How to... lose weight


Jul 2, 2002
anyone got any hints/tips/quick solutions?
have you managed yourself?
(i know will power features heavily, but i'd like a bit of the inside deal, please!)
1. Get a complete physical to make sure that there is not a medical problem that is causing the weight gain.

2. drop the carbohydrates, refined sugars, and anything that may contain white flour which has glutens in it.

3. lots of fresh fruits and veggies...minus the dressings, mayo, or vinger & oil.

4 exercise....

pick something that you really enjoy and get a friend involved.

I know it isn't health related - I have regular medicals. :D
Does anyone have any good (low fat, weight loss freindly) recipies?

I have ordered dairy free/wheat free cook book to see if there is any thing to help in there...

And, thank god I have a v supportive partner, who knows how I feel and what I want.

I need to buy some will power. Any one know any good stores?

I have found the blood type diet is working very well for me, not specifically for wheight loss but that has been a very nice side effect. Look for the book "Eat Right for your Type" by Dr. Peter J D'Adamo on the net or in a bookstore or health food store near you. At first it might seem weird but I know when I am following it fairly stringently I feel great, and when I stray I feel sluggish.
weight loss

Studies have found that those people who have lost weight and kept the weight off have not only dieted but also exercised. One of the best types of exercise, just recently found directly related to weight loss, is weight lifting. You build muscle which is related to your metabolic rate, even when resting. Not only that, it feels great.
Okie dokie..

I'll lend a thought or 2.

First off you need to figure out what your BMR is - basal metabolic rate. This will tell you have many calories you burn while resting.

Go to this link to figure this out.

Secondly.. carbs are NOT your enemy - as long as you choose correctly and the right amount. When eating carbs you'll want to keep everything GI balanced. The lower the GI (glycemix index)of a food the less it has a potential to raise insulin levels. When insulin is spiked you run the potential that anything you eat (while insulin is spiked) to be stored as fat.

Point of info... in reality its not the GI of an individual food item but rather the GR (glycemic response) that affects blood-glucose levels but I won't go into that right now. Its a bit advanced. Just rmember to keep most food combinations low GI you'll do well :)

Go here to to get the GI rating of food items.

Thirdly, fats are NOT your enemy either. You NEED good fats in your diet in order to LOSE fat. You need your Omega 3,6, and 9 fats. Most people DON'T get enough form foods so supplementing with Flax Oil, Hemp Oil, Natty Peanutbutter, etc will get you there.

Fourth, you need to exercise. 3 times a week for 20-30 mins will be enough to get you moving in the right direction :)

Fifth, you need to EAT! Most people are over weight for 2 reasons: They eat too much or they don't eat ENOUGH. Once you determine how many cals you SHOULD be taking in... split that up into 6 small - equal part meals, eating every 2-3 hours :)

Hmm whatelse.. there's a ton I can provide but that should get ya on the right track.

Ohhh.. water! you need water. I notice I said water.. not coffee with water.. not juive with water. Wate rnad water alone. Min 1 gallon/day.

If you want anymore info just let me know.


Re: weight loss

psyche said:
Studies have found that those people who have lost weight and kept the weight off have not only dieted but also exercised. One of the best types of exercise, just recently found directly related to weight loss, is weight lifting. You build muscle which is related to your metabolic rate, even when resting. Not only that, it feels great.


also, doing sittups help. I know they suck and we all hate doing them but they really make a diffrence. For one thing they naturaly curve your apitite (sp?). as well as burn fat and build metabolism with the muscle growth........ like miss psyche said.......
Re: Re: weight loss

huskie said:

also, doing sittups help. I know they suck and we all hate doing them but they really make a diffrence. For one thing they naturaly curve your apitite (sp?). as well as burn fat and build metabolism with the muscle growth........ like miss psyche said.......


You cannot spot reduce fat. You have to lower overall Bodtfat in order for abs to become visable.

Ab exercises, however, do strengthen your core and are very important to a healthy body (especially your back).

Keep in mind though.. if you are top heavy.. doing lots of ebdominal work could end up making you look bigger (fatter - I hate that word) than you really are. Reason? when you lift weight (that is esentially what you are doing) you buuld muscle. Your abs are muscle therefore your abs will get bigger and if you don't lose the fat covering the abs then the entire abdominal will look bigger.

