how to print stories

‘Allowed’ and ‘facilitated’ are different concepts. The site certainly doesn’t lend itself to printing pages and perhaps there’s a reason for that. If you are willing to put in the time and effort, I suppose you could always copy-and-paste each Lit page onto a word-processing programme and print that. Not sure what the copyright implications would be.
You could contact the author and ask for a word or pdf file of the story, though my success rate with it isn't that great.
Maybe you have more luck.
I try printing stories and they become garbled. Is this not allowed?

Well, first of all you'd have to tell us what you mean by 'garbled', because when I press Ctrl+P to print a storypage, there is nothing garbled about it. It just prints the page like I see it on screen.

That, of course, should tell you that the site admins do not encourage you to do this. Otherwise, they would have created a print.css that hides all the useless site elements in the printing-preview, or would offer a printer friendly version of the site that doesn't split the stories into multiple pages.

Of course, they also don't discourage you from doing it, since they could very well include a print.css that hides the text if you try to print anything. Sure, web-savvy people could get around it, but I was only talking about discouraging it, not actually preventing it.

So, in the end, all you can do is copy and paste the text from the pages into a text-document by hand, and then print that.

Now, that being said, many authors on here have patreon accounts and amazon stores, where you can get all of their stories as ready made PDFs, or EPUBs, or whatever. In case of patreon, for example, you could pay one monthly fee, and then download every story they published under the tier you chose, all at once. Before simply printing someone's story, you should check those out.