer when one of the house staff showed a stranger into their home office.

"You've been saying that for two days now; I don't care about the parts it needs, I need it to work. Either send someone to repair it, send someone to replace it, or I'm going with another company that said they would have it in later this afternoon. Good bye." She hung up from the call and looked impatiently at her visitor. "Yes?"

"Mrs. Hastings, this is Mr. Benning. He says Mr. Hastings sent him to retrieve some paperwork he needs to fax today," Paula, one of the cleaning ladies-necessary but an affront to Reilly's frugal nature-introduced them. Reilly closed her eyes-she had no idea where Sean's paperwork would be in the sea of her own surrounding her.

"Hello, Mr. Benning. I apologize, I thought I knew all of Sean's colleagues. I take it things are that hectic that he had to send you, rather than one of the secretaries," she gave a wry smile and gestured around her as she moved to greet the man. He was much bigger than her own 5ft4, 115lb frame, but after 15 years in the military, big men rarely intimidated her. "I apologize for the mess. My offices had a tree come down on the roof, so we're all working from home for the foreseeable future. I hope Sean gave you implicit directions on locating those papers, because I doubt I'll be much assistance in that regard."

To his credit, the young man barely seemed to register the low cut of her business blouse and her loose breasts beneath it. Had she been expecting anyone, she would have donned the jacket currently draped over her office chair, and been forewarned. Thinking of that, she picked up her personal phone and frowned at the missed call notification on the front before plastering on a smile and extending her hand.
Sad to say, I was in kind of in a awkward stupor just looking at her. She appeared alot younger than her husband, if not sort of razzled. Reilly offered her soft hand along with a dazzling smile. She reminded me of a girlfriend I had back in college. I listened as she explained that a tree had knocked her internet and fax machine and had disrupted everything.
" Pleased to meet you Mrs. Hastings." I had a feeling I was going to like working here. If I wasn't mistaken, her nipples were poking out of the silk blouse she wore. I did my best not to stare and concentrated on her deep brown eyes.
"Yeah that tree probably knocked out the line to your house and they will have to send someboby out to fix it. I would do it myself but I don't have the tools. Or the experience."
Reilly didn't respond but just ran her fingers through her hair as if looking for something in the clutter.
We were at an impasse, Mrs Hastings had no idea what documents that I was supposed to pick up to be taken back to the office to be faxed there, nor did I for that matter. Mr. Hastings had not been that specific. Great and I had wanted so much to make a good impression on my first day. I could call him but what if he was in an important meeting and did not want to be disturbed?
Or giving his gorgeous blonde secretary dictation. Sorry I have a dirty mind, but what kind of man could ever cheat on his beautiful wife ? Whoa no, don't answer that...
"Do you need a little help organizing all this? I doubt I will missed at the firm or at least until I can contact your husband and find out what docoments he wants. Besides I think I will be working here alot in the near future and need to learn the ropes and what better ah well female to teach me!"
Reilly considered the offer as she turned to survey the chaos, but finally shook her head. "No, I appreciate the offer though. Feel free to look around for whatever Sean needs, but put everything else back as is. The different company logos are a dead giveaway as to whom they belong." She gave a wry smile. "Believe it or not, there is a system to this chaos, and I'd rather not learn someone else's at this point." She shook her head again. "Let's start out with coffee. I desperately need some. Follow me, and I'll show you the house. You're probably right that you'll be here quite a bit and should probably learn the layout."

Reilly led the new PA through to the kitchen. "Everything is a mess right now. My downtown offices because of the tree, things here because of the move and poor timing. Usually we have a coffee maker right in the office, but it decided to shit the bed my first day working from home. The printer because of some wear part inside it that the servicer says is on backorder. The house because of the increased traffic through it from me working from home."

She stopped at an intercom box on the wall. "I'm sure you're familiar with these. You can program to almost any room in the house, or just page the whole house. Just scroll through with the touchscreen to find the room, otherwise it defaults to the house. You may need it if you get lost."

She proceeded directly to the coffee maker and filled a cup that had been drying on the side board, then another for Mr. Benning. She realized that the coffee maker was an incongruous touch in the otherwise ultramodern kitchen, and turned with an embarrassed smile. "It may not be up to your standards, I'm sorry. I enjoy other ways of making it from time to time, but these old drip styles are what I've been used to for most of my life, so I stick with it."

