How does the bottom usually get off?

Hands-Free Erection

I would frequently come to a mind shattering orgasm as I was being savagely throatfucked by my best friend Larry without any direct stimulation to my cock but purely from the ecstatic arousal I would feel in my throat, just as in the movie!

My problem is that I've always been prone to uncontrollable spontaneous erections, which happen unexpectedly and for no obvious reason. My schooldays were a mess of sexual fug and hard-ons in class, I'd have to be excused to go and toss-off in the boys-room, coming out of the cubicle red-faced, certain the other guys knew what I'd been doing! I could never concentrate on school - or a career, for that endless turmoil of sexual activity in my head. Now, on a first date with a new guy, while I'm trying to appear cool, casual and laid-back, that tell-tale aching bulge at the crotch of my skinny-jeans gives the game away. He sees that, and he knows I'm a push-over. He sees that and he knows he's gonna get his cock sucked before the evening is done. And as for cumming hands free - yes, when I'm finally giving a blow-job, that's when the eroticism gets to me in that particular way, and I'm shooting off before he does...
My problem is that I've always been prone to uncontrollable spontaneous erections, which happen unexpectedly and for no obvious reason. My schooldays were a mess of sexual fug and hard-ons in class, I'd have to be excused to go and toss-off in the boys-room, coming out of the cubicle red-faced, certain the other guys knew what I'd been doing! I could never concentrate on school - or a career, for that endless turmoil of sexual activity in my head. Now, on a first date with a new guy, while I'm trying to appear cool, casual and laid-back, that tell-tale aching bulge at the crotch of my skinny-jeans gives the game away. He sees that, and he knows I'm a push-over. He sees that and he knows he's gonna get his cock sucked before the evening is done. And as for cumming hands free - yes, when I'm finally giving a blow-job, that's when the eroticism gets to me in that particular way, and I'm shooting off before he does...
. I wish I could get together with you. I would love to see you shoot a nice thick load just as you sucked my cock.
. I wish I could get together with you. I would love to see you shoot a nice thick load just as you sucked my cock.

I guess that would be a minimum condition of us getting together. Right now, I'd love to be roughly face-fucked by a very well-hung guy, in fact my own little cock is quivering hard just thinking about it… wishing so hard it could be you and your big cock...
Hands-Free Cum...

Hey, I am the OP. Thanks for the feedback people, and keep it coming. It has helped my creativity a lot in the writing process.

I am very curious how some of you manage to reach ejaculation without any direct stimulation, so I might have to start another thread and investigate that one more.

I know it's no myth, I cum hands-free every time I suck cock. I've got a mature married Boyfriend who looks after me, he comes around and it's my pleasure and privilege to suck him off and swallow his cum. In fact, he usually texts ahead to let me know that he's got some free time to spend with me, and I'm hard even before he arrives here, merely in anticipation of doing sex with him… When I'm gratefully sucking him off I don't really need to jack-off, just the sheer ecstasy of having his big beautiful cock in my mouth gets me so hard its on the edge, and when I'm there naked with his cock pulsing and throbbing at the back of my throat, I usually cum-off spontaneously, it gets me spurting-off up my stomach, even before he blows his load down my greedy throat. Anyway, my arousal is just an enjoyable sideshow to the main event, which is his orgasm, and a mutual joy to us both… this is true. But then again, I'm a dirty slut when the mood takes me, and the mood takes me fairly frequently...
Hey, I am the OP. Thanks for the feedback people, and keep it coming. It has helped my creativity a lot in the writing process.

I am very curious how some of you manage to reach ejaculation without any direct stimulation, so I might have to start another thread and investigate that one more.

Although it hasn't happened to me in quite a while, when I was younger I would frequently orgasm spontaneously while sucking my best friend Larry's huge cock, or more correctly, while I was being very aggressively throatfucked by him. I would always get an erection as soon as his cock entered my mouth, and as he got closer to cumming, he would tightly hold my head and force his cock as deep into my throat as possible while moving my head up and down onto his cock but never actually taking it out of my throat. I was unable to breathe with his thick cock blocking my airway, but being the focus and lucky recipient of his sexual frenzy was so exciting that it quickly catapulted my level of arousal causing me to ejaculate with no contact to my cock. As I was usually fully dressed at the time, this would result in a terrible mess that I would have to clean up afterward.
Although it hasn't happened to me in quite a while, when I was younger I would frequently orgasm spontaneously while sucking my best friend Larry's huge cock, or more correctly, while I was being very aggressively throatfucked by him. I would always get an erection as soon as his cock entered my mouth, and as he got closer to cumming, he would tightly hold my head and force his cock as deep into my throat as possible while moving my head up and down onto his cock but never actually taking it out of my throat. I was unable to breathe with his thick cock blocking my airway, but being the focus and lucky recipient of his sexual frenzy was so exciting that it quickly catapulted my level of arousal causing me to ejaculate with no contact to my cock. As I was usually fully dressed at the time, this would result in a terrible mess that I would have to clean up afterward.

This I would like to see.
It's as much Mental as Physical!

I think many bottoms find the mental stimulus of submitting to another man almost or equally important to the physical stimulation of being fucked. I've cum hands-free, but also by his or my hands usually following his orgasm. A cock that's fat enough to hit all the right places can do amazing things!
In my experience a true bottom usually gets off by getting his partner off. It really is that simple.

I like this answer, as it really applies to me. Whether Im with my wife or a guy, my main focus is their pleasure, I get off on them getting off. I dont have any problem masturbating to get mine, I can think about how they looked and sounded in an orgasm.

