How Can We Get More "Ethnic" diversity on Literotica?


Dec 8, 2002
Today, for the first time I came across the "Pictures" section on the Literotica "Erotic Stories & Picture Index" webpage. Under the "Free Galleries of the Day", there was ONE gallery out of the 21 galleries listed which made a reference to Black people. Under the "Free Pictures of the Day", there was ONE category out of the 34 categories listed which made a reference to Black people.

On the other hand, the "Black Snake Action Shots" thread on the Amateur Pics Discussion Board HAS BEEN VIEWED 22,000 TIMES!!!!!!! Apparently there are a lot of other folks out there who want to see some Black action! This site's lack of attention to this need strikes me as being a glaring omission.

FACT: Some of us feel that there is an under-representation of PEOPLE OF COLOR in the gallery and pictures section of this website.

FACT: Viewership statistics seem to indicate a high level of interest in seeing pics and vids of people of color.

Much love and appreciation to all the white cocks and white tits floating around on this site, but there is a large subset (and possibly even a majority) of this website's users who would prefer to have more of a variety available to them.

My personal preference is to see more BLACK pics and vids. I would suggest that Literotica add two categories to the "Erotic Stories & Picture Index" Table of Contents:

1-"Free BLACK Pictures of the Day" containing approx. 30 sub-categories
2-"Free BLACK Galleries of the Day" containing approx. 20 sub-categories

Depending on viewer demand, Literotica might also reconsider it's lack of coverage of other ethnic groups. And if Literotica gets paid for each viewer it refers to these sites, then Literotica will get the added benefit of increased revenues.

Please note: the term "people of color" is typically used to refer to people of African, Hispanic or Asian descent and in the U.S., this term is often used interchangeably with the term "ethnic". Rather than trying to split hairs about what is or is not meant by the term "ethnic" or by the term "people of color", for the purposes of this particular posting, please limit your vote on preferences to these groups.

If you want more variety, please cast your vote by posting a response to this post. And don't forget to DESCRIBE WHAT TYPES OF PICTURE CATEGORIES YOU WOULD MOST LIKE TO SEE (Cumshots, Anal, Oral, Cocks, Tits, etc., etc.) . I will copy this posting over to the "Amateur Pictures" and the "BDSM" Boards so that others can be made aware of this issue. Keep on casting your votes until a change is made.

Thanks for your support!

Peace & Luv,
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One point for you to consider in your campaign for "ethnic diversity" -- the free galleries here at Lit are advertising teasers for pay sites and are, in part, how Literotic is funded. The ethnic diversity of those link are dependent on who will pay to have Literotica post them.

I love exotic looking women.....asians are very good....i love beautiful indian women as well. I would also love to see some thick bootied black women, i also love interacial picks, white men with black or some other ethnic women
I love to look (and whatever else my old bones can manage) at beautiful women too. I couldn't give a rat's ass what race, religion, breed, genus, nationality or anything else - if they are attractive, I enjoy.

I'm not sure how to get more input from ethnics in here. We could try kidnapping. Seriously. It's like people who complain that police forces don't or rather, WON'T, hire minorities. Mostly BS these days. They just don't apply. I mean what sensible black guy would want to be on a police force in a big city these days? Ever notice there aren't a whole lot of black or oriental PILOTS out there? If they don't train and apply that may be the reason they are few in numbers in some careers.

If they don't come they won't contribute and they don't seem to be coming.
I don't think that's our fault tho.. and I don't know how to fix it.
I'm inclined to agree with Weird Harold & Mr. GGG here. If there were a larger profitable market for those kind of sites, then I think they'd be more prevalent. It's a market driven society!

You could take the initiative to try posting those kind of sites yourself & see what kind of response you'd get. There are many varying choices of things people want to see; if they really want to find a category whether it be race related, orientation based, or some other category I'm sure they'll find it.
Lust Engine said:
I'm inclined to agree with Weird Harold & Mr. GGG here. If there were a larger profitable market for those kind of sites, then I think they'd be more prevalent. It's a market driven society!

True, it's a market driven society and the percieved demographics of Literotica would appear to be "blonde." That does NOT equate to the market for ethnic diversity being unprofitable. In fact, I think there are probably as many "Japanese Schoolgirl" (pay) sites as there are any other single category.

There is a lot of ethnic diversity in internet porn sites. It's just that, however it's determined, the demographics of Literotica dont seem to attract those diverse sites to provide links to their free teaser pics.

FWIW, The link to the hourly teen pic of the day, leads to a half dozen other hourly photo links covering a wide range of race, age, and kink.

