How do you feel about Ishmael having your ISP address?



Ish has posted that he has the ability to obtain ISP addresses of Literotica members.

He intends to post some of them here at Literotica. Laurel will more than likely remove such posts as soon as they are reported, but what damage will be done before she does? Some IP addresses will lead directly to companies or individuals.

How do you feel about this? Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I personally have mixed feelings. If he's going after trolls, I understand it but it lowers him to troll status in my book. I'm not sure I want Ish to know my ISP address even though I know he would not harm me with such information or at least I assume he wouldn't.

Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I would have to say it's along the lines of posting someone's phone number or address and maybe even worse because he is stealing/intercepting information that is not supposed to be public knowledge.

Ish appears to have support in his hacking activities. If you think it's kosher, why? I believe if he's having issues with someone hacking at his personal computer firewall and suspects they might be from Lit, his defense should be mounted there without involving all of Lit.

Discuss. :)

One more question for the attorneys out there.........

Is what Ish is talking about doing legal?
Unregistered said:
Ish has posted that he has the ability to obtain ISP addresses of Literotica members.

He intends to post some of them here at Literotica. Laurel will more than likely remove such posts as soon as they are reported, but what damage will be done before she does? Some IP addresses will lead directly to companies or individuals.

How do you feel about this? Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I personally have mixed feelings. If he's going after trolls, I understand it but it lowers him to troll status in my book. I'm not sure I want Ish to know my ISP address even though I know he would not harm me with such information or at least I assume he wouldn't.

Do you think it's an invasion of privacy? I would have to say it's along the lines of posting someone's phone number or address and maybe even worse because he is stealing/intercepting information that is not supposed to be public knowledge.

Ish appears to have support in his hacking activities. If you think it's kosher, why? I believe if he's having issues with someone hacking at his personal computer firewall and suspects they might be from Lit, his defense should be mounted there without involving all of Lit.

Discuss. :)

One more question for the attorneys out there.........

Is what Ish is talking about doing legal?

You know, if people like you had the friggin balls to post under your own name, half of these problems would be diverted.
Do you think that if Ishmael has the ability to trace ISP addresses, that others haven't already done so? You must be relatively new here. This has been covered.
Unreg, you're full of shit.
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Re: Re: How do you feel about Ishmael having your ISP address?

Freya2 said:
You know, if people like you had the friggin balls to post under your own name, half of these problems would be diverted.
I agree with Freya, you people should nut up and post under your own name, shame on you.
Re: Re: How do you feel about Ishmael having your ISP address?

miles said:
In PC's absence, I'll respond.


Actually I was going to fire off a resounding "twat", but dork is always a fine retort, no matter the occasion.
ISP is your internet service provider. AOL and MSN are ISP's. I think you're meaning IP's.

It's all fiction. Someone claims to have hacker ability and backs it up by posting something about a different persona that he himself created. Big deal.

good point phrodeau. He can look high and low for my ISP, doesn't bother me in the least.
doesnt scare me. I say go ahead and do your worst, computer geeks. You twats should spend your time doing something constructive.
You guys are sidestepping the issue as usual.

If Hanns or Lance posted that they were going to intercept IP addresses at Lit's proxy server, there would be immediate outrage. Hippo-crits.
I go to a chat where anyone can see it, so why would it bother me here?
In view of some of the malicious havoc being forced on this board since November when Hanns and company joined, I think Ish's efforts are admirable and appreciated.

There's a difference between malicious intent and informative discovery to assist some of the wronged members, and hopefully to alleviate more problems.

I doubt that Laurel and Manu will object to an investigation that benefits the board. Frankly, it would be good to see some of the hateful comments made by this crew attributed to a real person/people to be liable for. Let them own their words and be held responsible.
Re: Re: Re: How do you feel about Ishmael having your ISP address?

LionessInWinter said:
Good for you, Freya! How are you feeling today?

I have no problem with Ish having my ISP, since really anyone could get it with the right software.


Doing ok - managing anyways.

I hate unregistered people.
Unregistered said:
You guys are sidestepping the issue as usual.

If Hanns or Lance posted that they were going to intercept IP addresses at Lit's proxy server, there would be immediate outrage. Hippo-crits.


No, that doesn't quite get the idea across.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

There. Much better.
n/a :eek:

When do the old bill come around to clench my nads and prosecute me for being a keyboard cunt?

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but heaven forbid if anyone should ever voice their opinions, hand out a bit of abuse or vulgarities via a keyboard on a Bulletin board, or attempt to 'get under the skin' of complete strangers in a fictitious world.

Hypocrisy seems evident when someone hands out a bit of stick, and the response seems pretty much on the same wave length.

Do 'they' get rid of those who abuse the abuser as well?

I want to be held accountable for keyboard terrorism. I cannot help but delve into obscenities when viewing such a moralistic bunch of fucking ponces who think freedom of speech is about having 'rules and regulations'.

Re: n/a

Kuntmode said: :eek:

When do the old bill come around to clench my nads and prosecute me for being a keyboard cunt?

If this is my IP, I'm honored. Maybe you can follow up by posting my SSN. That might convince me that you can attack my identity.

But who else would believe it?