Reilly placed her hands on the counter and leaned back, stretching her back a little and rotating her neck before taking her mug again and drinking. "Feel free to help yourself to whatever you need in here. Housekeeping does the dishes twice a day, and we keep things pretty well stocked up. Pans are by the stove, dishes to the right of the sink."

She held her mug and began to walk out of the kitchen, her heels loud on the tiles as she began to move with purpose. "Sean was reading some work papers before bed, so actually they might be on his night stand. Since you're his PA, you may need to pack for him occasionally as well. At least for the next few weeks." She paused to look back impatiently for Benning to catch up. Once he had caught up to her abrupt departure, she walked towards the back of the kitchen and opened a door to the upstairs. "There are several of these hidden stairways. If you need to pack, this is the most direct route-front door to kitchen, kitchen to upstairs, left out of the upstairs door to the end of the hall."

She opened the promised upstairs door and turned, stalking down the sunlit, carpeted hallway and opened the door to the room she shared with Sean. Here, the drapes were wide open as well on the two walls that faced the back yard. Inside, the turned to face the door and Benning. "Sean's dresser is the one next to the bathroom door. The door beside you is his closet, mine is the one next to the bathroom." She gave an amused smile. "It was a compromise-more closet space for me convenient to the bathroom, more ready access to his pocket litter and things convenient to the bathroom. His nightstand is the one closest to the entry to the hall."

Reilly stuffed her hands into the back pockets of her pants and twisted at the mention of Sean's nightstand and spied some paperwork on it. "I don't know if these are it or not," she said, crossing the room to pick them up, then handing them to Benning. "Oh, last thing-security. If you have to come in when nobody is here or after 8 pm, you'll need the code. 841723. There's an alarm box behind the painting to the right of the door. If you don't get it right by the third try, be prepared to sit tight. Everything locks down, immediately. Trying to get back out of the house will result in a broken arm at best, broken ribs and held immobile by the door at worst."
I liked the coffee. No sugar and no cream. And I liked the tour that followed. What red blooded male wouldn't mind following a gorgeous female , married or not, sporting an ass like that ? The heels only enhanced the view. It's a good thing a women can't read someones mind, although that could work both ways. Anyway I think I am going to like this job and spending alot of time here. The house was impressive despite the clutter. It felt lived in, especially the bedroom that she shared with her husband, my new boss. I couldn't help but think that he was one lucky guy! You have to excuse me but every attractive female I see I imagine what she would look like naked or in sexy lingerie. When I was young, I wished that if I could have my choice of one superpower it would be X-ray vision to undress women with my eyes. What can I say I have a very active imagination.
I did my best to pay attention to her instructions and too not focus on her pretty eyes or pouty mouth or her breasts and that perfect ass!
Reilly was saying something about the security system and I tried to pay more attention but was confused about something or other about getting locked in on the third try. Damn I wouldn't mind getting locked in here with her!
"Do you mind if I have another cup of coffee before I take these documents back to the office?" I asked, in no hurry to get back there. I was enjoying the company too much, although I wasn't to sure if she was.
Reilly was annoyed. Benning's eyes wandered over her several times while she was speaking, and she knew that he'd caught only about half of what she'd said. The attraction she recognized and was used to, but two things at once, she thought. And truth to tell, Benning checking her out had served to remind her of the time interval since she'd gotten laid last. It served to foul her mood even more.

She reiterated the security code once more, then turned to lead Benning back down to the kitchen. Maybe the caffeine would serve to smooth her frayed temper. Once in the kitchen, she refilled her cup, then held out the carafe to fill Benning's before leaning back against the counter top. Her direct, intent eyes studied his face as his eyes undressed her yet again. He was attractive, and if she wasn't married could see herself letting him pick her up and wear her out.

"God, Sean better be ready to fuck me silly tonight," she thought to herself. "I need the attitude adjustment-for my own sanity, let alone everyone else's."
Damn if only she wasn't married to my new boss, otherwise I wouldn't mind taking her upstairs to her bedroom or taking her on the kitchen table. But the last thing I wanted was to be slapped on my cheek and get fired on my first day. No I would have to be patient if I was going have this married beauty spread her legs for me. I preferred my females married, there was something special about taking another man's wife and making her submit to me. Maybe it was the power and the rush it provided.

