How to post site address



I'd like to know how I post the site address in a message so someone can simply click on it. When I copy and paste it as instructed, others will have to copy and paste to get to the site. Most I see in messages are underlined addresses you can simply click on.

Thank you
Excitedmind said:
I'd like to know how I post the site address in a message so someone can simply click on it. When I copy and paste it as instructed, others will have to copy and paste to get to the site. Most I see in messages are underlined addresses you can simply click on.

Thank you

In th "Options" Field below the text box where you enter a post is: "Automatically parse URLs: automatically adds and around internet addresses." -- if that is checked, the BB software will automatically make an address clickable.

For more information on the URL tags, see