How is Venice?


Literotica Guru
Nov 14, 1999
Hi Laurel and Manu (assuming you can see this)!

I haven't seen any posts from you two so I'm going to assume life is good in Italy?

I hope this IBM Workpad z50 you got to take with you is working okay since I plan on getting one. Damn you for telling me about them, Manu! lol!

Anyhow, I was just curious how you two were/are doing since I haven't seen any posts.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

(Okay guys, turn up the music again, I'm done talking with "Mom")

Think you can assume that's a hello/hi from all of us; just not sure when you guys are due back, I mean we're goin' to need a lot of time and effort to clean the place up after all the partying and get it back to how it was before you split out...

nah seriously, we miss you ... come home sooooooon!
Yup, the hello is from all of're cyber kids??? We all love & miss you sooooo much that we are having a big get together to test our pheromone on the beach outside your house at 3am Sat morning.

Hee hee

Take a ride in one of those gondola's for me, kissing & "stuff"
Hi guys... For some reason, our browser wouldn't let us post on the BB (couldn't hang with the script) so I couldn't drop notes the way I'd planned... We had a blast - too much good food, gorgeous sites. Venice is now my favorite European city. I'll give more details later, promise! Gotta go eat real quick...
I got my new toy in the mail today.
Damn it's a tiny lil thing!! But me likes! I just can't seem to connect to the net with it.
It connects then boots us back off again. Gotta fiddle with it to see what the heck the problem is.

Glad you enjoyed your trip! Also glad you're back cuz now that I have this new gadget, I'll be pumping out more stories for you to post.