On the other hand, I could tell Rielly looked a little annoyed with my presence. Perhaps it was the way that I was undressing her body with my bold eyes. Alot of young married women married to older guys simply felt that way. Deep down inside they loved the attention from younger males but would never admit it. If I didn't know better, her older husband was probably lame in bed and couldn't satisfy her the way she deserved.

"This coffee really tastes good!" I said, making conversation and in no hurry to leave and go back to the office. I almost added that she would probably taste so much better. She was already irritated with me for some reason, I think.

"Thank you for the coffee Mrs. Hastings ! If you are sure that I can't assist you in any way, I should be getting back to the office before I am missed." I said reluctantly. Hopefully I would be seeing alot more of her in the near future. Tonight I would just have to stroke my big cock at home in my whirlpool while thinking about her.


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"Beware what you offer," Reilly said darkly, yet amused. "With my staff all being remote, you'd just be asking for trouble."

She turned and rinsed her mug, placing it by the carafe for later. "One rule you should be aware of. I'm a coffee fiend. It comes from years of high stress situations. If you take the last cup of coffee, make more-and make it  strong. Once it's done, I can't make it stronger-but I can water it down. But you'll be hard pressed to make it too strong for me."

She turned and began moving back to the office, feeling Benning's eyes on her backside again. "Probably looking for panty lines," she thought to herself. Although the image of him using his hand to search out what he couldn't see secretly thrilled her.

"You've got the security code and general house orientation. Come and go as you need. I trust you can find your way without me telling you, but be neat about it."
I had the feeling I was being dismissed, but perhaps she had better things to do. That was fine with me, I had the feeling we would be spending alot of time together in the future, giving me the opportunity to get to know her better. With a fine classy and married piece of ass like this, would require a certain amount of patience. However I was up to the challenge. I finished my cup of coffee and rinsed it off in the sink before putting it in the dishwasher, wanting to keep it 'neat', like she warned me to do, despite the clutter in the study and other rooms throughout the house. It was definately lived in if you know what I mean, but that was not my concern. I was hired as Mr. Hastings personal assistant for the meantime and this would just be another step up the corporate ladder for me. Mrs. Hastings was just a benefit. An enticing benefit indeed.

Driving back to the office, I couldn't stop thinking about her. There was something about Reilly Hastings I liked... alot. I was not sure why, she was a bit standoffish and independant, married to a wealthy older man who provided her the security she wanted, but some women needed more. It was not like her husband was exactly a younger alpha male.

I was eager to see how this was going to play out. Hopefully to my advantage. I sensed that there was an inner slut waiting to be released.

When I got back to the office my new boss was pleased that I had found the documents he wanted, I didn't tell him his gorgeous wife really did, and he told me that tomorrow my assisnment was to go to his home and organize all his files in the office. I didn't bother to tell him that his wife had her own ideas and a method to the madness.

I was there bright and early and punched the security code in after entering the house. Mrs. Hastings was probably still sleeping and I decided to make a pot of coffee before getting started.
Reilly was in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee when the buzz of the security system startled her.

"Who the hell could be here at this hour?" she thought to herself in disgust as she first cleaned up the spilled coffee, then tightened her short satin robe around the matching sheer teddy she had worn for Sean the night before. In vain, it turned out, since both of them were too distracted and tired to take advantage.

She was startled again as she turned and saw Benning entering the kitchen, her coffee sloshing dangerously but not quite spilling. Fortunately, because if it had she'd have been fully pissed off, rather than merely annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing here so early?" she asked accusingly before licking a drop of fresh brew off the side of her mug. She reflected briefly that this was a tenuous situation, with her still barefoot and barely clad while this stranger had almost ubiquitous access to her home.
"What are you doing here so early?" Reilly suddenly appeared out of nowhere, I couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked in a very short robe and her messy tussled I just got out of bed hair. However she did not look to happy to see me standing there at this time of the morning.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I'm an early riser, remember the early bird gets the worm. I usually do more before nine am than everybody else does all day. Besides you never said anything about time restrictions yesterday." I explained, unable to take my eyes off of her. Don't think that I didn't see her tongue lick the drops of coffee off the side of her cup. My imagination got the best of me and I wondered what this fine married female looked like totally naked, or strutting around in a pair of stockings, garterbelt and a pair of high heels like in my dream last night.
"Do you mind if I have a cup?"
Feeling right at home, like i was invited to do, I took a mug from the cabinate and poured a fresh cup for myself.
"I came in to get an early start and organize all the papers in Mr. Hastings office, with his permission of course. Don't worry I will be careful not to mix up your documents with his." If I was going to her husbands personal assistant we were going to have to do things my way and Reilly was going to have to get used to it.
Reilly was once more undressed by Benning's roving eyes. Her irritation at being caught with the little she was wearing was matched by a sudden desire to be wearing only the amount Benning was likely picturing her in.

