Hunger of the Flesh OOC


Literotica Guru
Jan 21, 2003
Ok since were lacking sign ups and a couple of us have Numerous Charachters i think we need this.

We desperately need more guys lol, i cant feed 4 demonesses alone lol.

More human females too. If u want to know what im blabbing on about just go read the main thread and for gods sake sign up.........ok was that enough begging......

Seriously i am looking for alot more people to join in here.
::smiling:: Gav..another male is interested!

licking my chops, maybe you won't have to feed all 4 for Long!
Thankgod for that lol. At least for the moment i have your 2 sisters competing over one guy so extra's arent needed on my part.
Well i say competing, i mean one trying to avoid killing him and the other trying to spite her sister by beating her to him lol ;)

So far we have:-

1 Asshole Jock
1 Nice Guy
2 Predatory Demonesses
1 Reluctant Demoness
1 Mother Demoness

We need more Humans. Males and Females. The Demonesses may like to screw guys but if they want to improve their 'feminine charms' then need girls to prey on too.
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Alright, I may get into trouble..but I'd like to try my hand at 3 roles...Eliana, Katrina, and Natasha...

Gav- I've expanded each. Hope you don't mind
and if you do, I shall remedy the situation immediately.

Katrina and Natasha's wise mother. She is the oldest and quite possibly the most powerful demon out of all the women. She is beautiful with clear, blue eyes. She has both sides of her daughters in her.
She knows the suffering her daughter Katrina goes through when she needs to feed and worries that Natasha will one day end up being destroyed by her own hands.

Daughter of Eliana. She is soft, and sensitive.. wishes she could be "normal". Wants to live the way humans do and only desires to feed on people who are mean towards others.
She has blonde hair like her mother. Gray tinged eyes that are melancholy at times.

Natasha (my bad girl)-
Prefers women to feed upon. But will feed on anyone..just because she can't get enough. She is nasty, sexy, and a slut when it comes to feeding. She thoroughly enjoys her victims terror as they realize they are dying.
She is darkness to her sister's lightness. Jet black hair, long and curly.

Ladies and Gents... you ready for my girls?
Those are fine 'Lay Z'.

Im waiting to see Eliana in action lol. But for now i guess the only one we need to look out for is Natasha ;)
Richard Randall Richards:

Also know as "Triple R" or "Trip" to his good friends. Trip's just shy of 6' tall and weights 188. He played linebacker/saftey in high school, but wasn't quite good enough to 'make the cut' in college. He knows a strong body is a healthy body so runs, swims and works out in a home gym regularly to stay in shape.

He graduated with a degree in Bus Admin and now owns his own business and a small consulting firm to help new business owners get going or solve problems for any who bring them to him.

Trip's the guy next door. He's the one all the parents loved, but not any of the realllly hot girls in high school. At 27, he's still a batchelor and lives in the house left to him by an aunt who died last year.

OOC: How's that folks? Will "Trip" fit into the story as the 'nice guy' waiting to be corrupted? *G*
Not to sure about this gender-bender part, but I'll give it a try if need be.
Gav..could we possibly include a male demon that Eliana must fight..or come in contact with. Someone who is powerful as she, but neither of them are friendly towards each other? Almost like a battle of wills? Maybe something that could turn into the male demon killing off one of the sisters.. and and..what! (I've run out of steam)

I just think < is thinking bad for a person? lol> that it would be interesting to see a Battle of Wills between two powerful chess moves. Could be incredibly sexy if they both have a hidden desire to not only battle each other, but want to ummm fuck as well! ::picturing a really good cloth shredding, force of submission scene::
Hmmmm....well see it just depends. I dont want all the guys trying to be male demons because basically what does a guy absorb from a woman? He dont need breasts, feminine beauty is useless to him. Any Straight guys out there wouldnt be willing to get a guy off to absorb etc.
Well allow one but well have to think up different rules for him.

And whover takes it.....raping is not allowed! Im sorry but im just not a fan of rape stories etc.
Seduction using demonic powers would be more fun anyway... a non consensual, consensual fuck if you get what I mean.
"Nooo, I don't want tooo," she says ripping of her clothing and leaping into the air to do the splits as she lands on his immense hard dick.. *ROTFLMAO*

What about "Trip" ? Is he okay? *pointing up at him*
::giggle:: the Kiss is for Gav..he is TOO sweet to me!

BUT..LMAO..@ Phoenix's ~~> leaping into the air to do the splits as she lands on his immense hard dick
Yeah Trips fine although i think once 'Lay Z' lets Natasha get a hold of him youll be needing a new charachter pretty damn quickly.
The closest all y'all (southern speak for all of you *g*) will ever see me coming to playing a non dominant role so enjoy. *L
hehehehe... non dominant role... <query> What would happen if Phoenix came up against a VERY dominant woman to his Dominant man?
Whenever Trip is ready.... Slutty Natasha is waiting....OR would Trip prefer Eliana, the elder of the 3 demons...
I've been convinced to join in as a male victim of some sort, thinking maybe being one the town's cops.
<meep> <meep>

Who's got the keys to the Jeep?

lol..Gav..don't yell at me! I was teaching my students the type of poem called a Couplet. lol.. can anyone say the lesson caused me to go bonkers?
I have 3 words... "eta Sir Yozna"

lol..don't make me say it in English!

::fluttering away::

::tickling your nose with my wings::