How to Seduce a Ghost - Open


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012
To be at the whim of society was the fate of every female born into nobility. Being in the right place at the right time and wearing exctly what the ton expected you to wear. Failure to conform result in being shunned by polite society, a fate that was welcomed by one Patricia 'Ghost' Waterson. She was the second daughter of Sir Edward Waterson during the year of 1843. Already seen as a bane because of her mother's death during childbirth, Ghost never was readily accepted by anyone. The worst of it was her old sister, the belle of the ball and society's darling.

Men came from everywhere to seek her hand in marriage. Leticia wasn't interested in becoming attached to any of these men. The girl was too vein and greedy, using their affection to squeeze expensive gifts from them. She was lovely though; blonde hair piled high on her head with curls drizzling down her face and a pair of crystal blue eyes. Leticia was the very picture of their father. She wouldn't even acknowledge Ghost as anyone but 'that thing that killed my mother'.Becoming so accustomed to being invisible, one of the servants had given her the nickname.

Often, Ghost spent her nights in the library, getting lost in the books her mother had left to her. Sometimes she would just study her mother's portrait that hung above the fireplace. The servants whispered that she was the very reincarnation of her mother. Her chestnut hair had red and blonde highlights that glistened in the sun. Her piercing gray eyes held an intellgience uncommon for a woman of her standing.

Tonight was no different than any other. Her father was hosting a birthday party for her sister and she had been instructed to stay in her room and not be seen. Those harsh words still stung her pride and made tears come to her eyes. "No. He's not going to do this to me again." She whispered harshly, trying to regain her own composure. Ghost had defied her 'jailer' and went to the library like she always did.

Picking up a copy of her favorite poetry she sat on the chaise next to the fireplace. Her father would have a royal fit if he saw her attire at the moment. Expected to be in bed, Ghost was in her shift with only her shawl to give her any modesty, her long brown hair falling about her shoulders. It was not a state in which she wanted to be caught but it wouldn't make things any worse for her but there would a little embarrassment if it was a man.

She had given little thought about men since she had come of age. Ghost was only two years younger than her sister at the age of 22. As a child she had had crushes on some of the boys she went to school with. When Leticia found this out, she would poison them against her. Her sister just couldn't stand someone liking her in any way. It had been a lonely existence but she knew nothing else. Losing herself in her thoughts, Ghost dropped the book she was reading. "Oh bugger!" Not a very ladylike way to speak but she cared very little for manners when she was alone.
Chester hated these parties, then again it was mainly because he wasn't technically a part of it. A tray of drinks in hand he moved through the party goers unseen, their attention focused on the drinks he served. Those who did notice him threw insults disguised as compliments, as if he was to ignorant to understand what they meant. No he had taught himself to read, his parents to poor to afford school. He loved reading, mainly because in words he could escape his life if only for a moment.

His work was mostly uninteresting but paid well enough, but still he disliked these people, what right did they have to look down upon him? Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he brushed a lock of dark brown hair from his face, he kept it medium length mainly because he was told it made him look more attractive, though he had to disagree mainly because he couldn't Garner much female interest. Truth be told it had to do with his quiet demeanor, not his looks. Walking back to the kitchen he set the tray down and sighed, he still had a few hours to go though he figured no one would notice if he slipped away for a while. He had heard that the Lord of the house had a well kept library. Sneaking off he made his way towards the library, thoughts of what he might find filled his mind. Opening the door silently he stole inside only to spot a woman about his age. Blushing as he took in here attire he looked away and spoke quickly.

"Um.forgive me ma'am I didn't know anyone was here.'

He said this as he backed his way to the door. She obviously lived here and his servers uniform was easy enough to recognize, which meant he wad about to be fired with no pay.
Ghost seldom saw any of the male servants, her father insisting that she stay pure so he could marry her off to add to the family wealth soon enough. This one couldn't be much older than if at all. She saw him blush and paid heed to her own attire, wrapping the shawl about her. She felt quite silly that his presence momentarily made her forget herself.

"You do not need to leave. This library was made for people to appreciate the written word." She got a glimpse of his eyes and she blushed at being so bold. The tension between then crackle as the fire's light danced across the walls. It had been so long since she had any really company. She was lonely for contact with another human being, another that her sister had not poisoned.

"I will tell anyone of your presence here. You have my word." She sat back onto the chaise calmly. "They call me Ghost. What is your name?" She was out of practice when it came to polite conversation .
"It's Chester ma'am." He replied qucikly. Though he was relieved that she would not reveal his presence. Looking her over quickly he noticed she was fairly attractive, and bore a strong resemblance to the lady the party was for. Taking a seat he turned to face her. A slight smile on his face. "So Ghost..that's an interesting name." He had no knowledge of this woman, but she seemed interesting something in her eyes held him captivated. Looking away for a moment he scanned the shelves grinning to himself at the sheer number of books. "So why aren't you at the party?" He asked as he looked back at her.
Her smile was warm and welcoming, much like her mother's had been. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Chester." Ghost examined him in the fire light, admiring his features. "The name was given to me by one my maids when I was just a child because of my knack for hiding in the shadows. My full name is Patricia Waterson." It was seldom that she got to explain her presence in this house. Not many really cared once they realized how common she was.

"I am not welcome at my sister's celebrations. I was instructed to stay in my room until everyone left but I snuck down here so I could read my mother's books." They were the only real joy she had left. Her mother had taken whatever love her father had left in him to the grave the day she died. He never stopped blaming her for it.