Hunger of the Flesh


Literotica Guru
Jan 21, 2003
Ok ive tried this before but ive revised it a little to see if i can get it to work.

Its an open signup but ill have to give u the plot and some instructions.

The average quiet town of Westmoor, your usual out of the way town, noticed by none except those that live there. Lately though there have been odd occurences. People dissapearing, particularly the young men and women, specifically the physically fit and attractive. Noone can explain these events except one group. Those responsible.
Almost a year ago, unnoticed by the general population a number of new 'families' moved in, all single mothers with nothing but daughters. These families were infact Demons. Sexual predators to be exact, luring in both men and women as food. Now this isnt as sinister as it all sounds. It is not their choice, merely what nature has cursed them with and no matter how much they dislike it the primal urges they have to 'feed' are too strong to deny.

Ok basically all the Demons are female, very attractive to lure in their prey but they have one special ability. To feed they dont actually eat a person, they actually absorb them through thier Skin, becoming one with her and allowing her to steal their attributes. Absorbing a busty young woman for example will allow her to take on her victims breasts. Absorbing a young man will enable her to produce a cock from within her pussy, no part of a Demon is unadaptable wether it be Height, chest, ass, lips, hair etc whatever the RPg'er desires. The only drawback (If it can be called one) is that the victim has to find sexual release (cum) before it can be Absorbed.

This will be a perpetual rpg in that apart from the demons you are allowed to let you charachter be killed or Absorbed and then simply start with a new charachter to be killed by one of the others
The female posters are allowed to take a Demon and a human charachter if they like, then they can get screwed on an unnatural shemale cock before being absorbed. (Equal rights and all that)

Ill start An OOC to keep track of all your deaths and Char's etc once i get a few people goin in this.
Nah, its sort of an adaptation from an Anime ive seen but basically if there were males then i think Rape would be too abundant.
Females would have to lure in men and make them want to be with them. Fair enough they only think their gettin a fuck but its alot nicer than raping then absorbing.

Ive always had a thing for dominant women anyway.
Okay, just wondering and inncubus were more prone seduction as, like the succubus, they exuded a very powerful sexuality and what was "freely given" was much more precious than what was "taken".
Well ill get this started to try and get some interest. I really thought this would be more popular, especially with the girls.

My First Char.......

Marcus Dent
19 yr old Guy, captain of the football team type of guy. Tall, Handsome, athletic and well hung etc.

I drove down the small street, my open top sports car growling as i slowly made my way down, making sure everyone got a look at my new wheels. This was the rich neighbourhood, large houses with tall trees running down the side of the street, almost a border between the road and the sidewalk.

I continued down the road and pulled up outside the sports fields. The Junior football team were holding tryouts. The usual collection, the well built kids that saw football as a legal way to hit the smaller kids, the geeks that were forced into it by their parents and the Fat kids trying to gain some popularity. I laughed as one of the 'bully' kids tried to knock down a fat kid and ended up winding himself.
"Kid needs to learn how to tackle" i laughed to myself as i began to move away. I turned and headed back to the car and as i got in i noticed 2 girls, about my age walking down the sidewalk. Both were pretty hot and i had a reputation to uphold.
"Good morning ladies" i beamed my most charming grin. "Anywhere i can take you this fine saturday morning" i held the door open like a chauffeur. This approach was one of my favourites, it had gotten me more than a few slaps over the years but for me it was a classic. Both girls smiled in a 'Nice try' sort of way but neither left.
"Well either in my car or keep walking but wherever your going it will be quicker than just standing there" i grinned again and they laughed in unison.......
Gonna try this.....

Leslie Denton
Age: Undertermined


We stood there a second, letting the guy sink his teeth into our looks. Easy target. He only thought he wanted what we had.

"Goodbye dear. I will see you tomorrow." I smiled at Natasha. My lips curled up, in a thinking pose before I leaned in and kissed her ruby lips. My hand went to her head, holding her close in our lip lock before I let her go. That would surely be enough to get his attention.

She started to walk away, a giggle in her step as I patted her ass goodbye.

