How Would You Like To Fly On Airlines Overseen By This Unqualified Dunce?


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

BREAKING: FAA Nominee Phil Washington Withdraws His Nomination​

By Jennifer Van Laar | 11:30 PM on March 25, 2023
Sen. Cruz:
“Unfortunately, the problems with Mr. Washington’s nomination don’t end with his lack of aviation experience. There are also serious concerns regarding outstanding allegations that Mr. Washington engaged in misconduct during his time as the head of the Los Angeles Metro. He has been named in multiple search warrants in an ongoing criminal public corruption investigation, and he’s been the subject of multiple whistleblower complaints.
One search warrant was executed just last September, not very long ago. It contained allegations that Mr. Washington pushed forward lucrative no-bid contracts to a politically-connected nonprofit to run a sexual harassment hotline that was hardly ever used, and that he did so in order to stay in the good graces of a powerful politician on LA Metro’s board. The allegations are the kind of local corruption sadly we see far too often across this country, in both parties.
“But a whistleblower who exposed the details of this alleged pay-to-play contracting scheme claims to have been retaliated against by Mr. Washington. After Mr. Washington left the LA Metro the agency settled these claims with the whistleblower for $625,000. I practiced law for a long time. you did as well. A $625,000 check is not a nuisance check. It’s not a “go away” check. It’s indicative that there’s a real there, there. Whistleblowers don’t get settlements for more than a half a million dollars if their claim is baseless.”

And, Cruz revealed that the criminal investigation in California is not expected to be complete for months, that Washington is alleged to have pushed through the contract to keep in the “good graces” of a powerful county supervisor, and that the White House hadn’t even asked the California Attorney General’s office for any details or timeline information on the investigation.

More here:

Who but a White House leftwing hack only interested in skin color could have possibly advanced this man to lead the FAA?

BREAKING: FAA Nominee Phil Washington Withdraws His Nomination​

By Jennifer Van Laar | 11:30 PM on March 25, 2023
Sen. Cruz:

And, Cruz revealed that the criminal investigation in California is not expected to be complete for months, that Washington is alleged to have pushed through the contract to keep in the “good graces” of a powerful county supervisor, and that the White House hadn’t even asked the California Attorney General’s office for any details or timeline information on the investigation.

More here:

Who but a White House leftwing hack only interested in skin color could have possibly advanced this man to lead the FAA?
This is almost as bad as appointing an unqualified doctor as head of the Housing department.

Or someone who hates education as head of the Education department.
This is almost as bad as appointing an unqualified doctor as head of the Housing department.

Or someone who hates education as head of the Education department.
Or a drug-pushing drunk as head of White House Medical.
...or someone who is anti-environmental protection as head of the EPA, or someone (three someones) who is anti- the Bill of Rights as a Supreme Court Justice. I could go on, but blah blah blah, you get the idea.

Though to be fair, yes, this Washington character does sound like a bad apple.
Being fair a lot of these jobs don't really have anything that I could put my finger on and say "This qualifies you." I'm not jazzed about Trump's SCOTUS picks but that's because I sincerely believe one or two were flat out stolen. Fuck the rules as written, Republicans can't claim that most of a year (I forget exactly when Garland was nominated by Obama) is too close to an election and we should let the people decide AND that a few scant weeks is perfectly acceptable. Its one or the other. Its a bit late now depending on how you feel about the Supreme Court right now but between Obama and Biden one of them should have taken this to court so the next time someone retires or dies we have a precedent of either some arbitrary amount of time is too much to wait or too little. Like if its less than twelve months you can't nominate, and if its more than eighteen you must.
I'm pulling the numbers out of the air because that's not the important detail. I should be able to look at 2016 and see one party make one rule and four short years later the rules are different. That's bullshit.
^^^ Yeah, that was McConnell’s fuckery. Though RBG should have resigned when that would have made a difference.
Kudos to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for helping scuttle Biden’s pick of Phil Washington to lead FAA. She is calling on the WH to “quickly nominate a permanent FAA Administrator with the necessary, substantial aviation safety experience and expertise.” 👏
^^^ Yeah, that was McConnell’s fuckery. Though RBG should have resigned when that would have made a difference.
McConnell in 2015: "We cannot confirm a new Supreme Court justice since the president has only a year left in his term."
McConnell in 2019: "We need to hurry up and confirm Amy Barrett before the president leaves office in six weeks."

Hypocrisy. Utter shameful hypocrisy. And thus, we have a court who has utterly no regard for liberty or individual freedoms and no respect for the Constitution, Constitutional Law, or restraint.

And yes, I do partly blame RBG for this; she should have resigned two years before she did and given Obama a chance to nominate a respectable moderate justice instead of a Trump-picked partisan extremist.
No, its me being factual. Can you even point out what qualifies you to be say a Supreme Court Justice?

No, it's you being dumb and then ensuring your perpetual membership in the idjit hall of fame.

The FAA director, by statute, is required to have experience in aviation safety. You didn't know that so you tried to bullshit like you always do.

There are no qualifications for SCOTUS justice other than being nominated and confirmed. ANYONE can become a justice, even a non-lawyer. But you didn't know that either.
No, its me being factual. Can you even point out what qualifies you to be say a Supreme Court Justice?
Well, until Chuck Schumer became the Majority Leader in the Senate you at least had to be able to define what a woman is.:rolleyes:
No, it's you being dumb and then ensuring your perpetual membership in the idjit hall of fame.

The FAA director, by statute, is required to have experience in aviation safety. You didn't know that so you tried to bullshit like you always do.

There are no qualifications for SCOTUS justice other than being nominated and confirmed. ANYONE can become a justice, even a non-lawyer. But you didn't know that either.

Having experience in aviation safety is REALLY vague so yeah, its another meaningless qualification.

At least you admit there isn't a genuine qualification for SCOTUS, most of your Right Wing buddies swear up and down there are quals. That's why we had such a hubub about whatever her name is that got nominated by Biden.
No you didn't, nobody would have asked a question with no answer prior to this.
It has an answer, you leftwing hypnotized nut. Woman: an adult female person. Female:
: a female person : a woman or a girl
: an individual of the sex that is typically capable of bearing young or producing eggs
It has an answer, you leftwing hypnotized nut. Woman: an adult female person. Female:
: a female person : a woman or a girl
: an individual of the sex that is typically capable of bearing young or producing eggs
Now look up “tautology.”