S Shagly Literotica Guru Joined Feb 1, 2005 Posts 78,392 Nov 5, 2012 #1 I pulled it off 3 times this year. I hope I do not get 3 jury duty notices.
Liar now with 17% more class Joined Dec 4, 2003 Posts 43,715 Nov 5, 2012 #4 Last 3 times. Cause I was working on the day.
koalabear ~Armed and Fuzzy~ Joined Mar 14, 2001 Posts 101,964 Nov 5, 2012 #5 Just 6 times, today in NJ.
fuckwaffle ~Watch the Birdie~ Joined Jan 19, 2009 Posts 1,781 Nov 5, 2012 #6 My dead Uncle votes every year in Chicago.
S SeaDaddy1 Jim Joined May 29, 2006 Posts 4,966 Nov 5, 2012 #7 Never. I should have this time though. Considering all the voter fraud and scandals that happen on the last day of voting. It would be nice if the US voted on weekends though.
Never. I should have this time though. Considering all the voter fraud and scandals that happen on the last day of voting. It would be nice if the US voted on weekends though.
Tryharder62 Keep Believing Joined Jan 27, 2012 Posts 12,746 Nov 5, 2012 #8 I can tell I am not a morning person. I thought the thread said how many times have you done early morning? The problem is I may have done it in my sleep.
I can tell I am not a morning person. I thought the thread said how many times have you done early morning? The problem is I may have done it in my sleep.