How to prepare for erotic photos?


Mar 22, 2013
I'm thinking of having erotic photos done and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or hints for making the most of the experience and for looking my best. These will be explicit, not the more tame boudoir-type shots. Has anyone else done a shoot like this and if so, what made it comfortable, sexy, fun, etc. for you?
Any ideas are welcome!:)
I'm thinking of having erotic photos done and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or hints for making the most of the experience and for looking my best. These will be explicit, not the more tame boudoir-type shots. Has anyone else done a shoot like this and if so, what made it comfortable, sexy, fun, etc. for you?
Any ideas are welcome!:)

make sure you get along really well with your photographer. Someone who can make you laugh and relax is a good start.

Have a couple of drinks. Not too many, you're aiming for giggly, not drunk.

Wax is your friend.

And have confidence that the person you're taking the photos for wants to see you naked. It doesn't matter what you think of your imperfections, the person you're doing this for already think you're sexy or they wouldn't be having sex with you.
My wife and I used to do this nearly every weekend. The previous poster got most of it. First, she either got waxed or I shaved her. She did her hair and makeup while I picked out lingerie and props. Make sure you have plenty of batteries. And CLEAN YOUR ROOM. A good picture can be ruined by a messy background.
I've never done a professional shoot before, only self-portraits. But, my suggestion would be to make sure you remove any tight undergarments well before the picture, to make you you don't have any tight elastic marks on your skin anywhere. Just have a robe or loose tshirt on until you are ready to shoot.

Oh, and make a playlist of sexy music to help you relax and get in the mood.
I've never done a professional shoot before, only self-portraits. But, my suggestion would be to make sure you remove any tight undergarments well before the picture, to make you you don't have any tight elastic marks on your skin anywhere. Just have a robe or loose tshirt on until you are ready to shoot.

Oh, and make a playlist of sexy music to help you relax and get in the mood.

Good suggestion but I think this comment we should probably be illustrated with some examples of your work! Grin
Thanks for the tips so far! Aphroditiac, your idea about not wearing clothing that would leave marks is great. Fair skin+elastic= red marks. Guess that means no bra that day;)
Good suggestion but I think this comment we should probably be illustrated with some examples of your work! Grin

Maybe one day, when I get very brave, or slightly drunk.

Thanks for the tips so far! Aphroditiac, your idea about not wearing clothing that would leave marks is great. Fair skin+elastic= red marks. Guess that means no bra that day;)

Yes, because it does take surprisingly long for any red marks to wear off.

Another thought is, they sell body lotion, not sure the brand now, but it has a bit of a shimmery effect. This is nice to rub on yourself, because it gives your skin a nice, almost ethereal glow about it. If you are doing these photos yourself, then try not to use a flash. Pick somewhere with lots of natural light, near a window is good. This will help play up light and shadow across your body, and accentuate your curves. Get all your props ready before hand so you don't have to stop shooting to go rummaging around for that fan or just the right necklace (or toy:devil:) for the shot.

Have fun!
From the photographers perspective

I'm thinking of having erotic photos done and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or hints for making the most of the experience and for looking my best. These will be explicit, not the more tame boudoir-type shots. Has anyone else done a shoot like this and if so, what made it comfortable, sexy, fun, etc. for you?
Any ideas are welcome!:)

Clear your mind of everything and feel. A good photographer is going to try to catch you in somewhat a candid moment. You want to look sexy, then feel sexy.
Have you done any planning? Who are these pictures for? You or someone else. If they are for someone else, think about what they like. Some ladies like to wear nothing but their bf/husband's favorite team shirt. If they like your ass, consider tight jean and thong underwear. Props are so amazing at creating an image. Do you want to feel romantic? Consider materials that make you feel that way. Another approach is to show who you are. If you like to cook, nothing but an apron and some flour can go along way. The props can also help get you into the mood or fun. The key is to forget the camera and the lights. Sure they are going to move you around from location to location but try to get back to that place where you feel turned on.
I was going to say watch out for any clothing that will leave marks when you take it off.
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Details. Things that go unnoticed IRL will be scrutinized by anyone viewing your pics. Anything that is "off" will detract from the picture. Do your nails. Do your hair. Pick things up like your mother is coming over. I saw a pic recently where the bottoms of the model's feet were filthy...that's all I remember about it.:(
errrrm, no one else has said it, so i'm gonna... perhaps we could just critique the end result?.... ;) just suggestin...
Some great tips here. A few years ago my wife spent an afternoon doing a sexier-than-tame photo shoot, so some advice direct from someone with some experience.

If you are going to wax in preparation for the shoot, don't do it the morning of or even the day before. If you don't wax often or are sensitive in the sensitive areas, a waxing may leave you a little red and perhaps even swollen in spots.

If possible, do some outdoor shots with natural light. We loaded and drove out a beautiful King size bed, with these fantastic head and foot boards made of distressed wood, out to this small meadow in the forest. We set it up and made the bed with some sexy sheets and lots of pillows. The shots captured that day, especially those with the afternoon light slanting through the trees... INCREDIBLE.

If you are using a professional, or even a good amateur photographer, make sure you meet well before the shoot date to go over what each are expecting from the the other. Make sure you are comfortable with him / her as any unease on your part will be captured in the photos. See examples of any previous work if possible and make note of shots you like and that are similar to what you are wanting to achieve. If you are thinking sexy, slightly racier than Playboy with light and shadow boosting the eroticism, and the photog is thinking bright raunch lighting and spread the pink à la Hustler centerfold, the shoot will not go well.

Get your make-up done by a pro who knows you are having photos done and can apply make-up accordingly. They don't need the details as to what the theme of your shoot is, but make-up for sexy, sultry photos is different than bridesmaid's make-up for an afternoon wedding. Let them know colors of any wardrobe - even the scant stuff - so colors used will compliment.

Speaking of wardrobe, have a great selection on hand of whatever you are comfortable in, can be relaxed in, feel sexy wearing, and can have fun in. Doesn't have to be all bras and dainty panties. Mrs. E had on hand a selection of lingerie, a couple sport jerseys, a handful of my dress shirts, some fun flannel nightclothes, some baby-Tees, a dirty and torn wife beater, mechanic coveralls, suspenders, skirts, and then a whole selection of footwear ranging from my old work boots to hawt stripper heels.

Last bit of advice regarding the taking of the pictures. Depending on how you are going to do your "sets", the photographer may ask you to "arch" this more, or "turn" that a bit more. It won't feel natural and you may feel a little... the word my wife used was "exaggerated", but these "exaggerations" are sometimes needed in order to best capture on film what you are trying to express or convey, and may be a little photog trick to snap the best pic possible, e.g. an upturned face will make your neck look longer and slimmer whereas looking down makes your neck look shorter and can create chin-rolls.

Have fun!
Thank you everyone, for the fantastic suggestions! I had a er, difference of opinion, with my photographer, so things are on hold. But when I finally get the chance to capture all these sexy images that are dancing in my brain I'd love to share them with all of you. I will certainly file away all the good advice put forth so far. :)
I'm thinking of having erotic photos done and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or hints for making the most of the experience and for looking my best. These will be explicit, not the more tame boudoir-type shots. Has anyone else done a shoot like this and if so, what made it comfortable, sexy, fun, etc. for you?
Any ideas are welcome!:)

It sounds like fun and it's quite erotic just thinking about it. What's your purpose and motivation? Are they for someone in particular or are you doing them to promote yourself as a model, for film, or something else? By using the term "having erotic photos done" you imply that it's by a professional and not just having your boyfriend or husband do them with his digital camera. I'm just wondering why you would pay to have professional pics done if they weren't for someone in particular or for a higher purpose than, say, putting them on the amateur page of this site. If they are for someone in particular, (and I would have loved having someone do that for me) my only suggestion would be to make sure you address his particular interestes and/or fetishes to really blow his mine.
It sounds like fun and it's quite erotic just thinking about it. What's your purpose and motivation? Are they for someone in particular or are you doing them to promote yourself as a model, for film, or something else? By using the term "having erotic photos done" you imply that it's by a professional and not just having your boyfriend or husband do them with his digital camera. I'm just wondering why you would pay to have professional pics done if they weren't for someone in particular or for a higher purpose than, say, putting them on the amateur page of this site. If they are for someone in particular, (and I would have loved having someone do that for me) my only suggestion would be to make sure you address his particular interestes and/or fetishes to really blow his mine.

Great question, Amofiga! My main purpose for having these photos taken is because I really want to express myself on film without having to stop and re-set a timer, etc. I'm pretty skilled with the settings on my phone camera but there are angles I just can't manage myself. Which brings me to my other purpose: sharing them with someone special. We've talked about what he'd enjoy seeing and what how I'd enjoy posing. So these wouldn't be for professional reasons. I did luck out by having a friend put me in touch with an amateur photographer that's happy to do them.;)

And Emerson, you make an excellent point about communicating beforehand. The photographer and I have been discussing ideas and we're on the same page. I've been researching examples, too so he knows what I want. (Sometimes showing is better than explaining.)
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I think there's a thread on the Playground by Azuldrgn on What Not to do when making sexy pics.

After seeing a couple no no's on lit I agree with the messy room, and take your socks off. So Not kidding! And if you're going to post them on Lit, don't be standing next to your wedding picture.
I think there's a thread on the Playground by Azuldrgn on What Not to do when making sexy pics.

After seeing a couple no no's on lit I agree with the messy room, and take your socks off. So Not kidding! And if you're going to post them on Lit, don't be standing next to your wedding picture.

Oh dear lord, has anyone posted pics like this? :rolleyes: LOL! I guess ditto pics of your kids in the background, too.
Thank you everyone, for the fantastic suggestions! I had a er, difference of opinion, with my photographer, so things are on hold. But when I finally get the chance to capture all these sexy images that are dancing in my brain I'd love to share them with all of you. I will certainly file away all the good advice put forth so far. :)

Make the contract so you get the memory card out of the camera when the shoot is done. Otherwise, they own the images. Yikes.

Do not sign a model release.

Remember, Miss America lost her crown because of such pictures.
I don't think this can be reiterated enough;

Clean up the background, So many good pictures have been ruined by messy backgrounds. In fact one poster today bombing the boards has a great pic but her apt is trashed. Ruins the whole shot. When I take mine I am VERY picky about what I keep much less share.

Details, pay attention to the details. You are putting on a performance of sorts. If you don't like it get rid of it.

The details are what people remember.
