How many of u like going to the Beach?

I like going to the beach at night. I like to chase the ghostcrabs with my flashlight. They look so cute when they scuttle sideways and try to pinch my toes.
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I love going to the beach to watch the sunset. I love watching the waves as the sun is settling on the horizon.
I love the beach! Especially at night time, i love to just go sit in the sand and watch the stars, listening to the sound of the waves crush across the sand. I guess im lucky, i live 5 miles from it!
No shit? You really are? And from Texas.. near the Gulf? Like past Houston?
LMAO Fuck just saw what it said under your AV.. sorry and yes i am blonde.. and feeling it very much so at the moment
I think my blondness is sinking in deeper :eek: .. Cause i really meant below where your AV should be.. where it says your from England i believe.. Sorry! Having one of those days