How many people are actually gay?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
For all the publicity this gets in the media, entertainment, and politics, you would think at least half the population was gay.

According to the CDC and many other studies the actual numbers of self-identifying gays AND bisexuals is below 5%. Even if you include all the young people, especially females, who have "ever experimented" with same sex activity, the numbers are still an overall minority and most of these identify as straight.

Tail wagging the dog just a little bit in our public policy and entertainment culture? :confused:
Evil is evil. It doesn't matter that blacks make up 12% of the population that doesn't make Jim Crow right. Stupid fuck.
I can't even turn on TV without hearing about homosexuality. Even Youtube has a gay cult rainbow symbol on its front page today. Now, its even intruding on our foreign policy. If I didn't have it shoved down my throat all the time, I wouldn't give a toss but something's not adding up here.
I can't even turn on TV without hearing about homosexuality. Even Youtube has a gay cult rainbow symbol on its front page today. Now, its even intruding on our foreign policy. If I didn't have it shoved down my throat all the time, I wouldn't give a toss but something's not adding up here.

Have you stopped to think that maybe the problem is you?
For all the publicity this gets in the media, entertainment, and politics, you would think at least half the population was gay.

According to the CDC and many other studies the actual numbers of self-identifying gays AND bisexuals is below 5%. Even if you include all the young people, especially females, who have "ever experimented" with same sex activity, the numbers are still an overall minority and most of these identify as straight.

Tail wagging the dog just a little bit in our public policy and entertainment culture? :confused:

Turn that around: If there are that few of them, then they're not any particular threat to anybody or anything in any way, and there's no reason not to tolerate their presence, and no reason not to allow them full civil rights, full social visibility, full marriage equality, etc.
I can't even turn on TV without hearing about homosexuality. Even Youtube has a gay cult rainbow symbol on its front page today. Now, its even intruding on our foreign policy. If I didn't have it shoved down my throat all the time, I wouldn't give a toss but something's not adding up here.
Try AM radio. There isn't much gayness there.
even if the gay population only makes up 1% of the population... that's still over 3 MILLION Americans

the right is saying... 3 Million Americans aren't entitled to the same rights as the rest of the country, simply for being gay

seig heil baby
Whats the big deal? Someone's sexuality is unimportant unless its you or your partner. It's very private. Whilst I find militant groups like Stonewall very tiresome I don't wish the gay community any harm at all. They're just people.:D

For all the publicity this gets in the media, entertainment, and politics, you would think at least half the population was gay.

According to the CDC and many other studies the actual numbers of self-identifying gays AND bisexuals is below 5%. Even if you include all the young people, especially females, who have "ever experimented" with same sex activity, the numbers are still an overall minority and most of these identify as straight.

Tail wagging the dog just a little bit in our public policy and entertainment culture? :confused:
Hitler proved that most people are up for anything if the incentives are right. Stalin proved it too.

How many people are card carrying queers? Prolly 2%-3%. Prolly the same number are card carrying straights.
This debate is WAY out of proportion effecting a VERY small percentage of the population. It's not as if homosexuality is a growing concern. Give them what they want to shut them up and lets move on to serious issues like jobs. I just don't understand why they want to be marries when the rest of us are obviously so miserable. The Gays aren't going to be any better at it than the rest of us, and they might actually be worse. If I were Gay, I'd demand my rights, but the last thing I'd want to be called is married.
This debate is WAY out of proportion effecting a VERY small percentage of the population. It's not as if homosexuality is a growing concern. Give them what they want to shut them up and lets move on to serious issues like jobs. I just don't understand why they want to be marries when the rest of us are obviously so miserable. The Gays aren't going to be any better at it than the rest of us, and they might actually be worse. If I were Gay, I'd demand my rights, but the last thing I'd want to be called is married.

Its all about social redemption and acceptance.

But IRL they aint gonna be embraced anymore than theyre gonna get accepted into Harvard or to a White House party.
For all the publicity this gets in the media, entertainment, and politics, you would think at least half the population was gay.

According to the CDC and many other studies the actual numbers of self-identifying gays AND bisexuals is below 5%. Even if you include all the young people, especially females, who have "ever experimented" with same sex activity, the numbers are still an overall minority and most of these identify as straight.

Tail wagging the dog just a little bit in our public policy and entertainment culture? :confused:

What percentage of the population is renard ruse? Less than .01%. Why does he have any rights at all?
But gays are already accepted. People love gays. Straight women especially love gay men. Gays are some of the most beloved members of our society. Look at that Gay basketball player. The obama called him to praise his courage for some reason. Accepting Gays makes heteros think they are open minded.
For all the publicity this gets in the media, entertainment, and politics, you would think at least half the population was gay.

According to the CDC and many other studies the actual numbers of self-identifying gays AND bisexuals is below 5%. Even if you include all the young people, especially females, who have "ever experimented" with same sex activity, the numbers are still an overall minority and most of these identify as straight.

Tail wagging the dog just a little bit in our public policy and entertainment culture? :confused:

Isn't it a tough survey to accomplish, I mean, how many people actually admit to being gay?
Hitler proved that most people are up for anything if the incentives are right. Stalin proved it too.

How many people are card carrying queers? Prolly 2%-3%. Prolly the same number are card carrying straights.
You could check with the Nazis and see how many pink triangles they issued.