how to view stories from bulletin board


Really Experienced
Apr 21, 2007
Hey, is there a way to view someone's story submissions through the bulletin board? or to also link your stories to it?
Yes. You can add your list of stories to your signature via User CP.

Have you got signatures turned on?
Manu, don't you think it's about time to add a custom profile section to the forum so people can link to their story file and display that link in the sidebar below their avatar?

It's a standardized link generated by member number. All that would have to be added is a bit of code to topic view and profile view to display it, and an option in the member CP to display it or not, since member number is already loaded on every page in the forum.

It would be a great service for everyone, and allow those who turn off sigs to still reach a member's story pages with no hassle.
You can either paste the link directly into your signature, and the forum software will automatically change it into a clickable link, or you can use the bbcode for something more elegant.

[url=http://your_submissions_page_or_story_link]Your Story Link Title[/url]

Naturally, replace your_submissions_page_or_story_link with the real URL :)

You can use images in place of "Your Story Link Title" as well, or a combination. I use both a pic and text links on mine.