Hurricane Issac Not God's Vengeance against Gays.


Literotica Guru
Dec 5, 2010
One prominent Christian minister has suggested the opposite, that New Orleans is being punished for holding a GLBT pride event. Hope this gets read, whether comments on it or not, to give the truth, this is bigoted rubbish, hope loving (isn't hat you are about ?) Christians will stop this nonsense.

I am a peaceful man, but Hurricane Isaac is not an act of God against New Orleans.
Anybody who says it is I will punch on the nose (only joking!!)
Do these people think God is as small minded as they are ?
Religious nuts who spout this kind of nonsense are just desperately reaching for anything they can use to instill "fear of gays" into their constituents. Frankly, it's ridiculous.

Among many other reasons it's laughable, there are GLBT parades all over the country (and world) all year long, that suffer no "consequences (weather-related or otherwise).

But just COINCIDENTALLY, the biggest hurricane in years hits New Orleans, so this dipshit decides that THAT'S the parade city God is going to punish? Really? How do people actually believe this kind of shit?
Actually it could be said that God sent a gay man (Issac who likes to blow ) to rain on the rebublican rparade.
I never thought about any natural disaster as "god's wrath" on homosexuals or whatnot. But on a similar note isn't it a bit strange that the 2 leading voodoo communities have been devastated in recent years? NOLA and Haiti?