"Down, girl," she silently scolded her unruly nether region. "We'll get you some attention tonight, I promise."

Through her internal dialogue, she was aware of Benning almost brushing against her as he helped himself to some coffee, then advised her that he was here to straighten her husband's paperwork-paperwork that was undoubtedly interspersed with her own. She rubbed her face in frustration at the legal and logistical implications.

"Fine," she barely surpressed the underlying groan. "Let me get changed. I'm going to need to have you fill out and sign some legal paperwork due to being around proprietary and sensitive information. And I don't mean Sean's; I imagine you're already well covered there."

She moved over and refilled her mug before heading upstairs. Part of her wondered if Benning would try for a peek-or more-of her while she did so, and mentally shrugged. She just didn't care yet this morning. Returning to her room, she took a quick shower, then dressed in an off-the-shoulder peasant top with a coordinating blazer, a g-string, a dark pencil skirt, and contrasting power heels. A quick moment in front of the makeup stand and a clip for her hair, and she was ready for the day.

She arrived in the office to see Benning leafing through a packet of papers-papers with her logo on them. Quickly she snatched them out of his hand.

"Did you not hear about the paperwork needing filled out and signed?" she hissed. "I appreciate your eagerness to do your job well and make a good impression, but my clients aren't just your run of the mill stock traders. Some of this is highly secretive!"
I was surprised when Reilly entered the office and took the papers from my hand and scolded me. Talk about overreacting! I was only trying to do my job. It wasn't like I was taking pictures of the confidential documents on my phone!
"Excuse me Mrs. Hastings, I didn't mean to pry, I'm just trying to sort out this mess and find a method to this madness."
I realized that I hadn't signed the confidential release or whatever but I had no intentions of betraying her trust. " Believe me I am not trying to invade your privacy. "
However that could be considered an understatment. My eyes dropped down to her cleaveage which her blazer did little to hide, although I don't think she was really aware of how hot she looked. And those high heels and tight professional tight pencil skirt only added to her allure.
Trying to maintain my composure and remain calm in spite of her indignation, I tried to ignore the stirring in my trousers. As I said before, I found her incredibly hot. What I wouldn't give to bend her over the desk and rip that skirt off of her and reveal her fine married ass. I would like nothing better than to squeeze it with my strong hands and make her submit.
Instead I told her I was sorry and told her I would sign whatever she wanted me too.
shook her head, slapping the sheaf of papers against her thigh, then moved to her computer. After booting it up, she printed off the necessary NDA and privacy forms-the shop had come through yesterday finally and replaced the unit-and handed them to Benning.

"I own a security company. Although it's primarily e-security, we also do a productive business in physical security. If we do our jobs well, nobody we don't want to knows that we exist-and I want to keep it that way. We're at the point where business is spread sheerly through word of mouth-one executive to another. That helps me to keep the business comfortably scalable; too much too fast, and I can't vet the influx of staff adequately, nor have the protocols and tech built in time to keep up.
"Each pile of papers right now is a backup physical security plan for a particular organization. In some cases, there's several iterations of a backup plan-which is why nothing can get mixed up. And also for the secrecy involved. For obvious reasons, none of the cleaning staff come into the office right now, and the office is almost always locked when I'm not in. I'd already unlocked it on my way to the kitchen this morning, planning on printing off the next variable in a plan-when you surprised me in the kitchen-so I could review it while I got around for the day. And now I'm even further behind," she ended in a frustrated tone. "I think better while I read and pace, otherwise these wouldn't even exist. So needless to say, the NDA you're signing for me states that you won't reveal anything that you've seen, up to 10 years after you leave contact, nor speak for any manner with any of the clients represented by my company. It also states that if you will notify my company of any organization to which you apply for work during that time period. Even if they're on our list, you'll likely never hear it from us; even if you do, it would be to guide you to a role in which you're well suited. We do not recommend another agency not hire anyone associated with our company, we just shift security appropriately.

