How do we end special demographic based history months?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
I've been waiting since I was a teenager for these unacceptably discriminatory "history months" to be eliminated, or at the very least, to have ALL major groups get a month.

I find the double standard where some groups get months while other groups are denied months to be so totally offensive and outrageous, that it literally causes me to feel physically ill sometimes. I want this double standard to END WITHIN MY LIFETIME. I'm now into my fourth decade on this earth, and there appears to be no end in sight to these illegitimate, discriminatory "history months."

What's the best strategy to end this divisive crap? A letter writing or e-mail campaign? Organize a mass internet based pressure movement via Twitter or Facebook? Mass rallies in the streets?
"made me physically ill" isn't anywhere near as funny as "ruined my life". That was solid gold.
I've been waiting since I was a teenager for these unacceptably discriminatory "history months" to be eliminated, or at the very least, to have ALL major groups get a month.

I find the double standard where some groups get months while other groups are denied months to be so totally offensive and outrageous, that it literally causes me to feel physically ill sometimes. I want this double standard to END WITHIN MY LIFETIME. I'm now into my fourth decade on this earth, and there appears to be no end in sight to these illegitimate, discriminatory "history months."

What's the best strategy to end this divisive crap? A letter writing or e-mail campaign? Organize a mass internet based pressure movement via Twitter or Facebook? Mass rallies in the streets?

Anyone can start a history month. Instead of feeling left out or discriminated against just start one of your own.
Whites will never be afforded official minority status. They are already an international minority right now.

Possibly, but if one truly believes their group is being discriminated against they aren't going to sit around and just whine about it either..I'm speaking generally. Not pointing fingers.
Lobby continually to have it treated in the same manner that we degraded words like racist.

Insist that every minority and condition be given a day, a week, a month, a year of until it reaches the point of saturation and no one pays any of it any import or attention. This is the same Cloward-Piven approach that the Left used to turn their Holy Day, May Day, into just May 1. Congress declares months and days for everything under the sun just so individuals can look important back at home.

Ergo let me begin, we need Lithuanian-American history week...
I myself will not be contented until the white half of my family officially gets a biannual spot on NPR, the White Power Hour...

A white history month would never see the light of day.

Except for January through December.

Suppose there was a month for "The Caucasian Experience in the Western Hemisphere." Would it start with Lief Erickson or Columbus? That would be cool, because they are already covered in history classes.

Just for fun, and not expecting any kind of an answer from a well educated white man, such as yourself, and assuming you endured the standard history curriculum, what would you include in a "White History Month"?
I cannot wait until my mother's side of the family gets a month...

We'll call it the White Power Hour too, just so the tribalists can feel better about explaining away their lack of effort to improve their station in life.

And Bronzie, we already teach white history every time we teach minority history because every single religion/cult/polity, even that of the state seems to need bad guys to explain why the tribal economics of the minorities cannot stand on their own legs every time they are tried, so the goto Golem is the White Man (or the Jew for white liberal men) and Capitalism.
President's day used to be only for you white trash folks.

You still have st patty day.
What's the best strategy to end this divisive crap? A letter writing or e-mail campaign? Organize a mass internet based pressure movement via Twitter or Facebook? Mass rallies in the streets?

Welp, I hear complaining and whining about how bad you have it as a white male in America on a porn/erotica board helps heaps.





Only libs call it all white.

We used to be taught about the first president of the Confederate States, the first man shot in the revolutionary war and men such as Frederick Douglass and George Washington Carver, but they were subsequently scrubbed in order to advance a fallacy, that traditional white America was racist and oppressive.

Drs. Williams and Sowell have written extensively about that process which turned the black community form self-reliant and educated to ignorant, dependent wards of the state by the same people who were able to fight oppression and deliver them a black history month.

Same with the Indian tribes. When we were in grade school, we were taught about all the area tribes, who they were, how they lived and where they came from, but by the time we got to high school and its new liberalized history, we were being taught all sorts of nonsense about history such as the greatness of FDR and how LBJ saved the black family...
First I've heard about the greatness of LBJ for saving the black family. I thought he was great for signing the civil rights act. Is this what you're referring to? Anyway both FDR and LBJ were both deeply flawed men who nevertheless did good things. That can be said for any of the presidents, regardless of party.
Great Society

If you succumb to the thinking fallacy of Broken Windows (Bastiat) and only examine the short-term intentions, then yes, they did good works, but when one goes a bit further into the lasting repercussions of the expanding ripples of unintended consequences, then not so much as if removing the black man from the household in order for black women and children to become locked into the government dependency designed to elevate them from poverty.

It did not work and it created generations of children without role models.

Again, Drs. Sowell and Williams have written extensively about the changes Liberal Social experimentation have made upon the black community. But visiting relatives on the reservation also taught me that lesson by direct observation.
Well, as it only takes about twenty minutes to learn everything about American history, I think there's room in the curriculum for a few non-white centric lessons.