How to force Literotica to show links you've visited as purple (solution inside)


Dec 23, 2018
This is honestly one of my biggest peeves with this whole site. It breaks a fundamental way that we have come to expect the web to work. I can't really see any good reason for them to do it. They had to actually go out of their way to make it work that way.

Fortunately, it's simple to fix.

Install the Stylebot browser addon. I use Firefox, but I understand it's also out for Chrome and Edge. I'm not a Mac person, so I don't know if it works on Safari. I don't know it it will work on mobile browsers. I do know that it will NOT work on Firefox for Android. Bah.


Once the addon is installed, click on the Stylebot icon on the browser taskbar. It's a grey box with a white S.

Select "Open Stylebot" from the dropdown.

Make sure that "Styles" is selected in the left column, then click "Add a new style..."

Where it says "Enter URL...", type "".

In the text box under that, enter:

a:visited {
color: purple !important;

Then hit Save.

You're done! Enjoy looking at the site without having to remember if you've already checked out that story.
Is it safe to assume that if i clear the browser cache all purple links are reset?
To add onto OP's point, CSS styles are very powerful, you can do a lot to customize the look of any website with them. Ever dislike the font Lit uses on the forum? Well, I haven't but you can change it at will with a style. You can change colors, block page elements, and it all happens locally on your browser.

It should work on the most popular modern desktop browsers, but not mobile.
This is not a static website - it is a forum where content can be added at any stage.

If, however, you scroll to the very end of any page click Style chooser/Literotica Classic you will see links to threads with updated content or you have not visited are in bold font.
This is not a static website - it is a forum where content can be added at any stage.

If, however, you scroll to the very end of any page click Style chooser/Literotica Classic you will see links to threads with updated content or you have not visited are in bold font.

For this discussion forum, yes.

I'm talking about the stories.