How many calories

Whadaya mean "one"? I had three yesterday, and I'm about to go downstairs and scarf the remaining two. Unless hubby ate them.

They were a gift from a tanker crew yesterday. We like the ones who bring us gifts. :D

ma_guy, that was a crunchy link. LOL My computer choked on it. Dumb thing. *smacking side of computer*
April said:
Whadaya mean "one"? I had three yesterday, and I'm about to go downstairs and scarf the remaining two. Unless hubby ate them.

They were a gift from a tanker crew yesterday. We like the ones who bring us gifts. :D

ma_guy, that was a crunchy link. LOL My computer choked on it. Dumb thing. *smacking side of computer*

Lets see 600 out of daily intake of ?...............:)
Let's see: two sprinkle ones @ 280 ea. = 560
one chocolate covered cream? filled @ 340 = 340

OMG 900 calories. I guess it's a good thing I didn't eat much else.
April said:
Let's see: two sprinkle ones @ 280 ea. = 560
one chocolate covered cream? filled @ 340 = 340

OMG 900 calories. I guess it's a good thing I didn't eat much else.

I have to admit they are good. :D
Yep. Too good. I'm glad they haven't made it over here. Very glad.

Damn those tankers for spoiling me. ;)
April said:
OMG 900 calories. I guess it's a good thing I didn't eat much else.

It's gonna take a lot of sex to burn those off! ;)
LadyGwenhevare - Average ejaculation is approximately 15 calories.

Much much better then a donut.

Lick (i)

Spank :D
Your right. Its not how many calories but the carb and fat count.

Not sure how to measure it carbs.

Spank :D