Hump Day sexy work attire


Sep 24, 2013
Inspiration struck after seeing all of the beautiful women sharing their pictures, and the great response they have been getting. How about a themed thread for just one day?

What do you think ladies, post a pic of how you're dressed for work this Wednesday, and make the rest of us sorry we don't work with you? :devil::heart:
Looks like a popular idea

Judging by the number of views on this thread, it's a popular idea!:D

What do you say ladies, are you going to help us get over the Hump Day blues by giving us something to think about all day?
Got the popcorn on ready for this thread to take off

>Implying I work.

Sorry. I'll contribute with "outfit of the day"
Mmmm..... How bout what's under my work attire..... Happy Hump Day..... Kisses:kiss::kiss::kiss:

This could turn into a wonderful hump day :)
Ladies looking hot this morning mmm
Morning, HS.... Any time, you sexxy thang you!!!! But I get the pleasure of licking some off you in return... Kisses... :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Morning El :kiss: darling, when you are ready let me know the place and time and I'll be there ;) :kiss::kiss::kiss:
We'll play with this one!

That would definitely get me "up" every morning. Beautiful!

One of my favorite things - sexy legs in fancy hose. Gorgeous!

Mmmm..... How bout what's under my work attire..... Happy Hump Day..... Kisses:kiss::kiss::kiss:

Wow. Just Wow. :)

May I lick the cum off your ass ;)

This literally left me speechless for a moment. Not an easy feat. Now excuse me while I take the image of that in my head off to the shower for some quality "me time". :)