Looking back at the handsome buck who would no doubt be a tastey meal I smiled again. "Uh, yeah! I could use a ride." I said, pushing my windblown red hair out of my eyes. "This your ride?"

I stroked the car as I got closer to him, my fingers playing with it as if it were a nice cock in my hands. "Or did you steal it?" I flirted.

Wow, was all i could think as i watched the two girls begin to make out. The redhead seemed to be the more dominant and it seemed that she would be the one to accompany me. A shame they both couldnt come, those had always provided fun memories.

Oh well, i always had a thing for redheads. "So is this your ride" she questioned, "or did you steal it". I felt a little insulted by this but brushed it off. "No baby its all mine" i boasted "You can afford flash wheels when your the captain of the football team".

She raised an eyebrow and smiled. "The Captain.....hmmm very fit" she commented.
"Of course" i boasted again. Leaning in close, trapping her between myself and the car. "So where is it you want me to take you?"

I lifted my finger, and slid it down his nose, with a gentle but firm poke on his masculine chest. What part of him would I take? I thought to myself before replying to him.

"Well, where were you headed handsome?"

I started to sit in the car before feining a fall, straight into his arms. "OH! You caught me." I said breathlessly. "Guess this makes you my hero, and I owe you. Don't know what you would want from me though." I smiled, letting seduction roll off my tongue.

Man this chick was hot. She fell as she tried to get in the car. I couldnt be sure but i suspected she did it on purpose since she fell right into my chest.
"OH! You caught me." She said in feigning the shock of stumbling. "Guess this makes you my hero, and I owe you. Don't know what you would want from me though."

I had a pretty good idea what i wanted. "I was actually headed home" i responded to her earlier question. "although i dont think ud want to go there with me" i hid a grin from her as she smiled again. I swore each smile had the look of a predator behind it but to be honest i liked it.
"I can take you wherever u want, or we could just hang around". Another smile and she slipped down into the passenger seat. I couldnt help but notice as she leaned towards me her head came close to my crotch. "Lets just drive and see what happens" she suggested.
just checking....ARaynes, you still here.

Arent there anymore people interested in this. Need Guys and Gals, just jump right in.

Oh if anyone does want to join in the role of Natasha (mentioned by ARaynes) is taken, just waiting for her to post.
Enter Katrina Collins...

OOC: She is the daughter of Eliana. She is young in age. Beautiful gray tinged eyes that fascinate both men and women.
She seeks victims whenever it is absolutely necessary. She does not enjoy what she has to do, and her Mother is concerned for her daughter's survival.


She peers out from her bedroom window which is located in the front of the house. Many an evening horny boys have driven slowly by, hoping to catch a glimpse of her changing.

Her mother calls to her from the living room. ::rolling her eyes:: "I'm coming Mother." she calls out. Her mother has noticed how thin her daughter has become and knows she needs to feed very soon.

"Mom, please..stop worrying. I am fine." she exaggerates her voice as if she is an actress.

"Daughter, you aren't fine. Look at your skin." is Eliana's rebuff.
Katrina knows her mother is right in what she is saying. She will have to go this evening, and search for some idiot creep. She never feeds on an innocent.

A rule she will always abide...
since noone else is showing interest ill have to create my own second char....come on people.

Gary Shiels
A bit of a nerd never joined in with any of the sports although has a decent enough body. Quite athletic but its all natural, prefers to read and play video games than workout. A nice guy, hates to see bullying or women in trouble. Hates Jocks.


Walking through the streets is never a nice thing for me. Most know better than to cause trouble with me but fighting wasnt the answer to anything. I tugged on the collar of my jacket, my small backpack filled with books and attempted to head home without any trouble. Usually avoiding the main streets i prefered to walk down by the river. It meant dodging the drunks and bum's but its much more peacefull than the main roads.
Enter Natasha

She sauntered up the street smiling to herself how absolutely lucky Leslie was going to be when she had her fun with the obnoxious boy. She closed her eyes and felt the looks of appreciation the various men on the street were giving her.

She loved the feeling. She loved feeding on young girls, but she also loved fucking them too. Watching their ecstasy turn to horror as she drained them of their life.

