How expendable are single males now?

Le Jacquelope

Loves Spam
Apr 9, 2003
I notice a lot of things (some here, most elsewhere) where, for instance, a couple is looking for a single person, but single men need not apply .

Not that I am into the swinging lifestyle, but I was once at a club in LA which a friend invited me to come visit (a BDSM club, again, a bit too wild for me but still, I'll go check it out), and they did NOT like single males.

I believe in the latter case, it was an issue of there being a glut of men.

But I still get this overwhelming sense that in society in general, single men are viewed as an excess resource at best, and quite often a nuisance.
(Of course, they are the first ones sent to die in combat.)

I've sometimes mulled over the idea that if I have a child, I hope it is a girl, so she at least is afforded some measure of respect and value in society. What I've seen said about and done to single males, in real life, in ads, entertainment, and what not, is depressing.

Does anyone else see this, or is it just me?
well you couldn't have yourself a child without first finding yourself a single male, now could you?
I work for a company that sells ads on their Web site for relationships and sex . . . the couples generally want to meet other couples because they're bombarded with horny guys who aren't serious about swinging . . .
Cerberus666 said:
well you couldn't have yourself a child without first finding yourself a single male, now could you?

Actually, thats pretty easy to arrange also these days.

I am feeling very superfluous.
Yes but now how many women want children anymore? That is actually a big serious problem in Taiwan and Japan, moreso than in the States, but I am hesitant to think the "I don't want kids" trend won't hit the US. I am ... cautiously optimistic.. about that.

And even if a woman wants kids, it seems that the general idea is there are always single men to spare.
PixieSteph said:
I work for a company that sells ads on their Web site for relationships and sex . . . the couples generally want to meet other couples because they're bombarded with horny guys who aren't serious about swinging . . .
well there is that too.
Single women who think they are special enough to find men expendable are usually under 35 and a dime a dozen in terms of landing in the sack if you've got a few bucks in your wallet to pay for drinks or a meal.

It's called narcissism.
Dildos don't have demands , insecurities , diseases , a need for tv sports , don't fart and laugh about it , they don't care if her ass get's huge , jealousy not a factor , God if my best friend had a pussy I'd marry him......
LovingTongue said:
But I still get this overwhelming sense that in society in general, single men are viewed as an excess resource at best, and quite often a nuisance.

It's not because of the "single males not wanted" in swingers ads (re: PixieSteph's reason) but I do get the feeling as well that single men are viewed "a dime a dozen" for the most part.
Well, if they allowed free-reign for single men in swing clubs, eventually the club would be just all men. Imagine, as a couple, going to a swing club and it's filled with guys drooling over the female. It would make me feel uneasy....especially if he looked like this:

Bob_Bytchin said:
Well, if they allowed free-reign for single men in swing clubs, eventually the club would be just all men. Imagine, as a couple, going to a swing club and it's filled with guys drooling over the female. It would make me feel uneasy....especially if he looked like this:


He disturbs me..................What a freaky looking chub
Simple supply and demand. Horny guys are easier to find anywhere than water in the ocean.
Yes, there seems to be a glut of horny males.
I wonder what would happen if someone were to come up with a way to make that not true?

Where would our economy go without the strength of the male sex drive? I think it would collapse...

I don't wanna start a flame war, so I will leave it up to the reader to consider what would happen if the male sex drive were as reserved as the female's... a LOT of every day social, political and economic power plays are hinged upon that factor...
LovingTongue said:
consider what would happen if the male sex drive were as reserved as the female's

I must be lucky, I've never had that problem. Although my wife did start out as reserved, over the years that's certainly changed.
LovingTongue said:
But I still get this overwhelming sense that in society in general, single men are viewed as an excess resource at best, and quite often a nuisance.
(Of course, they are the first ones sent to die in combat.)

Wait till you get older... the males after a certain age are way out numbered by females.... and are in great demand...

In my opinion single males are not a nuisance... some however can be annoying.. it just depends on the single male in question..
LovingTongue said:
Where would our economy go without the strength of the male sex drive? I think it would collapse...

I don't wanna start a flame war, so I will leave it up to the reader to consider what would happen if the male sex drive were as reserved as the female's...

There would be 1,000 people on Earth. But they'd be very efficient.

I prefer single men to the married ones. Married men treat their spouses like currency. Its like if they bring a girl to the dance they can barter with my husband and have me. Sedona dont play that way. We almost exclusively see single men.

Sedona: so the chance that the single male is just too darned horny, is less offensive than the degrading aspect of wife swapping?

What if it was a single woman that came into the mix, rather than a single guy or a couple?

I'm interested in hearing the dynamics here.
I can imagine if a 'swinging' club has an open door policy, it will be 10 single men for every woman(single or attached). I plan on taking a date, and I suggest you do the same.
But in the general human populace there aren't 10 men for every 1 woman.

This poses another big question, then - where are all those single women hiding?

They're out there somewhere.
LovingTongue said:
But in the general human populace there aren't 10 men for every 1 woman.

This poses another big question, then - where are all those single women hiding?

They're out there somewhere.

Well, part of it is, once you get past a certain age, alot of them are stay-at-home single moms. Plus, there are plenty of women in love with married men...those guys are screwing up the rotation for the rest of us...
everytime I look for single women, they run away in terror

I can't smell THAT bad can I?
Re: Re: How expendable are single males now?

sweet soft kiss said:
In my opinion single males are not a nuisance ... some however can be annoying (I wouldn't say annoying, just hmm...better I bite my lip on this one).. it just depends on the single male in question. (indeed, that is what it all comes down to).

Very succinctly put!

Funny I was thinking the other day that with the population being tipped in the female favour that men would be thinking women were disposable.

Doesn't surprise me to find that some here do.

Ick.. I don't think men or women are expendable. That is why I hated that video series "Girls Gone Wild". They treated women like cheap crap. And now that the producers are going to prison for underaged sex, racketeering, drug charges, etc., I'm glaaad, in fact, MESOHAPPY!!! :D (ok, enuff ranting.)