Re: Re: Re: weight loss

houseman said:

You cannot spot reduce fat. You have to lower overall Bodtfat in order for abs to become visable.

Ab exercises, however, do strengthen your core and are very important to a healthy body (especially your back).

Keep in mind though.. if you are top heavy.. doing lots of ebdominal work could end up making you look bigger (fatter - I hate that word) than you really are. Reason? when you lift weight (that is esentially what you are doing) you buuld muscle. Your abs are muscle therefore your abs will get bigger and if you don't lose the fat covering the abs then the entire abdominal will look bigger.


Bull shit. I'v done it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: weight loss

huskie said:
Bull shit. I'v done it.

*shakes head*

Yeah.. and I'm the eastern bunny.

When you did this were you eating EXACTLY the same as you had when you "got bigger"? I suspect not.

Just because you do bicep curls does not mean you will become leaner UNLESS your diet (and/or cardio) relfects that.

Scale weight will only be lost when your body is in a caloric deficit. 1 pound of fat == 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you need to eat 500 cals. less than you expend.

Body fat is different from scale weight. They are both closely tied however one can lose inches (body fat) without losing scale weight.

When you are losing BF you are losing fat directly and as little as LBM (Lean Body Mass - Muscle) as possible. This is generally important for a Bodybuilder as we don't want to lose the muscle we have worked hard for.

When you are losing scale weight you are losing roughly 60% muscle and 40% fat. Thoese numbers are not exact.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: weight loss

houseman said:
*shakes head*

Yeah.. and I'm the eastern bunny.

When you did this were you eating EXACTLY the same as you had when you "got bigger"? I suspect not.

Just because you do bicep curls does not mean you will become leaner UNLESS your diet (and/or cardio) relfects that.

Scale weight will only be lost when your body is in a caloric deficit. 1 pound of fat == 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you need to eat 500 cals. less than you expend.

Body fat is different from scale weight. They are both closely tied however one can lose inches (body fat) without losing scale weight.

When you are losing BF you are losing fat directly and as little as LBM (Lean Body Mass - Muscle) as possible. This is generally important for a Bodybuilder as we don't want to lose the muscle we have worked hard for.

When you are losing scale weight you are losing roughly 60% muscle and 40% fat. Thoese numbers are not exact.


When I said bull shit, I meant bull shit to your first comment. That I can't or that some of can't "Spot reduce fat." I have..... and not lost fat in my legs or other areas. or maybe I did some and just didn't notice?? anyway, I sugested doing sittups not to just reduce fat in the midd section but mainly to curve ones appitiet. All I know is that it worked for me.... course I was lossing wieght for wrestling and wasn't considerd over wieght to begin with.
Re: houseman...

aelphaba said:

I have a question about this. Can you tell me what would be considered low GI? What would be normal? I went to the link, but didn't find the information that I wanted about this. Any thing you'd care to add would be appreciated. Thank you. :kiss:


For me.. when I am dieting hard anything under 60 (Glycemic Index) I am allowed to eat.

What exactly is the info you are looking for? I have some more links I can provide - will try to dig them out later.

As a basic rule I stick to these carb sources when dieting hard:

oatmeal (sweetened with a pinch of splenda)
Brown rice (steamed)
Any green and leafy veggies (iceburg lettuce does NOT make the cut)

One can also eat Lentils, beans, and whole wheat or multi grain (preferrable) bread, Whole wheat pasta.

You should stay away from processed carbs sources like white bread and regular pasta for example.

One thing about carbs and why they are not your enemy... As someone pointed out carbs fuel the brain AND the body. You need 50 carbs alone just to sustain brain function :) Secondly, carbs speed up metabolism.. when your metabolism is running you are burning calories - which is the key to weight loss.

I'll try to get to those links today.

capricious_chic said:
Actually, you can tone even while driving.

Pull in your tummy, then relax it. Do several reps while you are driving. You can do this with any muscle... Even doing kegals while driving :D. Long drives don't have to be inactive, as long as you can concentrate on driving foremost. After awhile, it will become second nature to flex and release.

Yep.. these are called vaccumes and are very difficult to master.

Arnold first introduced them and have proven to be a wicked abdominal builder.

Secondly, not to flame on anyone but in reality there is NO such thing as toning. Toning is the reduction of bodyfat - aka fat loss!

