how do you like your partner to dress for sexy time?


Feb 22, 2015
hi, im looking to see hwo people like their partners/playpals ect to dress for playtime?

im male and like to wear sexy male underwear for playtime, i like being groped through it then being taken or torn off. never have been a big fan of just going in nude and straight to it, i like some teasing or some kind first. they dont tend to stay on long with my partner she gets mine off a bit too quickly. i would like my partner to dress a bit more sexy in the bedroom. im not talking full on stockings, suspenders and all that . she dosent have a lot of that stuff though, i might have to make a few purchases lol i do like body stockings on a woman or things that are a little sheer and have easy acsess :)
i do have a kink for tearing things off during sex, i love the ripping sound mmmm

so , whats yours?
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If we're going to be sexy in public I like her to wear a loose skirt about knee length. Easy access for surreptitious feeling as opportunity allows. In private I prefer her to be nude and just enjoy the look of her. For me, clothing at that point is just unwanted distraction.
All bare all the time is the best.....except for tonight were we are getting our first freeze of the year, but my many years in florida though were all Commando:)
I in no way seek clothes on them. That said, it depends on the night.

If play is on the cards, then dressing and undressing can find their own flavours. Whether that's something cheap to rip into and away, or something to push aside or tease down with teeth. Dresses to hike up and bury my head and hands beneath, corsets and suits to trace the details of to feel fancier than we are about to prove...

If play is to be left behind, then all clothes can of course be scattered around, admiring one another for every contour instead.

Clothes don't make someone attractive, but what we  do with them can become a real memorable time.
It's always struck me as odd to buy expensive lingerie. It's going to be effective for about 40 seconds and then the fun begins and the clothes are ignored. This is of course not applicable if the intent is for role play. If the clothes are meant only to set a mood.. a well fitting bit of clothing, a button up shirt for example, can be extremely enticing. And fun to tear apart.
For my partner it is about accessibility so it’s button up anything, skirts, dresses, blouses, all with the odd strategically located button left undone. What you wear underneath is a matter for you.

For my partner I feel good in high quality shirts and trousers looking smart and well groomed.
Completely naked or very sexy and slutty lingerie.

Bikinis which are slutty AF are hot too.
Dressed or partially dressed, any way she wants. Me, naked, willing to please and totally at her disposal!
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It's always struck me as odd to buy expensive lingerie. It's going to be effective for about 40 seconds and then the fun begins and the clothes are ignored. This is of course not applicable if the intent is for role play. If the clothes are meant only to set a mood.. a well fitting bit of clothing, a button up shirt for example, can be extremely enticing. And fun to tear apart.

It's an investment in your partner's happiness, if they're in to it, of course.
I love Mrs. Royale in a skirt and blouse with no undergarments. Heels of course.

Note - I do not wish to chat about it. No DMs please.