How Often Do You Feel Like the Luckiest Woman Alive


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
Ok, let me clarify this. How often does your significant other or spouse make you feel as though you are absolutely so lucky to have them in your life?

It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?
perky_baby said:
fuuuuuuck youuuuuuu, flower girl.:D

Yeah, I was thinking something like that....

DO my cats needing me and depending on me and loving me count???

*sigh* it's hopeless

But its lovely that you have someone......:) Congrats Lavender...
I tell myself how wonderful I am every day. I even say I'm beautiful and that my but does *not* look fat in those pants. I pamper me and give myself nice orgasms while i tell myself what a wonderful lover i am.

Unfortunately, I don't ever believe anyone who compliments me.
I'm just being really sappy, perky, et. al.

I can't help it. I think it's the endorphins talking.
I love when Lavy goes corny. If Lavy can turn into a complete sap, then world peace can be achieved.

lavender said:
I'm just being really sappy, perky, et. al.

I can't help it. I think it's the endorphins talking.

nah, I'm happy for you, just uber jealous. It is a great feeling. I just miss it.
Angel said:
I love when Lavy goes corny. If Lavy can turn into a complete sap, then world peace can be achieved.



No, I turn into a sap pretty easily. I just don't let it show.
a couple of times a day... :)

It's an amazing feeling. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
lavender said:
Ok, let me clarify this. How often does your significant other or spouse make you feel as though you are absolutely so lucky to have them in your life?
Well when I read about the married couples around here and their 'non' sex life I feel lucky to have the husband I have...

As for him making me feel wanted with words... nope, nadda, none.... I know he loves me and cares, just does not know how to say it or show it without wanting to produce an orgasm for us both....

Damn it I want to be appreiciated and told that in words, weeds from the garden or hugs out of the blue....
lavender said:
Ok, let me clarify this. How often does your significant other or spouse make you feel as though you are absolutely so lucky to have them in your life?

It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?

I feel valued & desired & needed & cared for.
How often does your significant other or spouse make you feel as though you are absolutely
so lucky to have them in your life?

Each and every day since we met in May 1996.

When he's working (he works at home). When he does laundry, washes dishes, mows the lawn, cooks meals, takes out garbage. When he's being a kind and loving dad to our son. When he folds me in his arms, kisses me, tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. When he lies naked beside me, makes love with me, caresses me, or when I just watch him asleep, breathing softly, his chest rising and falling rhythmically.

I hit the jackpot when I found him, and I feel bad on those days when I'm crabby and don't show him how much I appreciate him, how grateful I am for him. But fights make me feel lucky too, and there's always the makeup sex afterward (GRIN)!

And no you stupid Lit idiot trolls, NO goddamned fake photos of that, either! (How sad that my every post is automatically and moronically echoed by "What, no fake photos?" It gets old & tiresome! Those guys need to get a LIFE!)

-- Latina
Daily! and I wouldn't change it for the world...ok maybe when he takes his stank work boots and leaves them in my den I don't feel the love but otherwise I do :nana:
Every time I hear someone complain about their man, I realize...I have one of the best.

When I walk through my house and I can smell his cologne...I smile and know that I am so damn lucky.

When he sighs that sexy sigh and tells me that we feel incredible together...I melt inside.

When he smiles. When he takes a deep breath. When he dresses up. When he wears sweatpants. When he gets ornery. When we argue. When we make love.

I am lucky. :)

Latina said:
And no you stupid Lit idiot trolls, NO goddamned fake photos of that, either! (How sad that my every post is automatically and moronically echoed by "What, no fake photos?" It gets old & tiresome! Those guys need to get a LIFE!)

I finally saw Donnie Darko the other night...

Now I know who Frank is.
Lasher said:
I finally saw Donnie Darko the other night...

Now I know who Frank is.


I'm actually still chuckling to myself.

It gives a whole new meaning to all of Latina's sexual exploits. I bet Frank looks rather rabid when he comes.
Lasher said:
I finally saw Donnie Darko the other night...

Now I know who Frank is.


I did too, surfing channels during another bout of insomnia. I only caught the last 40 minutes or so.
lavender said:
Ok, let me clarify this. How often does your significant other or spouse make you feel as though you are absolutely so lucky to have them in your life?

It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?


it's wonderful... and I feel like that every single day!
So many times a day, I can not count.

When he text messages me in the middle of the day just because. When I can hear him smile over the phone... when I am sad and he just listens... when I am fearful and in doubt and he can reassure me with just the simple fact that if I have tried there is no way I can fail....

I am so blessed to be able to love and be loved by a most amazing man.
lavender said:
Ok, let me clarify this. How often does your significant other or spouse make you feel as though you are absolutely so lucky to have them in your life?

It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?

Oh Jesus...make up your mind. Last week you were the saddest puppy in the pound with a flat tire.

You're that Pacific Blue chik...aren't you?