"And the last form is your acceptance of the salary you're being paid. Because you're apparently going to be handling my company's PI, we're obligated to pay you. I suppose you can list this on your CV, but I'd really rather you didn't." Reilly rested her elbows on her desk and leaned forward. "Just check the logos to find out to whom the papers belong-Sean or I-and put mine back where they belong. Sean's filing cabinets are the ones on the west wall, and I'll show you his safe if and when you need it."
What had I gotten myself into? I had no intentions of selling anyones secrets or information. Who was I really working for? Reilly leaned over the desk and her breasts almost spilled out of her bra. Lets just say I have a very active imagination. I adverted my eyes. I was ready to sign anything if needed. As far as having access to the safe goes, I wasn't so sure about that. If anything went missing I would be the first one to be blamed. Not that I would betray anyones trust, especially hers. For some reason I was extremely attracted to her.

"Where do I sign? " I asked, knowing full well where it needed my signature. With a flourish of a pen I signed away my rights. Maybe now Rielly would trust me a little more.
"Shall I make us breakfast?" I asked, not knowing what was even in her refrigerator but prepared to run to the corner store and get whatever we needed, out of my own pocket. I wasn't sure if she ate bacon or sausage, all I knew was that she liked coffee. Hell maybe she was a vegetarian. The question seemed to catch her off gaurd.
Benning' s eyes shot towards her chest as she leaned forward, but this time darted away. Damn, maybe she'd better start wearing a bra around him. Being as under-endowed as she was, going without lent itself to some fun outfit choices. But if that was too much pressure on the young man...The downside would be that with her current wardrobe, most of the time the bra would show. She shrugged mentally-it's one way to get new clothes, although she liked her store in the manner she'd adopted lately.

Then he was asking about breakfast. Normally she didn't eat until noon, her breakfast consisting normally of just a protien shake. But having him out of the way would allow her to at least arrange some of the more sensitive files...

"That actually sounds nice, thank you," she finally replied. "You're more than welcome to anything in the kitchen. I'm not preferential to having eggs frid in bacon or sausage grease, but beyond that I'm not especially picky, so just make whatever sounds good to you."

She pushed back from her desk. "In the meantime, I'm going to bring some of my files to better order. Anything on the windowsill is my own and already sorted, so you won't have to worry about those. At least it'll be that much less for you to worry about." She leaned over to leaf through the first stack of files from the end table near the file cabinet, effectively dismissing Benning.
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I went to the kitchen to fix us something to eat, not exactly knowing what I would find there. Reilly obviously didn't like meat or at least man candy [bacon] and was probably a vegetarian or worse yet a vegan. To be honest, I don't think she was feeling the vibes like I was was. To say Reilly was a little independant would be an understatement. Why was I, on the other hand so attracted to her? She was married to a man that happened to be my new boss. Maybe it was because I was an alpha male who preferred the challenge of getting married pussy from another man. What could I say, I know what I like? But this was going to take more time than I thought.
To my surprise I did find some ham and cheese as well as french bread in the pantry and I decided to make myself a sandwich on toast. There was grape fruit, strawberries, seedless grapes and melon [and a can of whipped creame] so I made her a fruit salad of sorts, minus the whipped creame. One thing I knew that it was going to be hard to please her. I actually felt sorry for poor Mr. Hastings. The bitch had probably cut his balls off already.
I went back in the office and gave Reilly her plate of fruit. She frowned, intent on what she was doing and otherwise ignored me. "I didn't see any bacon or sausage in your fridge so I guess I will have to get some" I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.
Reilly just rolled her eyes at me, as to say so what.
"I was checking out your home gym babe, do you mind if I work out after breakfast?" I asked, "I like to keep myself in shape."
Reilly was engrossed in her work when Benning returned. So engrossed that she barely perceived the plate set beside her until he spoke, calling her "babe". Even then it barely sank in.

"Wha...?" It took a few minutes to return to earth. She glanced at the plate of fruit, then again while trying to surpress a frown. Was Benning trying to tell her something?

Her mind played back what it had only half heard while she was reviewing an upcoming planned security test.

"Bacon and sausage. There'll be a list started by tomorrow, just add it to that. Staff must have already picked the list up for groceries either today or tomorrow. The gym. Help yourself. I get in there a few times per week, but regardless it's big enough for a couple of people at once."

Her mind shifted back to the security plan for a moment as she absently picked up a piece of the fruit and chewed, then snapped back to the term Benning had used.

"'Babe'?!? What the hell?" she asked indignantly. "'Reilly' is plenty sufficient for this relationship."

Still, her libido was piqued at the affectation. She couldn't help but imagine him using the term with her while he held her feet against the windowframe and her back against him while she was impaled on him, encouraging her not to hide from oblivious groundsmen working on the yard.

She cut off the line of thought, but not quickly enough. If Sean didn't fuck her silly when he got home...
I wolfed down my cholesterol sandwich and headed towards the gym, reminding myself to bring my sweats and running shoes for my future workouts. Rielly, as she wanted to be called, didn't seem too happy that I called her 'babe' so soon into our relationship. I was just trying to be friendly but I had to admit it was inappropriate. I had to remember Rielly was married to a very powerful man who could crush my balls if she wanted him too, and end my career before it even got started.
I wished that I had worn a tee shirt under my white dress shirt but having none I stripped down to my trousers and socks. It was a really nice home gym, mirrored walls and several stational bikes, treadmills and even a weight machine and bench press. For some reason I couldn't imagine Mr. Hastings spending alot of time in here, now Mrs Hastings I could. Rielly seemed to have a real nice toned body even though she didn't like to reveal it too much hiding it in business attire. I wondered if she wore tight yoga pants or spandex or even leggings when she worked out, like all the females at the gym where I had a membership. Actually that was one of the reasons I joined. Anyway Rielly had one fine ass from what I could see. Long legs.
She did need to lose her bossy attitude and learn to lighten up. If she walked in here now she would probably reprimand me for not having a shirt on.
Normally able to lose herself in her work, Reilly was distracted by thoughts of Benning in the gym. He hadn't seemed to be carrying any workout clothes, so she wondered how he was going to accomplish it.

Eventually, she did manage to get into her work, shedding her jacket somewhere along the way. After about an hour and a half, she got up to pace and think. Her mind whirled with adaptations and likely failure points, so much so that the  clank of weights startled her. Somehow she'd made her way to the gym, forgetting about Benning being there. She watched him using the shoulder press, his dark skin glistening with the effort of his workout. She thought of how effortless it would be for him to control her, and the though sent a delightful shiver down her spine.

As she was kitty corner to Benning and still outside in the hallway, she wasn't likely to be noticed unless he looked in a combination of the mirrors. Her nipples hardened beneath the light peasant top, which increased her arousal as she watched. She allowed her mind to wander, one hand slipping up to tease a traitorous nub while she imagined herself up against the wall, held immobile by a hand at her throat as well as Benning's shaft inside her. Her other hand slipped inside the waistband of her skirt just as Benning moved his head toward the mirrors about which she worried, breaking her fantasy and causing her to shrink back down the hallway.

Leaving the gym, she made her way to the kitchen and fixed a ham sandwich and mug of coffee, adding a splash of Bailey's to calm her libido before retreating again to the office. She vowed to work out the next morning and get these thoughts out of her head, especially if she failed to receive any attention from Sean tonight.
I thought I saw a shadow move in the hallway watching me workout but I wasn't really sure. If it was Reilly she probably entered and scolded me, with her hands on her hips, no doubt, to get back to work. I had been in here for at least a half hour and thought that perhaps I had taken advantage of the situation. Well, I could always remind her that I worked for her husband and not her. I had worked up quite a sweat and decided to take a shower first, and since I had the run of the house I felt that I didn't need to ask her permission. Taking my shirt I went to the bathroom down the hall that i knew had a shower in it and locked the door for privacy. Turning on the light, I noticed a pair of silky pink panties lying on top of the sink. I knew they were Reilly's, who else's would they be? Maybe she just forgot to put them in the hamper or maybe she had left them there for me to find when I used the bathroom.
What I did next is what any young red blooded male would do if he found a pair of worn panties of a very attractive female. I held them to my nose and inhaled her musky fragrance.
Damn, they smelled fine! Just like a female should.
I got in the hot shower and soaped up my body, paying special attention to my cock. I closed my eyes and imagined me ripping those panties down as I bent the married bitch over her desk and took her from behind, dominating her and making her submit, giving her something that her older husband couldn't.

