how long does grief last?


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
When you loose someone long can you expect it to endure? (it being the denial...the pain...sleepless...)

My sister lost her husband of 6 years about 6 months ago...she is ok most days but then a certain smell might trigger a memory and she is lost in tears again.

She has found that going to a loss support group has helped her tremendously.

Good luck. :rose:
I have lost people in my life, and at the time, I believed the world was ending. Amazingly enough, the world began to turn again a week later.

Then there are those that took several months of my life to get over, to see the silver lining in what they had given me.

There are a few that I still feel pangs of sadness and pain over, years down the road.

And there is one...well, life goes on. But it never goes on quite the same as it did before.

It's all about memories...hanging on to those good ones, and keeping in mind how deeply you were changed for the better, just because you knew that one beautiful life. :)

Some of you know...

A friend died....Sunday....I loved my friend....
Some part of the grief will likely always be there...but over time, the sadness becomes bittersweet, flavored with all the good memories.

*hugs* I'm sorry for your loss Silverluna...:rose:
thanks guys and gals...mixed with humor and good helps....not much but a bit
the hard part is it neer really goes away...just get eaier oer time and its still too recent to be able to see this and undertand it as a cycle of life and to use the good things your friend brougt into yours.

its not fair~but it will get better soon.

I think when a person touches your life, you always remember them. You mourn different things, that were and that could have been.

Time makes things easier at times, but not all the time and it doesn't ever give you amnesia.

If you weren't living you wouldn't feel anything, and loss is part of that.
My experience with this is that it lasts about one year if you were very close to the person, like a Mother/Father etc.

You will need to get through some holidays,a birthday and an anniversary of the persons death.

It all depends really....there is no mathmatical reality to grief.

All I can say is, it does get easier. Dont forget the person, or do a denial thing to overcome the grief.....remember them, but dont dwell on it, or let it control your life.
Clinically speaking two years is the healing period for most people who've lost someone very close. It goes from thinking about them every mintue, to every hour, to many times a day, etc until they become someone you miss and regret not being able to share something you've found that would intrest them. Time will bring less pain.

Best advice is to allow yourself to greive. A lot of Westeners are taught to advoid this and it's a nec part of healing.

I know that you will pull thru this. Big huggers.
I lost my Uncle when I was 12 and I still cry and grieve. When I see my niece & nephew I think about how much he'd loved to seen them. When I talk to my cousins, his children, I can picture what his reaction would be to whatever we're talking about.
Silverluna said:
Some of you know...

A friend died....Sunday....I loved my friend....

I too lost a great friend on Sunday...he died on Saturday but I wasn't informed of it until Sunday. Some of you may even have heard of the incident due to the fact that it made national news.
He was a backcountry skiier in North Idaho (just outside of Sandpoint) and he caught caught in an avalanche and died (there was another avalanche death only about ten minutes from there where a snowmobiler died, in the same day as well). He was a great family friend and I loved him dearly. I took a week off of school to go be up there with friends and family as well as spend time with Amber (his daughter) who is only 16 and has always been like a sister to me. Having lost my own dad to suicide, I was more able to relate to her and her situation of losing a father.

You have to go through the healing process. It takes time but it comes out. Just surround yourself with those that you care about and who cared about your friend as makes the grief easier to cope with. Another thing I do is write in my's just another way of getting it all out.

I am sorry for your loss and I hope you can make it through this.
Someone, when my father died, told me, "You don't get over it, you just get used to it." I've found that to be true. Him, his life, our time together, the way he smelled, his sense of humor, his death all become parts of who I am becoming. The sharpness of the loss has diminished with time but the essence of him continures on.
It's different for each person.

We all feel and show and endure grief in our own personal way, on our own personal timetable.