How can I erase my own thread?


Professional Dufus
Jul 14, 2001
Okey dokey, so I made lame post on the GB ( My lameness in all it's glory ), and would like to delete it now since it serves no purpose and is out of place. Every time I try to though (edit -> click Delete Post box and click Delete Now button), it tells me I don't have access to do that. Is this something I have to alert an administrator to do, or would it be better to let it fall into obscurity?
You are best off to just let it slide into obscurity. Only administrators have the ability to delete threads, and while I've seen it done before, it is usually for a valid reason - such as some one could be injured by what was posted there. If it is on the GB, give it a couple of days and it will wind up on page 9 in no time.
SexyChele said:
If it is on the GB, give it a couple of days and it will wind up on page 9 in no time.

And anything on page 9 on the General Board might as well be the Alcatraz of Lit. Outta sight, outta mind.
The thread itself can't be deleted, but your post can.

Just go to your post and click "edit," then delete the body of your post and replace it with a period, comma, or emoticon of your choice!

Voila, your words are gone!
alexandraaah said:
The thread itself can't be deleted, but your post can.

Just go to your post and click "edit," then delete the body of your post and replace it with a period, comma, or emoticon of your choice!

Voila, your words are gone!

I'm going to quote you on that.

flawed_ethics said:
Every time I try to though (edit -> click Delete Post box and click Delete Now button), it tells me I don't have access to do that. Is this something I have to alert an administrator to do, or would it be better to let it fall into obscurity?

You can request that the adminstrator's delete the thread, but they probably won't -- Deleting the first post of a thread deletes the entire thread and subtracts the posts from anyone who replied to it.

For most of us that's no big deal, but people struggling to escape Lit virginity or get an avatar usually howl when posts disappear from their total.

Ignore the thread and hope everyone else does too.
Huh? Thread? What thread??

In the great words of Gary Coleman...

"Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?!!"
