HRC and Syria


Literotica Guru
Aug 20, 2008
I'm curious as to why she's getting involved in this. She was a failure as Secretary of State. She has resigned, so she no longer has any authority. She has nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose as she is providing ammunition for her opponents in a possible future presidential bid by supporting an unpopular war and ignoring the sentiments of the American public. What's her deal? If I were her, I would be like, "You're on you're own on this one, Barry. Gooood luck."
Why are the Clinton's so far up his ass? He stole the dynasty from her.
Failure is an option.

She is padding her resume; she will use this as more proof of experience on her way to the coronation...


... from Obamanation to coronation. Wait'll SHE gets hold of the IRS!



That was a pretty good album. I should give it a listen today . . . later.

Wonder where Achilles is standing today.