??How long is the approval time for stories??


Sep 19, 2021
I already have 10 works published, but haven't submitted in a year or so.
What's the approval time now adays?
I would guess faster for authors who have a track record of following guidelines. Low hanging fruit and all.
My recent ones have only taken a day to be approved then posted the next, but had ones from a month ago take a few days longer so think it varies.
Depends on a lot. I had eight parts posted with good track record and yet it still took three days to get approved. Others can be one day, finding it approved in the morning (europe time).

Honestly there are probably a lot of things in the background happening so we never know. Can be a day, can be five.
Posted a bunch (like 12) since the start of the year. When they're queued, they go out in consecutive days (once they start going out), but when there's a gap it's taking 7-10 days. And that's presumably after my stuff is a bit 'known'. I guess it just depends a bit more on whether a competition is up, or the category.