Start your own Forum post all the people of color you want. Maybe make it free of charge since that's the only way some people will post. Then when you run out of money because you can't afford the upkeep, start charging for posting/viewing privileges and you will soon have a duplicate of Literotica. Get it? It's the law of supply and demand, purely dependant on people's freedom of choice and freedom to associate with whomever they want. No big conspiracy here.:D
MR.GGG said:

It's like people who complain that police forces don't or rather, WON'T, hire minorities. Mostly BS these days. They just don't apply. I mean what sensible black guy would want to be on a police force in a big city these days? Ever notice there aren't a whole lot of black or oriental PILOTS out there? If they don't train and apply that may be the reason they are few in numbers in some careers.

If they don't come they won't contribute and they don't seem to be coming.
I don't think that's our fault tho.. and I don't know how to fix it.

Mr. GGG:
I very much appreciate your input. Please read my response below and let me know what you think.

I will use sports as a metaphor to help illustrate my point. Until the last few years, there were almost no Black quarterbacks in the National Football League. The reason for this was because most Black players who wanted either a college football scholarship or who aspired to a pro-football career knew that their football career would end as of high school graduation if they were playing in the quarterback position. They were made aware of this fact in one of two ways:

1) If a high school coach had a Black player with A+ quarterbacking skills but only B- running back skills, the coach would promote the player to the college recruiters as a running back because college & NFL teams in general refused to turn over the high-profile leadership position of quarterback to Black players.

2) The other way that Black players knew they should steer clear of the quarterback position is through simple observation: Out of all the talented Black quarterbacks from phenomenally successful football programs such as Grambling State, etc. etc., almost none had ever gone on to quarterback a professional team. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that quarterbacking was not a viable career option for a Black player.

No NFL organization stated outright that quarterback positions can only be filled by whites. Black athletes actually CHOSE to withdraw from the competition for quarterback positions because choosing to try for the quarterback position was almost always a suicide mission for a Black player. If the Black player chose to become proficient at one of the less powerful team positions, at least he would still have a chance at being drafted into the NFL. Our society created a set of circumstances where these athletes accepted the only logical choice available to them. The net result is that society can now excuse itself by saying: "It's not our fault that these men chose not to train and prepare themselves to assume these quarterback positions. We, as NFL recruiters, had no choice in the matter because the only people who applied to be quarterback were white". (And "Mr.GGG", isn't that simular to the point you made in your previous posting about the reason there are a lack of Black/Asian policemen and pilots???)

What I am trying to say is that there is always a reason when the numbers are "out of whack" (When the majority of the players are Black and none of the managers are; When the majority of a company's sales force is female but few of the managers are). So when we see these kinds of disparities, they should serve as a red flag, cautioning us that we need to look deeper into the situation to see where the real problem lies. In many cases, there is a systemic reason which is perpetuating the imbalance in these numbers simular to the system that resulted in the lack of black NFL Quarterbacks. (A question for you, Mr.GGG, referring to an issue raised in your post: If our society believes the myth that Asian men are, by their nature, too low-key & docile to be effective law enforcement officers or pilots, then are you proposing that Asians keep re-applying for these types of jobs while their children don't have food to eat?)

Regarding the issues you raised in your previous posting, Mr.GGG: There is one thing I know for sure; Females and Blacks are not simply deciding en masse that they would PREFER to have less power, less prestige and less money. Some other societal issues are at work here.

As you can see,Mr.GGG, I was intrigued by your message. Your feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Peace & Luv,
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Why in the hell does "color" always have to come up? who posted this? Jesse Jackson? Lott? Stromand Thurm?

Its not about color! Its about choice. The people, see, do and think what they want to regardless of race, color or ethnic background. Its about choice!

If the asians want to take the lead, on a subject, take it. If the Indians want to take a role, go for it.

If people would stop worring why their ethnic background was not in the lead and "take the lead", then 1/2 of the problem would be solved.

Remeber this phrase:

brnsuga said:
In many cases, there is a systemic reason which is perpetuating the imbalance in these numbers simular to the system that resulted in the lack of black NFL Quarterbacks.

Regarding the issues you raised in your previous posting, Mr.GGG: There is one thing I know for sure; Females and Blacks are not simply deciding en masse that they would PREFER to have less power, less prestige and less money. Some other societal issues are at work here.

By automatically segregating a segment, aren't we perpetuating this imbalance?

And while I don't deny that there are other lingering societal ills at work, isn't the majority of people who are into pornography males? And if the majority of males prefer one type of porn over others, it doesn't invalidate any of the power or the lack thereof by women. Seeing as how women in prn are paid MORE than their male counterparts, I'd say it's the opposite!

I still think it's a market driven society we live in. Until you can appeal to the MASS market, your request for an ethnically diverse porn site (while still very valid) will be to a niche audience.