How to affect the taste of pussy


Jan 2, 2003
Hi. Does anyone know what sort of foods will affect the taste of a woman's pussy? I want it taste nice and pleasant ya see ;). Now I know that asparagus has a funny effect and that supposedly red meat does too. So what about fruit? Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!
That's odd...I've never tasted a pussy I didn't like! Now, if you could figure out a way to make it taste like prime rib or beer, that would be the only improvement I could imagine.
I've not had any complaints about my taste, but then again, maybe they have only been gentlemen and just havent told me.
red meat, garlic, bitter vegetables, anything high in iron will make you taste bitter.

If you really wanna taste nice all the time, cutting those things out of your diet would be the way to go, while increasing your natural sugars, like fruit. But that seems kind of ridiculous (to change your entire diet for the sake of the taste of your cum... and it's dangerous, because you might become vitamin deficient).

So, quick fix: Go a day without red meat, and drink a LOT of pineapple juice. You will taste amazing. If you want to taste better over a long period of time, then cut down on, but don't eliminate red meat, and add pineapple juice to your diet, ALONG WITH lots of water. Pineapple juice is very high in acids. If you drink too much without dilution, it can cause ruptures in the stomach lining. Everything in moderation.

Good luck to you.
Wow! That was pretty authoritative! I was just gonna interject that my vegetarian girlfriend had nearly no taste, at all. Beaucoups points to Vixenshe and her "team" for their tireless research on the subject!
prettykitty69 said:
Hi. Does anyone know what sort of foods will affect the taste of a woman's pussy? I want it taste nice and pleasant ya see ;). Now I know that asparagus has a funny effect and that supposedly red meat does too. So what about fruit? Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!

The best pussy taste is JUST before a girl gets her period...
Chuckwrox said:
Wow! That was pretty authoritative! I was just gonna interject that my vegetarian girlfriend had nearly no taste, at all. Beaucoups points to Vixenshe and her "team" for their tireless research on the subject!

I'm a vegetarian, but I'm also addicted to fruit... peaches, watermelon, plums, whatever. I can't get enough. And that makes me really sweet. Natural sugars are what increase the flavour of a woman's cum, not just the lack of red meat.
Sorry about this but I am a little bit the worse for drink. (I really do have a seriously good excuse). Being pissed is good at the moment but my ideas are BAD!

I've always wondered if vegetarians swallow during oral sex. I've been fortunate enough to consort (lovely word) only with carnivores. Just curious. As veggies can they justify that? Or is it the whisky I've drunk? And 6 pints of bitter?

Anyway to the main point of my post, I heard about a man in Helsinki (why not? Finns fuck too, there are milions of them) who invented a tablet that made pussy taste like fresh melon. He invested all his savings, marketed it and went bankrupt. At the bankruptcy hearing they told him that if he had invented something that made fresh melon taste like pussy the world could have been stretched out at his feet.
Many vegetarians don't eat meat because they object to animals being slaughtered for the sake of our consumption.

Other vegetarians don't eat meat because they don't like the flavour and texture of meat. I'm one of them. I swallow.

Vegetarians aren't against getting protein and amino acids in their diet.. swallowing cum usually isn't a problem, at least not from a vegetarianism point of view. Nothing to justify.
Well what would you suggest if your SO couldn't ingest pineapple juice due to an allergic reaction?
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Vixenshe. It wasn't really a serious question, just a drunken ramble. I am grateful for your explanation about the reasons why people are veggies. I was really just trying to introduce a pretty poor joke after a heavy night with some brown bottles and some scotch.
If I irritated you I am sorry. (Drawing the line at prostrating myself at your feet). Take care. Love and peace.
Ljbonobo said:
Well what would you suggest if your SO couldn't ingest pineapple juice due to an allergic reaction?

is it a reaction to pineapple, citrus, a certain type of fruit acid, what? Can they eat peaches and plums? What about kiwis and strawberries? NO RASPBERRIES! They literally make you sour.

Try other fruits, lots of them. But continue to drink water while you do so, and maybe cut back on meat intake just a smidge.
Shyjohn said:
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Vixenshe. It wasn't really a serious question, just a drunken ramble. I am grateful for your explanation about the reasons why people are veggies. I was really just trying to introduce a pretty poor joke after a heavy night with some brown bottles and some scotch.
If I irritated you I am sorry. (Drawing the line at prostrating myself at your feet). Take care. Love and peace.

You didn't irritate me at all... my reply was written with a half-smile on my face, and the knowledge that you were "a little bit worse for drink"
Here's another that works...

A cup of hot tea with about 5 tablespoons of honey added... Drink it 4 hours or less before your 'event'. It works, I tasted an amazing difference in an after oral kiss... yummy, to say the least. ;)

PS... No lemon! :D

OKKKKKK going to grocery store and stocking up.... SMILE Hubby is turning VEG... lol but really I have thought about what could make a difference.. and it seems like the fruit I dea would work. but not to sure about the tea and honey smile Magnolia
That honey and tea idea sounds good.. I'm going to try that..I also heard that coffee drinking and cola makes it bitter. Just thought I'd add my 2 cents.. :) Petra
*starts taking notes* raspberries=sour puss Interesting.

*ahem* It also helps to cut out the junk food or anything too salty, or with too high a fat content. Dark sodas will make you more bitter than non-colored ones, and ones with caffeine will also make you more sour.