Could the world get any better than this?

She leaves her house in a huff, mad that her mother was bothering her again. Tonight she said to herself, I'll feed tonight.
And continued to walk down the driveway, onto the street. She really had no clear plan of where she was going, but found herself walking towards the riverbanks of Westmoor.

Katrina sometimes fed on the forgotten people. She knew it was against the rules. Her Momma hid her away because she took the form of some of those undesirables. It was just so easy to make them cum in their final them pleasure before the agonizing pain.

She hated when Momma would force her to feed on some beautiful girl to absorb her beauty. On that thought she kicked a rock hard across the path she was following.

A loud "Ouch" brought Katrina out of her thoughts.
I smiled once again as I slid into the seat. He was going to be easy prey. Cocky was always a good sign that they would go easy.

Leslie wondered what she would take from this one. Would it be his eyes? Or would she find that his cock was appealing and take it?

*still here, but busy the next two days. Will get a hold of the thread again on Thursday*

"Ouch" i yelled as i was hit square in the gut by a flying rock. I dropped, slightly winded to one knee. As i noticed a young woman run over.
"Um, are you ok" she asked with concern in her voice "Im sorry i didnt mean to hurt you, i just didnt see you"

"Its ok" i coughed trying to regain my breath, "Youd be suprised at how many gut shots ive taken"
I looked up, following her long legs up, narrowly avoiding an accidental peek up her short skirt. Her bare stomach was flat and firm and her bust was impressive. Her blonde hair reached just to her shoulders, behind a slender neck on which sat a very pretty face. She was a very attractive young woman, not the type i was used to meeting. But she seemed oddly dressed for this area, revealing clothes werent the usual attire for walking the river bank.

(Sorry fo dressing you, i just didnt see u give a description)
looks like ill need a double post.


Man, this babe is lookin me over like a piece of meat. Just how i like it, means shes only after one thing and once its over i dont have to bother with a relationship. I hated girls that wanted to get attatched. Im way too young for that.

I got comfortable in my seat and turned on the engine. I gunned it loudly and pulled away. Beeping at her friend as she continued on down the sidewalk.
Hmm, she wasnt bad either, maybe once ive tired this one out ill get my chance with her friend there.

Youve always gotta be on the lookout.

Looking up...she sees the boy on his knee trying to breathe. I smiled inwardly thinking what a great shot I was.

Rushing towards him, "Um, are you ok" she asked with concern in her voice "Im sorry i didnt mean to hurt you, i just didnt see you"

I noticed his appreciative look and smiled encouragingly at him. Offering my hand to help him up. Pleased that he took my hand..I pull him a little harder then needed and he brushes up close against me..

I take her hand as she tries to help me up. Not a bad grip for such a delicate looking girl i laugh to myself.
I stayed hunched over, not fully recovered. "Nice shot" i said as she stepped back. "Thanks" she smiled, stifling a laugh.

"Listen i think i should make it upto you" she began, "do u want a drink, i think theres a small store down not far from here"

"Sure" i said, "Cant turn down an offer like that"

(So u spend a little money, unless she fights her concience shell be killing him soon anyway lol)

::grinning widely:: as the boy's thought drifts into my thoughts... What a fool, she she doesn't bother to turn around..

She picks up her pace...hungry again..

Still holding his hand, they walk along the river's edge introducing themselves. She can tell Gary is a nice boy even though he peeks at her chest every so often.

His hand grows warm in hers and she feels the nervousness of his being with her. Katrina keeps the conversation going. And as they walk, he loosens up telling her funny stories.

She wistfully listens, wishing so much that she had a family like his. She places her hand on his tummy and innocently asks, "Does it hurt anymore?"

Gary smiles, liking Katrina more and more. "Look, she says, the store I was telling you about."

Tugging him along they enter the store.

We stepped into the shop and stopped at the drinks. "Im Katrina by the way" she smiled. I realised we hadnt even intorduced ourselves. "Im Gary" i replied
Selecting what we wanted we went to the counter and as she opened her purse i stepped forward, handing the cashier 5 bucks. "Hey, i said i owed you, i was going to pay" I smiled as i handed her drink to her. "I know, but i guess im too much of a gentleman to make a lady pay" I tried to flash one of the sterotypical charming smiles i had seen in old films. She laughed and we headed outside.