When you loss fat your body will then become toned and defined - to what degree depends on the amount of muscle you already have. But to suggest you can tone through weights or strength training in plain wrong and hopefully people can/will understand (through my previous statements) this.



You are the bomb!

Excellent and well researched information.

Everything you have said has been very accurate, kudos.
GI Info...

Hey peeps,

Here's one of the links I often refer to for GI information.

New data and research on GI, etc is emerging ALL the time but this should get with the basics.

gi infi

Also.. as I mentioned in my first post.. its not actually the GI of a PARTICULAR food in your meal that you need be concerned with its the GR (glycemic response) of the meal combination that completely affects insulin levels in your blood.

For example.. people often eat oatmeal which is very low GI (about 41-50). Yet they'll mix in brown sugar and other substances which turns a very low GI meal into a high GI one. This is a rather simplistic and obvious example but one nonetheless.

Now.. you ask how you can determine the GR of the meal you are eating.. well the quick answer is not easily *sigh*. Its very hard (unless you have the science background) to find out this data correctly. However, you can get pretty damn close with a blood-glucose monitor.

30 mins - hour after each meal you eat test your blood with the monitor and chart the results over a given time period and under the same conditions/times (if possible). This will enable you to determine which meals you eat will cause your insulin to raise above an accepted level which could lead to fat storage.

Exact science? No - but not a bad alternative.

I'll post an article on Glycemic Reponse later on if anyone is interested?



Secondly.. carbs are NOT your enemy - as long as you choose correctly and the right amount. When eating carbs you'll want to keep everything GI balanced. The lower the GI (glycemix index)of a food the less it has a potential to raise insulin levels. When insulin is spiked you run the potential that anything you eat (while insulin is spiked) to be stored as fat.

Point of info... in reality its not the GI of an individual food item but rather the GR (glycemic response) that affects blood-glucose levels but I won't go into that right now. Its a bit advanced. Just rmember to keep most food combinations low GI you'll do well :)

Go here to to get the GI rating of food items.

I have a question about this. Can you tell me what would be considered low GI? What would be normal? I went to the link, but didn't find the information that I wanted about this. Any thing you'd care to add would be appreciated. Thank you. :kiss:
I am one who had a lot of problems losing weight for a long time until I finally put my mind to it. And that is the first step you have to do it for yourself and no one else. It takes a lot of self-contol and tons of will power.

There are no quick fixes either no super drugs or weight loss devices. It is you the only thing that will work. Here are some of the things that worked for me and it did I lost a lot of weight about 3 years ago now.

All sweets gone none at all. Mostly salads vegetables and some chicken. Eat small meals. No snacking in between meals.

But the most important is the exercise walking does the most I walked 10 mi everyday 5 miles in the morning and 5 in the evening. A very fast pace walking and push yourself even though you get tired and you will.

Also doing sit-ups they help too.
there is no quick way to loose weight. It takes a long time.

Just cut back on the junk food. For me it was sugar. For others it may be carbs or soda. Take a walk a few times a week. Go to the mall on weekends just to speed walk and window shop. (avoid the food court) making small life style changes works best. It is slow, but it is sure to last the longest!
Thank you

I wasn't expecting so many replies - and especially not 'useful' ones.
Freshman, many many thanks, knowledge, facts and no chastizing. Much appreciated.
I am off sick at the mo - flu, urgh. But am doing my best not to indulge myself. Lots of fluid and vit C (not tablet form!)... and hopefully I can restart my swimming and aquarobics class soon, I miss it!
I've a hell of a lot of weight to shift, and I AM going to do it. For my health's sake and for the sake of a promise I made my partner... when I shift to a size I feel really comfortable with he gains a striptease and lap dance (at the moment am far too afraid that i might smack him in the face with my stomach! :D) and I will also, hopefully, gain more flexibility.
I ride every Sunday, for an hour, but unfortunately I have a job which involves a lot of driving, so long periods of inactivity. :(
Anyhow, enough of me. Many thanks.
Actually, you can tone even while driving.

Pull in your tummy, then relax it. Do several reps while you are driving. You can do this with any muscle... Even doing kegals while driving :D. Long drives don't have to be inactive, as long as you can concentrate on driving foremost. After awhile, it will become second nature to flex and release.