HTML Tags?


Person Of Interest
May 17, 2013
Sorry, noob question. Can we NOT use HTML tags? I was hoping for some italics. I copied in the brackets but nothing happened during preview.

If we can't use them, any ideas for a character reading something else in the middle of the story? How can I separate him reading/quoting from him telling the rest of the story.

Thanks for any advice.
You can use HTML tags in your story, but you need to use the angle brackets and not the square brackets that you see in the forum. So if you want text in italics, you should write:

<i>text text text</i>

When you copy and paste and then preview, the italics should come through. I use these tags all the time with no trouble (that isn't my own fault, like forgetting the slash in the closing tag).
You can also submit your story as a .doc file (formatted for Microsoft Word 97-2000) with italics and bold in place without tags. I've done that for all of my stories and never had a problem.