How do you know it's time to clean your house???

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
My coffee cup is sticking to the coaster when I pick up the cup... time to get the cleaner out....

So when do you know it's time for a bit of a clean around????
when the clothes get up on their own and march to the hamper, giving me that LOOK on their way. :(
When my aquarium starts to make a splashing noise because the water is getting low.

*glances guiltily at the poor fishies*
Nora said:
when the clothes get up on their own and march to the hamper, giving me that LOOK on their way. :(
My husband's work socks do that. Throw them at the wall and they stick. :D
When you avoid going to your room, because it's too dirty for even you. You dirty bastard, you.
When it's too much trouble to cook because there are no clean plates, utensils, pots, you eat out or order in every night.
That's easy...

When you have to create a corridor through the newspapers, clothes, sales flyers, to go to the kitchen and back area of the house.

You also know when it's time to clean if while you're eating, you leave some crumbs on the ground for your "lil' friends!"
MechaBlade said:
When you avoid going to your room, because it's too dirty for even you. You dirty bastard, you.

Yeah I am about at that point with my bedroom now. Goddamn I hate when it gets this bad...
WHen you can't walk through any room in the house without stepping on something. Toys are the worst, especialy Hot Wheels and building blocks.
I stepped on a block once in the kids room and sprained the tendons across the arch of my foot, hurt for like a month.

The county Health Dept. is usually kind enough to stop by and let me know it's time.
T.H. Oughts said:
My coffee cup is sticking to the coaster when I pick up the cup... time to get the cleaner out....

So when do you know it's time for a bit of a clean around????

:eek: When the Dustbunnies start attacking you
T.H. Oughts said:
My husband's work socks do that. Throw them at the wall and they stick. :D

LOL...glad I aint the only one then....:rolleyes:
T.H. Oughts said:
My coffee cup is sticking to the coaster when I pick up the cup... time to get the cleaner out....

So when do you know it's time for a bit of a clean around????

I always keep my home clean to avoid the need for a clean around.

For larger jobs, I have a cleaning lady. Perhaps you should retain one since you obviously lack the domestic instincts usually found in women.
Re: That's easy...

Lost Cause said:
When you have to create a corridor through the newspapers, clothes, sales flyers, to go to the kitchen and back area of the house.
Ditto (looking at corridor in living room). :eek:
My husband has been in charge of housecleaning for the past 7 years. He started his new job today and I am staying home for the summer.

Believe me, it is time for housecleaning. He has never been very good at it. Now I get to clean. ;) It will take me a couple of weeks to get it into shape the way I want it. Pretty cool. :cool:
SilvaTungDevil said:
The county Health Dept. is usually kind enough to stop by and let me know it's time.

I figured it was when the ASPCA made a visit. Hey, I thought you told me that you had no pets?