how do YOU debate?

do you...

  • c&p someone else's opinion which backs up yours?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • c&p stats & facts?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • state a well reasoned and informed opinion of your own?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • state an opinion of your own?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • state the standard opinion of whatever political party you follow?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • tell everyone they're wrong & an idiot, and that they should shut up & fuck off, and imagine this ma

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • troll?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • avoid?

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • dolf fap?

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Ex porn
Oct 2, 2004
i'm posting a poll. it will be funny to see the gap between how everyone sees themselves and how everyone else sees them.
i state an opinion of my own. it may not be right but it's mine and i like it!
You're all cunts.

Stank fetid fecal cunts, the lot of you, and dumber than field dirt.

I think that covers it, really. Did I leave anything out? Oh, I know:

^^^ trolls.

I see several options are missing and conclude those options all must fit under "troll"
I'm working at avoiding debate, though not completely successfully. I state my opinions, and have never C&Pd.
The poster known as JackAssJIm is one of the top three useless fleshy appendages in history.
Get a cheese pizza and a nice bottle of red wine, sit back and enjoy, afterwards munch on some nice dark chocolate and think about cruising.
Well, I'm totally (snicker) logical. I cut and paste facts, if necessary, but post well reasoned argument that I type with one hand while fapping to right-clicked saved dolf photos. If someone argues with me, I argue back with a well reasononed (snicker snicker) argument, unless they call me a fucktard, then I respond by calling them a ignorant fucktard, while cleaning up with tissue.

I don't argue on the internet much, because it usually devolves:

The amount of love juice spilled in Dolf worship could fill a kiddie pool.
I enjoy a good debate, sadly, they are far and few between around here. The sheer volume of logical fallacies slung around here on a daily basis is absolutely incredible ("I sat next to a guy on a plane who said so-and-so, so your facts are irrelevant", "May 28th! May 28th!" <--vettefavorite.

The poor level of debate here is particularly excaberated by the members of the Literotica Debate Hall of Shame:

Ellie Talbot - routinely states her position (over and over), declares victory
kbate - treats debate like her classroom, routinely attempts to quash dissent, unilaterally declares victory
Byron in Exile - suspected autistic, has a meltdown when people do not agree with him, generally incapable of formulating a coherent argument.
Zipman - self-described "morally superior" debater with legendary "Jew Goggles", capable of excusing/rationalizing any and all egregious Israeli behavior.
I avoid debate, mostly because I'm too lazy to research the data to support my point and also because few people are honest. The first thing many people do is to re-state your position so that you first have to defend rather than attack.
You should have made it multiple choice. My answer(s) would be highly dependent on who I was responding to and what the subject is.

Usually, I sneak up on my opponent and tranquilize them. When they awaken, they find themselves bound to a chair, at which point I begin cutting pieces off of them until they pass out. Eventually, they regain consciousness and I repeat the process. After several iterations, I'll pull up a chair and explain that I have the power to make it all end at whatever point they decide to be reasonable. When they ask what that means, I say I have no fucking idea and start cutting them again.

Eventually, I win.