How far will you flirt?


Literotica Guru
Nov 2, 2001
I read recently that flirting is attention without intention. Do you have a line that you can't/won't cross? or, Is it, 'Damn the torpedoes, and full speed ahead'?
I am quite clear about my flirting intentions in my profile...
fuck it man go for it why fucking waste the time just tell her shes hot and give her that slap on dat azz
Depends on the person, and the personality that I am flirting with.
On the internet? I don't take it for anything but fun, don't expect much more from me.

Out on my everyday excersions? There's usually real feelings behind my flirtations, I'm not a very flirty person. So, the possibilities are endless, depending on our relationship status and where we are in our lives.
I don't flirt well. I just can't say what I won't back up. I think it's not a good thing to be like that.
I think it can go as far as two people want it to...the internet is for entertainment indeed...but flirt as far as you want...if you wish to get serious...then say so...and do so if the tiiming is right...otherwise...just have cyber or phonesex...that never have to cross..."THE LINE"
erosman said:
I don't flirt well. I just can't say what I won't back up. I think it's not a good thing to be like that.

There are some people who flirt too well, they say things that make your heart go pitter patter and to them it is nothing more then a writing exercise and unless you are upfront with each other it can cause a big hoorah..and not the good fun kind.
I'm a terrible flirt. I never know what to say, or how to say it - and that's both online and in real life.
I sometimes think I'm going too far when I flirt. Once, when I was talking to this girl who was going to a Bills game, I said, "I would like to see you in the crowd with your top off." She didn't really seem to mind, though. But, ya never know. Too many people at work talk behind people's backs.
I only flirt once they flirt with me first, and then I do so in a very subtle way. I don't talk trash...and are you meaning in person, or online?
I don't know how to flirt IRL and I take it too far online sometimes. I just don't always realize it. I'm working on that.
I don't flirt well online. In r/l if I open my mouth I'm usually flirting, luckily it's been part of my personality long enough, I can do it in a way that whomever I'm talking to knows I'm not serious.
I mean anywhere...intrigued. I don't really draw a line between on-line and's all the same to me. I have this guile sensitivity thing.
cybergirly1989 said:
I don't flirt well online. In r/l if I open my mouth I'm usually flirting, luckily it's been part of my personality long enough, I can do it in a way that whomever I'm talking to knows I'm not serious.

LOL... I seem to have that same problem, of course being that 95% of the people I deal with are women. I can pretty much flirt and have no problems.
I'm definitely a flirt both here and my everyday life. There's no difference in the two, to me. I flirt openly with both men and women. Here on the boards, more often than not just in fun. Most know this right away. I have lines, I don't cross over. I like Kitte's profile. That is how I am as well. Being an outrageous flirt doesn't mean I am going to cyber, phone sex or otherwise with someone. I always hope, that if anyone is confused about my intentions, they ask....I'll be direct and honest.
To me there are three types of flirting online.

A friendly flirt with someone who you are trying to make feel comfortable, a way to get them to loosen up and talk with you.

A safe flirt with someone that you're good friends with. You know that you can say anything to them and they'll not take it for more than its intended. This is especially fun if the other flirt partner has the art of double entendre's down.

The last flirt is the serious flirt. The one where you will banter with someone who you find attractive, someone who you would like to get to know on a better basis, if you haven't already done so.

The last one is the one that I rarely do, but occasionally you run across someone who sparks that interest. :)
QUOTE]Originally posted by erosman
I mean anywhere...intrigued. I don't really draw a line between on-line and's all the same to me. I have this guile sensitivity thing. [/QUOTE]

K...all in all, I'm a subtle flirt. I think online, a simple ;) speaks volumes, and in person, my eyes and "the" smile do too.
erosman said:
I read recently that flirting is attention without intention. Do you have a line that you can't/won't cross? or, Is it, 'Damn the torpedoes, and full speed ahead'?

Why are you asking others? We already know there's no line you won't cross. Looking for validation?

I flirt differently when online as opposed to IRL. Online is just for fun because it's not like I'm going to meet most of the people in person.
IRL is different..I flirt until I get what I want.
flirting by definition is a playful sexual overture. That implies intent.

Flirting without intent isn't flirting, it's teasing.