How Can I?

Jan 11, 2003
Hey did anyone ever get there dick or pussy licked by a cat....if so share your expierence.

Also do you guys have any ideas of how I could get my cat to lick to dick....thanks!
Do a Lit search...there was just a discussion on this the other day...I guess mayo or peanut butter works pretty well.
Well ... it is a 'how to'.

But I cant believe anybody is that pathetic to resort to using a CAT for fucks sake to get off.

I've had my pussy licked by my two cats. I was tied up spread-eagle at the time and had no say in the matter, but it happened. Nothing was put there to tempt them, they were just curious.
I couldn't hang with that BS!

One time i was on all fours in the floor, working on my computer with only underwear and housecoat on and this little bastard of a cat sneaks up and slaps me right in the balls with his claws!

My wife thought it was so funny.
She was still laughing when i dropkicked the little fucker over the fence!:D
Totally gross and biased

Why would u want a cat to lick ur dick? I though that was for girls. P.S. Why a cat? Why not a dog?
I have an obsessive-compulsive cat who doesn't feel her day is complete unless she's licked you extensively somewhere. Having had my hands arms, face, shoulders, ankles, knees, back and stomach licked by her at one time or another, there is no way in the world this pussy's getting near mine. Cats' tongues have varying degrees of roughness, and Zandra's is extreme.

I don't advise it.
I blame early weaning. I had another cat who was a confirmed clothsucker. He would nestle his face down into a castoff garment and later on, there it would be covered with little suckmarks.