How do they intend on getting rid of 6.5 billion people?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
The Georgia Guidestones state that the elites intend on ridding the planet of over 6,500,000,000 people, leaving only 500,000,000.

How are they going to pull this off? Biological weapons? Nuclear war?

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nuclear war probly..

i gota start building my own bunker haha

Nuclear war leaves large areas of land uninhabitable for extreme amounts of time. If the elites want the world to themselves, they must have access to all of it.
Nerve gas and biological warfare would be the two fasted ways to do it with out ruining the landscape. Well minus the big piles of bodies. Might need a wood chipper or something for that problem.
Nerve gas and biological warfare would be the two fasted ways to do it with out ruining the landscape. Well minus the big piles of bodies. Might need a wood chipper or something for that problem.

Nah, the grand canyon can handle that.
The Georgia Guidestones state that the elites intend on ridding the planet of over 6,500,000,000 people, leaving only 500,000,000.

How are they going to pull this off? Biological weapons? Nuclear war?

This is actually a very very good idea. I've long advocated a 90% reduction of global population.

It could possibly be achieved by a combination of methods, including aggressive and forced family planning policies such as China has tried to implement. Family planning is not inherently bad so long as it is made clear its not about "woman rights" (which it isn't) or other such hogwash but is in fact to benefit future generations of both sexes and the environmental condition of the planet.
This is actually a very very good idea. I've long advocated a 90% reduction of global population.

It could possibly be achieved by a combination of methods, including aggressive and forced family planning policies such as China has tried to implement. Family planning is not inherently bad so long as it is made clear its not about "woman rights" (which it isn't) or other such hogwash but is in fact to benefit future generations of both sexes and the environmental condition of the planet.

This doesn't affect me, I have no intentions of ever becoming a parent.
Today's global elites don't want a reduction in population. They need markets to exploit financially. The more people, the consumers to sell stuff to. They don't care if the masses starve so long as they buy new cell phones and big screen TVs.
Today's global elites don't want a reduction in population. They need markets to exploit financially. The more people, the consumers to sell stuff to. They don't care if the masses starve so long as they buy new cell phones and big screen TVs.

The corporate, political, and financial elites see us very much in the same way to how a scientist would look at bacteria through a microscope.

We are infinitely beyond sub-human in their eyes. They want us out of the way so they can have the whole world to themselves. They send us off to go fight and die in wars just to make them richer. Those of us who are left will be forced to work for them in excruciating slave-like conditions for the remainder of our lives.

Social Darwinism/eugenics/survival of the fittest is their religion. Eventually they want to take Hitler's brand of eugenics and forcibly implement it world-wide.
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