How long do you take to compose an SRP post?


Mar 7, 2006
Out of curiosity, how long do you take to compose a post in an SRP thread?

I was looking at my commitments and my writing and it takes me 45-90 minutes to put up a post.
Out of curiosity, how long do you take to compose a post in an SRP thread?

I was looking at my commitments and my writing and it takes me 45-90 minutes to put up a post.
If I am uninterrupted... It can take me 1 to 2 hours to get a post written and into the SRP thread. I then will reread it several times to make sure there are no typos.. etc... But when trying to "work" at the same time as write, it takes a lot longer for me.
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Depending on my mental flow and distractions intruding from the non-Lit world, it can be anything from 20 minutes to 12 hours.
It depends. Usually I can come up with something pretty quickly (5-10 minutes), but once in a while it may take a few days for the thoughts to flow cohesively. I don't think it's anything worth worrying about, as long as you're with a partner that understands that sometimes people get writer's block (even on lit). And then, sometimes life gets in the way as well. Or on top of.
It depends. Usually I can come up with something pretty quickly (5-10 minutes), but once in a while it may take a few days for the thoughts to flow cohesively. I don't think it's anything worth worrying about, as long as you're with a partner that understands that sometimes people get writer's block (even on lit). And then, sometimes life gets in the way as well. Or on top of.
Sometimes takes me forever like a few days or a week if I'm not completely busy.
It depends. If you're only thinking about writing the post, anything from 10-15 minutes to 1-2 hours, depending on the amount I need to write. Actually thinking about what I want to write before I start writing may take longer, again depending on the RP and the complexity of the current scene.
Some are a lot quicker than others. It depends on the scene and what is happening in that scene. It also depends on what my partner gives me to respond to.

Actual keyboard time, probably 30-60 minutes, although it may take a week or two to find those 30-60 minutes, hopefully uninterrupted. I rarely write a post in one sitting. Even the ones that flow quickly and write easily I will let sit for a few hours or overnight to re-read with fresh perspective. Sometimes if my partners gives very little or the scene is in intimate action or dialogue the post can take 10 minutes, and sometimes when more background needs to be filled in or more time needs to be traversed it can take a few hours. Starter posts often end up in that category.
I'm notorious for taking a long time to post. That's because I tend to take my time considering what I want to say or do in my next post before I write anything. That means my posts usually take a few days to a week or more for my next response. However I try very hard to make every post I write the best it can possibly be in compensation for my poor patiently waiting cowriters every time I do.