How many people have you slept with?


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
I just saw that question posed on a Rolling Rock commercial, and it got me thinking. Why do people ask how many people their lovers have slept with? What answer are they expecting? What answer matters?
I think it's an ego stroking kind of thing. If they can really staisfy you, and you've had 37 lovers (or only 7) who obviously didn't satisfy you, or you'd still be with them, they win.

Personally, I neither ask, nor answer this question.
Jeeeez, Mischka! And while the thread opened I was preparing to slap your wrist and tell you to mind your own business. ;)

The only correct answer to that question, in my opinion, is "None that mattered as much as you, dear."
I don't keep a tally. More than five - less than fifty.

Not that you were asking or anything.
It shouldn't matter. I think pagancowgirl has it right, it's an ego thing. Great answer Nora!
I honestly have no idea. I have noticed, among my friends, that the women ask this question far more than the men. I'll grant that this may not be universally true. But it does speak to woman asking question of men for which there's just no right answer.

And for me., the answer isn't particularly important.

Okay, maybe if the answer is "974", I might have pause.
Mr Freaky and I have never discussed this topic.

Is there something wrong with us?

Ofcourse he still thinks he is the greatest lover I ever had. I haven't the heart to tell him differently.
I have no idea why they ask, does it really matter? I do know "more than you" is not a good answer.
That is an easy question to answer. I have slept with many people in my lifetime....male, female, children, bosses, family members...too many to count in total I think.

Now if you had asked me how many people I had had sex with, I would have told you that the question was too personal to answer.
JazzManJim said:
I honestly have no idea. I have noticed, among my friends, that the women ask this question far more than the men.

Perhaps the women that you know are looking for some sort of permanence and want to be sure (as if you can be) that all of his wild oats are sown? Or perhaps it's an ego thing for us chica's too... but I'd rather not think about the other women in a man's life while I'm fucking him.

Okay, maybe if the answer is "974", I might have pause.

I knew there was a reason you quit bringin me the pizzas. I should've given the socially acceptable answer of '5'.
Mischka said:
I just saw that question posed on a Rolling Rock commercial, and it got me thinking. Why do people ask how many people their lovers have slept with?

In my opinion, it's a general, human bonding-type question. Most of us have slept with people, and it's kind of a "pretty personal, so let's admit something to each other about ourselves" kind of question. A semi-intimate, getting to know you sort of exercise.

What answer are they expecting?

What answer matters?

These two questions, I have no idea. I guess it gives you an idea if you and the questioner are in the same ballpark sexually.
3. Me, Myself, &, I. And, taht's all that I'm ever gonna sleep with.
Doesn't have a certain sort of morality to it though? I had a gf that at one point in the relationship found out that she had slept with more than 8X the number of people that I have had. I think it makes you look seriously at your partner, if they haven in fact slept with more than 20 people, then that isn't something to be proud of but rather something to be ashamed of. As always it isn't quantity but quality that matters.

Nothing like making love with your gf, and she tells you that she has slept with over 50 guys, it litterally freaked me out.
I've never cared how many people my partner has slept with.. that was before me so why would I?
hehehe.. LOL

I slept with my grandfather.. and school teacher...

Gees can be any body any where...

The Q is Who AM I have Sex With right ?

Or HOw many have I POKed ?

Right ?

Do I .. did I ,,,UNderstand the O ? Correctly ?


Hmmm.. Which One should I answer ? may I ask ?

I Just told My Hasband last night...

How many have I have sex with...

and We Have not finished counting yet ... :eek:

What a mess....:eek: LOL joking*** sexyyyyyy ~wink~* haha :D
KillerMuffin said:
I slept with 69 women in 10 weeks.

Jinkies! Imagine the damage you could have done in a full semester instead of taking the short course! :eek:

if you have read any of my stories you would think alot but truth be told I have slept with 3 women
Nora said:
Jinkies! Imagine the damage you could have done in a full semester instead of taking the short course! :eek:


:D I was in Boot Camp at the time, Velma. And that's all we did, too, sleep! We were all in the same room, so we were "with" or "together".

What can I say, it's a great conversation piece for perverts.
KillerMuffin said:
:D I was in Boot Camp at the time, Velma. And that's all we did, too, sleep! We were all in the same room, so we were "with" or "together".

What can I say, it's a great conversation piece for perverts.

*hangs head in perverted shame for falling for KillerDaphne's teaser*
It ain't polite to inquire.....

I have a long selection period for my mate, as long as 2-6 hours! If someone is with me, all that matters is that the time we're together, nothing else. If they need to tell me, it's okay, but I don't feel compelled to exchange info. Homey don't play that.