The 3 times Ive actually been topped, the guy has always stuck around and helped me get off.
I find that anal hits a lot of the same nerves that genital stimulation does, so I actually find it pleasurable (if the partner knows what they're doing) on it's own. Pleasing the other can be nice, too, but I actually find that my arousal from anal has everything to do with my own pleasure, but that's just me.
Apologies if these sound like daft questions but some things aren't clear to the uninitiated:

1 Top? Bottom? I'm guessing top fucks, bottom is fucked?
2 Is it usual to have defined roles? Do guys not swap over? Seems a little unfair if they don't
3 Also sounding unfair, the descriptions of guys who get their rocks off then (presumably literally) walk away leaving the other guy essentially discarded. Are male/male encounters typically as mercenary as that?

What you are missing is the fact that the real human sex organ is in the brain. As to the physical acts, don't assume that the one whose penis is in a mouth or ass that they are the only ones enjoying the act.

Some guys are versitile, some are tops, some are bottoms. It can run anywhere from 0-100 percent where people fall on the top versus bottom preference scale. Just because someone is 100% top doesn't mean that they are totally selfish anymore than someone who is 100% bottom is completely selfless. To make such an assumption is to assume that the penis is all about receiving pleasure and the anus (or for that matter the mouth for oral guys) is all about giving pleasure.

It really all depends on the individual. For myself, I am a simply a top. It isn't because I have a dick of death, that I'm more muscular, more manily, more straight acting, or somehow less attracte to men. I'm just me.

That being said, the being inside a muscular, hairy, manily guy means more to me than the seconds of orgasm during ejaculation. I'd rather be inside a guy for a half an hour and not get off, than to have a super fantastic orgasm after 5 minutes of fucking. I'd also rather have such a bottom get off from my administrations to his ass than to get off myself. There is nothing in my head more fulfilling than "merging" with a man by being inside him. As to oral, it is pleasant but not orgasmic. To me it is just foreplay leading up to hopefully the "merge".

The last time I got fucked was about 1985. I NEVER like it, but was under the spell that to be a "good" partner with other men I had to want to bottom. Likewise, I was lead to believe that only hung guys could top. Between AIDS and the realization that I had been endoctrinated with nonsense as to male sexual behavior, I gave it up. I never did like it, so why do it? In fact, it made me wonder if perhaps I wasn't really attracted to men -- as I would imagine my feelings for bottoming were similar to a lesbian's feelings about having a penis insider her. Part of me wondered if that was the curse of homosexuality: a lifetime of unfulfilling, miserable sex.

When I first got involved in m2m sex, it was all oral, j/o, and bottoming on my part. Mansex was SO frustratingly unfulfilling. Then one day I met someone who was willing to let me top them. Finally, fireworks went off! I didn't know if I was cumming, dying, being reborn, or what. It was SUPERP fantastic!

As a result, it totally changed my world and my perception of mansex. I took to it like a tadpole takes to water. What I realize about in sex was the best thing to do was to offer what you are good at and love to do, and not do things because something in your head says you "should" do this or that.

Do keep in mind that just because I personally never enjoyed bottoming, doesn't mean other guys don't. There is a big misconception that if you are born with a dick and balls, you know exactly what pleases everybody else who has a dick and balls. There are about 3.5 billion males in the world, and we don't all experience sex the same way nor enjoy it the same. For example, some like it rough, some don't. Some like their balls hit hard, some like them squeezed, some want to throw up if you apply any pressure there. Some guys like a rough hand to j/o, others like a light touch. Some like oral deep throat; others are happy if just the head is sucked. Likewise, some want their ass left alone; some like a figer up there; some like a tongue up there; some like a toy up there; some like a flesh and blood cock up there. Even among fucking, some want you to bang like a jack rabbit. Others like it like a ship slowly streaming its way to the final destination. Each individual simply is unique which makes the world that much more interesting...

Regardless of being a top, it would be foolish of me to think I can be all things to all guys (if I were versatile for example). The guy who wants a big cock won't go for me. The guy who wants someone exotic won't go for me. The guy who wants lots of oral (give or receive) or wants ass to fuck won't go for me. However, the guy who wants someone who cannot get enough at looking, desiring, touching their ass; wants someone who thinks muscular, hairy, manly bottom men are angels from heaven... For them, I'm a very good match. Luckily, I have had that man for about 13 years whom I wouldn't trade for the world.

Again, it is less important to follow some ideal of being into all things sexual. Yes being versitile may mean you cast a larger net for those that might be interested in having sex with you. However, if you don't like it why do it? It is better to have fewer partners who you are compatible with than lots of partners with whom you find the encounters lacking. Likewise, if you love or crave something, why pretend that you don't?

Shakespear wrote:

"This above all: to thine own self be true,..."

That saying is so timeless... It isn't about fairness or being sexually correct, it is about being yourself.
I started a thread a while back asking anyone who identified as a top to chime in with what they liked about a bottom. I did this when I was writing one of my first m/m stories and needed the insight. This response was exactly what I was looking for, thanks. Such good info in here.

And in the meantime, I am going to keep working out hard in the gym and not skipping the heavy squats. My ass is built, it's not small, and I really like knowing there are some men out there that would in theory really enjoy getting in this.

One of the perks of being a bottom
like this

Im an exclusive bttm and submissive.
I personally cannott get hard when im getting fucked in the ass. My orgasms feel like intense pressure contractions on my prostate and the rapid movement of hard dick going back and fourth at my hole.
No hardon??

Im an exclusive bttm and submissive.
I personally cannott get hard when im getting fucked in the ass. My orgasms feel like intense pressure contractions on my prostate and the rapid movement of hard dick going back and fourth at my hole.

My dick is stiff as a board when im getting railed