How to update the category of a story?


Apr 29, 2012
I have posted a story and people are concerned that is in the wrong category. I posted something in "romance" that seems to have annoyed a few folks. I'm happy to move it, but have no clue how to do that in the submissions process. Do I have to re-post the whole story?

I have posted a story and people are concerned that is in the wrong category. I posted something in "romance" that seems to have annoyed a few folks. I'm happy to move it, but have no clue how to do that in the submissions process. Do I have to re-post the whole story?

First you need to switch on your Private Messages. Go to User CP (top left of this page) then click on Edit Options (in the left hand column) and then tick Enable Private Messaging in the second box down. Make sure that the next box down (Receive Private Messages only from Buddies and Moderators) is NOT ticked. Finally click Save Changes at the bottom of that page.

Then send a PM explaining your problem to <Laurel> (without the chevrons) as "she" is the relevant authority here. However, the owners' decision is final, and they may not do as you ask.
I really wouldn't be too terribly concerned about the matter.

When I started submitting stories about the only comments I got on the stories were people complaining about the category they were posted in, and suggesting in which category they 'really' belong.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Don't feel that anyone else's idea about the category your story was submitted in is any better than your judgment on the subject. It's not.