"Listen" she began, " you still have to let me make it up to you somehow"
We walked on back, almost exactly the same why i wa intending to go before i was caught by surprise. When we turned down a street she seemed to freeze. I looked up to see a woman, also pretty attractive but older than Katrina standing at a doorway a few houses down the road. Another young girl brushed past us, turning she also seemed impossibly attractive. "Hey Katrina" she called out. "Not Bad" She winked and licked her lips. And continued down the street.
"This is my street,....where i live,...Thats my mom and my sister" she began tripping over her own words. "We should go somewhere else"
She was almost panicking as we walked in the opposite direction. "Whats wrong" i asked puzzeled. "Look lets just say when it comes to guys, i really dont trust my family ok"
"She is beautiful," Katrina replied to Gary's thoughts. Walking quickly away. "Her name is Natasha." And where Katrina was sunshine, Natasha was darkness. Natasha's hair jet black, long, and curly. Her body built to indulge a man's whims.

"Gary... you would do well to stay away from her." she said almost in a whisper. The gnawing feeling of hunger coursing through her veins.

"I'll walk you home." she said picking up the pace. Please, she thinks..please, get him home..get him away from me..
They're almost at a slow jog now, their sodas sloshing out of the bottle tops.

He notices the slight bounce of her breasts thinking how it would be nice to feel them one day.

Reaching his house, she gives him a quick unexpected kiss. "Gary," don't go out tonight.... I'll call you." smiling at him. Her eyes almost pleading with him to do as she says.

She was rushing me home, as if to protect me from something. Like she knew of unseen dangers.

I got to my house and opened the door. It was modest, just a simple student residence while i studied in the area.
Turning to her i was surprised to find that she was kissing me. I tried to softly return the kiss but she broke away.

"Gary," don't go out tonight.... I'll call you." she seemed to be begging me, almost warning me.
"Whats wrong, what did i do?" i asked her as she began to back away. "Its not you ok, its not something i can talk about"

I asked her to wait while i gave her my number. I couldnt possibly allow someone so beautifull and kind to escape me when we had barely met. "Please, come round whenever you want, or just call me"

"I will" she called as she began to walk off down the street. She gave a small wave and broke into a run.

Her breathing is hard as she sprints back towards they way they've just come from. His number stuffed in her pocket. I will not let this happen again she mumbles to herself.

She reaches her home, only this time her mother isn't waiting for her outside the door. I hate that she knows when I am near.. Turning the knob, she pushes the front door open. Listening intently.

"Katrina", her name spoken in a soft voice. She also hears her sister's hateful laughter, like a cat whose just eaten a bird. "Yes, Mother." she replies.

"Would you be so kind as to come into the living room. Your Sister and I are quite curious about that boy we saw you with." Mother's sing song voice floats and suspends in the air like a warning. She better not ignore it.

Katrina walks into the room, defiant. Head held high. "What do you want to know?" she asks. And before either of them answer she continues on, "He's a boy. Nothing more and nothing less."

Mother looks at her skeptically. Unsure of what game her daughter is playing. "Trina, ::pausing:: you need to feed." she softly pushes her towards the mirror. "Look at yourself. You are fading before my eyes. You can not tell me that you feel no hunger pains." Mother is right, and she turns to face her, but before she can speak her sister pipes up.

"Hey, Sis..if you don't want him...I'll rock his world and take that cock for my own. I just bet he's got a big dick."

Katrina opens her mouth to tell her sister how disgusting she is, but is quickly interrupted by their Mother. "Girls, there is no need for you to behave like that." For once, Natasha keeps her mouth shut, a smile forms on her full, pouty lips, and she walks upstairs to her room.

Meanwhile, Katrina takes a seat. Thinking of Gary and his surprised look when she kissed him. Why did I kiss him for, she muses to herself. Smiling and touching her lips. He does have such nice lips.