

Happily Marred
May 19, 2002
Hey, I've just noticed that Cindy Heller Chapter 1 has been nominated for funniest story ever!!!

Please find five sticks and an xacto knife. Sit and read the five nominations, holding the stick in your lap, and the xacto knife in your hand. Each time a you laugh, or chuckle (but not guffaw), mark a notch in the stick.

Then add up the notches on each stick. Vote for the stick with the most notches. Then make friends with lots of people on the General Board and get them to do the same.

I retain,

Sub Joe
Sub Joe said:
[Please find five sticks and an xacto knife. Sit and read the five nominations, holding the stick in your lap, and the xacto knife in your hand. Each time a you laugh, or chuckle (but not guffaw), mark a notch in the stick.
Sub Joe

What's an Xacto knife? What's a stick? Does a chortle count?

I thought I had a fairly decent funny story in the humor/parody section, but nobody noticed it.

Poor, poor me. Nobody loves me. Woe is me. Etc.

Ps... Alas
poor who?


I do believe you have received recognition... unless I am chopped liver.

:rose: b
Re: poor who?

bridgetkeeney said:

I do believe you have received recognition... unless I am chopped liver.

:rose: b

Oh, you're right. You're not chopped liver, BKeeney. You're the chateaubriand.
Sub Joe said:
Hey, I've just noticed that Cindy Heller Chapter 1 has been nominated for funniest story ever!!!
Sub Joe

Dear SubJoe,
I just read "Cindy." It's very funny. Did it hurt, holding you tongue in your cheek all that time?

Sea bass left out in the California sunshine. Hur, hur
Re: Re: Humor/Satire

Hey Diane,

Which or your AV's is of you: your current, big-assed baby, or homecoming queen? (I think they'r all cute).
Re: Re: Re: Humor/Satire

Sub Joe said:
Hey Diane,

Which or your AV's is of you: your current, big-assed baby, or homecoming queen? (I think they'r all cute).

The dumb blonde with the big smile is me.

I'm in the mood for a bit of a chuckle.

Actually...I'm in the mood for a lot more than that. But I'll settle for a giggle or two. Guess I'm off to do some reading!

BTW........Happy Valentines Day:

Math Girl: :rose:
Sub Joe: :devil:
Bridget (baby!): :kiss: :rose:
Chicklet: (Changed the AV back yet?) LOL....:rose:

I remain,