How do you tell someone that you like them?


Nov 27, 2002
Do you pussyfoot around the issue...using words and phrases such as...
  • You seem sorta nice.
  • You are swell.
  • Would you like to share my pickle?
  • You aren't on my ignore list....yet.

Or do you just come right out and say...hey, baby...I think you are hot.
I usually just tell them that I like them.

Life's too short to pussyfoot around with words. :)
So instead of saying, "I'm in love with you," you can say "I'm in care with you."
I'm usually a little childish and tease the person but I must say it worked for me almost every time. I'm shy and somewhat introverted when it comes to the opposite sex so I have to be pretty drunk to come out and just say it :D
guilty pleasure said:
Come right out and tell them.....if you're sure.

Even if you're not, you can always tell them that what you know of them you like, right?
I sit on their dick and then suck the bridge of their nose

or if it's a girl, I tell her.
Hey baby, I think you're hot always works for me. :D Or a good full nude flashing works well.
I'm usually semi-roundabout on it..."Hey, I like to make a nice meal for a woman I like" then I describe some foods, until she reacts positively to one, and then I say "So, when am I cooking that for you?"

Food seems to be a great way to pick up women...
I usually tell them someting like..."Sushi is overpriced, over rated, tasteless and boring......Just to get their attention:kiss:
Any guy or girl can pick me up with food...last time it was sushi, but paella works for me!