Finally showered and dressed, I put my gift in my pocket and returned to the office, where she was working dilgently. Unable to resist and feeling bold, dispite having a feeling it was going to backfire on me and I was going to live to regret it, I dropped the panties on the desk in front of her!
"Look what I found in the bathroom. Mr. Hastings is a lucky guy!"
Reilly had sorted another pile of paperwork, setting Sean's on the end table she had cleared for Benning to be able to deal with, and was working on another upcoming project when Benning walked in. He walked straight to her desk and dropped a pair of panties on her desk, claiming that he had found them in one of the bathrooms. If he had, it had been an error of the cleaning crew and not from her. She was sure that she still had hers on, didn't she? She picked them up, dangling them from her middle finger. A g-string, the front nearly sheer. Yes, they were hers.

"Yes, Sean and I have an active sex life," she replied evenly, blushing at Benning's comment about Sean being a 'lucky guy'. He was, but she was fortunate as well. She wadded up the panties and nudged them to the corner of her desk, out of the way, while she looked up at Benning. "It's our house. While I apparently need to have a word with the cleaning crew, I don't doubt you've left things behind accidentally as well."

She nodded to the pile of Sean's paperwork on the end table. "If that's all, I sorted some of Sean's stuff out and put it there for you."

From all appearances, she bent back and concentrated on her own work again. Meanwhile her mind was full of fantasizing about having been wearing those panties while Benning forced her bent over, hiked her skirt up, ripped them off her, then plunged himself to the hilt inside her. And rewound the interactions she'd had with her husband's PA so far, regretting that she'd been rather abrupt with him. She realized with a start that she was being bitchy, and promised herself that she would force her husband to give her the "attitude adjustment" that she obviously needed.
Reilly was one cool cucumber, I thought to myself, at her response to me dropping a very intimate artical on her desk. She hardly blushed in embarrassment like I thought she might do. She simply explained that she and her husband had a very good sex life, which I didn't doubt, Reilly was hot as far as I was concerned, but honestly she looked a little out of his league. On the other hand, she didn't seemed miffed or overeact and kind of blow off the whole situation and blamed it on her staff. Perhaps I should have just kept them in my pocket as a trophy, abeit one that I didn't earn.

I took the hint and started to organize her husbands file cabinant. Perhaps I had been coming on to strong, Reilly was apparently happily married and not interested in some new young upstart trying to climb up the corporate ladder. She was married to a very successful and wealthy man, living in a mansion in a gated community and belonging to an exclusive country club. Still it was difficult working around her, smelling her perfume and gazing into those deep brown eyes and pouty lips. Damn what would she think if she knew that I had jacked off in the shower after finding those panties on the sink? I told myself to calm down and stop thinking about her and concentrate on my job.
Easier said than done.
Maybe tonight I would call up a hot blonde I knew named Alena, who was more or less a just a friend with benefits. It had been awhile since we had hooked up last and I didn't know if she was still available. Still my cock was literally stirring in my pants and I tried to avoid looking at Reilly Hastings.
Reilly couldn't help but noticing Benning moving around the room as he worked, and was that a tent in his trousers? She imagined him holding her down, his fingers working in and out of her while his cock thrust in and out of her throat. Or of him sitting in her chair, with her astride him amd riding him. She felt again the stiffening of her nipples beneath her top as she gave in to her adulterous musings.

She wondered if his sex life was as bare as her own, then scoffed at herself. Of course it wasn't; she was married and tethered, while he wasn't. Plus she was several long years older than he. There wasn't any conceivable way that he wasn't getting laid regularly, and probably had several women ready to drop their panties for him at a moment's notice.

The rest of the day, she accomplished little, while Benning finally seemed to be getting a great deal done. When he finally left, she hurried to freshen up and change into some sexy evening wear for her husband.