How many of you believe in soulmates?

sexyeyes1 said:
Just curious how many opinions there are.:heart:

There are exactly 4 opinions on the topic:


Personally, I choose 'no'.
yes i believe everyone has soulmates, but different types

i have friends who i kno are my soulmates, who i connect with in ways i can't with other friends

and also that special person in my life that feels like a soulmate, acts like a soulmate and in my

*blushes* well thats my opinion
Most people who know us, would say that Lekov and I were soul mates, or meant to be together, made for each other, etc.

We agree whole heartedly.

We finish each other's sentances, start the exact same sentance at the same time, we say what the other is thinking, and have been known to do exactly the same thing at the same time, without looking to see what the other is doing.

Tonight, for example, our 7 year old learned in school that eating too many chips is bad for her, and asked us why.

We both explained the normal about it, then went on to explain that eating too much of one food is never good for you, no matter how healthy the food is. She asked what kinds we meant, and both of us at the same time said, "Well, like apples."

Now, that sounds fairly low key, but we do that 4-5 times daily, and most of it is more noticable than picking the same food. One day, we were both surfing pics on line, trying to find eye shots for a game.

We weren't talking to each other, weren't looking at each other's cpu's (the way we have them set up, you have to stand up to see the other's moniter), and we both picked the same actress: Nicole Kidman.

For some reason, we ended up on different sites, surfing the same woman, and when we noticed it, it was because I had stood up and saw his screen, and noticed that we both had just finished loading the exact same pic of her.

We know each other, we know what the other feels, we know when the phone rings that it's the other. We know what the other wants without them asking.

We may not have been destined to be together by some higher force, but in every way, we are soul mates.

Though, we do our fair share of fighting, too ;)
No, I don't.

I think there are people we feel closer to than others, but I think the soul is a solitary thing that just can't be shared. Heart, love, emotions, thoughts, feelings, even that extra almost extra-sensory oomph, but not the soul.
*crosses fingers*

Hope so. It makes me feel better knowing that there's someone out there who is just perfect for me. :)
I dunno...I don't think you only get one shot at it, any given time there are 6+ billion people on the planet, I'm sure more than one of them is right for you. I don't think everyone you date is a soulmate, but i do think there are very many people we can form close relationships with.
sexyeyes1 said:
Just curious how many opinions there are.:heart:

Yep, I believe we do have soulmates.

Sometimes they're only meant to be in your life for a short time. Other times it carries on for a lifetime.

I've also heard people say we have more than one. I'm still not sure about that one.
See the thing is though is you have only 64 full souls running around in all those people. So you'll get your opportunity sooner or later.
shivagoddess said:
yes i believe everyone has soulmates, but different types

i have friends who i kno are my soulmates, who i connect with in ways i can't with other friends

and also that special person in my life that feels like a soulmate, acts like a soulmate and in my

*blushes* well thats my opinion
I'll just agree with your opinion :)
Not I.

I used to. I really thought there was such a thing. Then I realized it was all in my head, just what I wanted to believe.

Live and learn! :)
I believe in soulmates. In fact, we are together now and neither of us have ever been happier :heart:
I used to believe. Up until about three years ago, that is.

A person who you tell your deepest and darkest secrets to and not think twice about what they'll think of you or whether or not they'll tell anyone...because you know your secret is safe with them.

A person who "completes all of your thoughts and sentences" before you do. Seemingly reading your mind at every turn.

Someone you can laugh at the most mundane stuff with...and simply enjoy "being" with one another.

A person who you care for so much that it hurts sometimes...even when everything is going 100% right. Not a bad "hurt", but a feeling of emotion that you just can't believe could ever be more pure or rich.

And..lastly...someone you let in, behind all of the "walls" you've built over time. A person you trust beyond trust...and to who you can finally and truly say those words everyone wants to hear: "I love you." ...not only that, but you ache to hear them say them back to you. When they feels as though the whole world has opened up like a blossoming rose. Everything takes on a whole new aura that you never saw before.

I had all of that. I know what true love is...and yet, it didn't work. For a multitude of reasons.

I used to believe. Now I just know that you can't trust anyone. Not even someone you thought was a "soul-mate". Even soulmates aren't "meant to be". If they were, I'd be with mine.

Now..I just believe in being as happy as possible day to day, regardless of who you're with. I can reasonably control that at least.

Sure do.

Just haven't quite worked out all the kinks in my theory yet tho.