How sick are people???


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
in the paper today. a little girl
my sisters next door neighbour.

women havieng trouble potty training her 3 year old daughter.
so the god mother siad she will take the girl to her house and potty train her cause she trained all 4 of her kids.

the Child is now in the hospital in critical condition.
aprently the way to teach a child potty training you use Negitive reinforcement.

so each time the kid peed her pants she got beat, papper never said if it was my hand or by objects but stuff was taken fromt he home for evidence.
and why is she in the hospital?
Cause the time she took a shit in her pants...... The women took a pot of boiling water and threw it on the child to was her off.

I dont' know the women I dont know the child but I want to kill that women with my bare hands.

a 3 year old baby, they had to shave her head, hook her up to life support, she has saver burns all over her body,
I knew a girl that was burned that young grew up with her, she had to wait till 22 years old for plastic surgery. I seen the pain she grew up whth, I truly wonder about this child.
The term eye for a eye comes to mind...the same damn thing should be done to her. There are alot of seriously sick ppl out there that prey on the young,elderly and infirmed and I believe everyone of them should have to endure whatever they did PLUS I would kill someone if they hurt my child,no question about it he was not brought into this world cause he ask to be here we (hubby and I invited him). Things like I read just piss me off :mad: