Ish has posted that he has the ability to obtain ISP addresses of Literotica members.
He intends to post some of them here at Literotica. Laurel will more than likely remove such posts as soon as they are reported, but what damage will be done before she does? Some IP addresses will lead directly to companies or individuals.
How do you feel about this? Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I personally have mixed feelings. If he's going after trolls, I understand it but it lowers him to troll status in my book. I'm not sure I want Ish to know my ISP address even though I know he would not harm me with such information or at least I assume he wouldn't.
Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I would have to say it's along the lines of posting someone's phone number or address and maybe even worse because he is stealing/intercepting information that is not supposed to be public knowledge.
Ish appears to have support in his hacking activities. If you think it's kosher, why? I believe if he's having issues with someone hacking at his personal computer firewall and suspects they might be from Lit, his defense should be mounted there without involving all of Lit.
One more question for the attorneys out there.........
Is what Ish is talking about doing legal?
He intends to post some of them here at Literotica. Laurel will more than likely remove such posts as soon as they are reported, but what damage will be done before she does? Some IP addresses will lead directly to companies or individuals.
How do you feel about this? Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I personally have mixed feelings. If he's going after trolls, I understand it but it lowers him to troll status in my book. I'm not sure I want Ish to know my ISP address even though I know he would not harm me with such information or at least I assume he wouldn't.
Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I would have to say it's along the lines of posting someone's phone number or address and maybe even worse because he is stealing/intercepting information that is not supposed to be public knowledge.
Ish appears to have support in his hacking activities. If you think it's kosher, why? I believe if he's having issues with someone hacking at his personal computer firewall and suspects they might be from Lit, his defense should be mounted there without involving all of Lit.
One more question for the attorneys out there.........
Is what Ish is talking about doing legal?