How to remove ear wax?


Literotica Guru
Aug 24, 2004
Hey everyone,

So I've got a bit of a build up in one ear and I bought some Waxsol. The instructions say to fill the ear and stop it up with a cotton ball before you go to bed. So I did that last night and I can feel the wax is softened and mushy. But two questions:

What now? Now I've got soft wax instead of hard, how do I actually get it out?

Where did the Waxsol go? I filled my ear with it, went to bed and now it's gone. Where did it go? It didn't drain out or get soaked up by the cotton ball.

I know you're not supposed to stick stuff, like cotton swabs in your ear, but I used a bit of tissue paper formed into a sort of stick and used that, very gently, to try and get the wax out. Do you think that's safe?

Thanks very much.
No not safe. You will probably benefit from having your ears syringed. Go and see your GP, it's the safest thing to do. If you keep pushing things in your ear you will only push the wax further into your ear canal.
Hey everyone,

So I've got a bit of a build up in one ear and I bought some Waxsol. The instructions say to fill the ear and stop it up with a cotton ball before you go to bed. So I did that last night and I can feel the wax is softened and mushy. But two questions:

What now? Now I've got soft wax instead of hard, how do I actually get it out?

Where did the Waxsol go? I filled my ear with it, went to bed and now it's gone. Where did it go? It didn't drain out or get soaked up by the cotton ball.

I know you're not supposed to stick stuff, like cotton swabs in your ear, but I used a bit of tissue paper formed into a sort of stick and used that, very gently, to try and get the wax out. Do you think that's safe?

Thanks very much.

I know people who have used ear candles with great success, but you probably wanna see your doc to be safe.
two things that have worked awesome for my daughter who frequently has to go in to have her ears plunged lol..

First is a mixture of peroxide and water.. Put in ear, let sit for 20 minutes, flush with ear plunger.. Had had to do a few times.

weirdest thing ever.. Stool softener. The liquid gel caps. Cut it open, squeeze into ear, same thing. let sit 20 minutes, flush with ear plunger.

She's had to go in many times. Now we do these at home first and if they don't work, we go in.
I use hydrogen peroxide. I do a 50/50 mixture with water, but I think you can use it straight. I have a small syringe that I use and only put a few drops in at a time. I let it sit in my ear for 10~20min and then drain and rinse with water. I usually have to repeat this 3-4 times (I usually have a lot of wax). In the summer, i'll do this every couple of months, even as preventative maintenance.

Just be aware, it may "tickle" or possibly hurt your ear. I'd recommend talking to your doctor about this first though. I'm not sure this i the best thing for your ear (I read about it online), I just know it works for me. good luck!
My papa puts a drop or two of mineral oil in his ear and lets it soak into the hardened ear wax. Then he flushes it out with a teeny little aspirator filled with water. It's super gross.

Good luck!
Large syringe (obviously without a needle) - lukewarm water - give it a good squirt over a hand basin. - Need to repeat until clear.
I've been stuffing tissue paper into my ears for years and never had a problem.

But I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else! Don't do it folks!
h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) does work, but even though they say don't use ear swabs I use them anyway the main thing about them is to NOT GET THEM CLOSE TO YOUR EARDRUM!!!! meaning the bottom if the cotton should still be sticking out! and if you do use h2o2 then go to the store and buy a baby aspirator one of those bulb things
Thank you for the replies. I think flushing with water after softening it should work.
Use the wax softener for a few more days, often the wax will migrate as it gets softer and you can remove it with a qtip. The product ipregnates the wax with liquid so it gets softer. Once it's soft the syringe irrigation is best, you can also use a water pick machine on the lowest setting.
( did ears in a doctors office for a few years)
I know its not the safest but I usually use a bobby pin to pull the wax from my ears after a shower. Maybe once or twice a week and no problems to date.

Just be super careful
That's what I'm a bit worried about. I had that when I was younger. Hurts like fuck.

It took days and days of dousing. Once or twice probably shouldn't hurt. A quick remedy if you're concerned, a bit of warm vinegar and rubbing alcohol swabbed in the ear to dry up the excess water.
Hey everyone,

So I've got a bit of a build up in one ear and I bought some Waxsol. The instructions say to fill the ear and stop it up with a cotton ball before you go to bed. So I did that last night and I can feel the wax is softened and mushy. But two questions:

What now? Now I've got soft wax instead of hard, how do I actually get it out?

Where did the Waxsol go? I filled my ear with it, went to bed and now it's gone. Where did it go? It didn't drain out or get soaked up by the cotton ball.

I know you're not supposed to stick stuff, like cotton swabs in your ear, but I used a bit of tissue paper formed into a sort of stick and used that, very gently, to try and get the wax out. Do you think that's safe?

Thanks very much.
I have lots of wax build up in my ears and my wife uses a bobby pin and a flash light to clean them out
Try this: when you're in the shower, turn your ear towards the spray. Reach over your head and pull UP on your ear to straighten the ear canal. The water will rinse out your ear canal much like being irrigated. That's a little trick that was taught to me when I took a hearing conservationist class in the Army. I'm not a doctor and this advice should be taken with that knowledge in mind.

Good luck!